13. Eligibility ( 仂 仄亳) CEE (Central and Eastern Europe) Eastern European Countries (be careful!) CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) 弌 / 弌 EECA (Eastern Europe and Central Asia) Post-soviet states/countries/republics Council of Europe (COE) Member States From all over the world
20. Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Architecture, urban and regional planning Art and design Business Studies, management science Communication and information sciences Education, teacher training Engineering, technology Geography, earth and environmental studies Health sciences Humanities Languages and philological sciences Law Mathematics, informatics Natural sciences Social and cultural sciences, economics >> List of all Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses
21. Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Communication and information sciences Engineering, technology Health sciences Humanities Law Mathematics, informatics Natural sciences Social and cultural sciences, economics >> List of all Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates
26. Study in Germany web-links University guides, grants/scholarships, living in Germany, news, FAQs, links etc. www.daad.de ; www.campus-germany.de University addresses, degree programmes, doctorates etc. www.higher-education-compass.de University ranking www.university-ranking.de Science and research in Germany www.bmbf.de ; www.research-in-germany.de
41. Study in Austria web-links sterreichischer Austauschdienst http://www.oead.at http://www.grants.at http://www.scholarships.at http://www.study-in-austria.at (Russian)
43. Study in France web-links http://ukraine-campusfrance.org http://www.audesf.org.ua http://ambafrance-ua.org/france_ukraine/spip.php?article1421#BoursesThese
45. Study in the Netherlands Maastricht University OSI Scholarships Huygens Scholarship Program It is aimed at talented students who want to come to the Netherlands in the final phase of their bachelors studies or during their masters studies .
48. Visby Program - masters level studies Study areas: Business administration and management Democracy/human rights/gender issues Economics and finance, engineering Environmental studies/management European studies Information and communication technology Law Life sciences Media and journalism Spatial/urban planning Real estate management
49. Visby Program - PhD and post-doctoral studies Postdoctoral research - postdoctoral research long-term visit (6 or 12 months) for holders of a PhD degree. PhD studies two different models of applying. 1) One long-term visit (either 6 or 12 months) as part of PhD studies. 2) Sandwich model (several shorter visits) - maximum 12 months over three years, divided into a maximum of two research visits per year. Students (undergraduate and master level) in Swedish language and literature the油 eligible scholarship period is 1 or 2 semesters.
50. Study in Sweden web-links http://www.studyinsweden.se www.si.se www.migrationsverket.se www.swedenintouch.se
55. Study in Greece web-links http://greece.kiev.ua/page735.html http://www.onassis.gr http://www.ypepth.gr/en_ec_category1126.htm
56. Central European University (CEU) Budapest, Hungary Postgraduate Degree studies Non-degree studies Research visits Summer schools >> http://www.ceu.hu
58. Slovakia - National Scholarship Program of the Slovak Republic Scholarships for foreign university students (enrolled at least in the 6th semester) to take part in Master study over a period of 1 to 2 semesters (from 5 to 10 months) at Slovak universities. Scholarships for foreign PhD students to take a part of PhD study over a period of 1 to 12 months at Slovak universities or research institutes. Scholarships for foreign university teachers and researchers over a period of 1 to 12 months to carry out teaching or research at Slovak universities, research institutes or nongovernmental organisations on the basis of an invitation. >> http://www.scholarships.sk
59. Tartu University Scholarships, Estonia 仂亞舒仄仄 仄舒亞亳舒 (仗亠仗仂亟舒于舒仆亳亠 仆舒 舒仆亞仍亳亶从仂仄): 弌亠仄亳仂亳从舒 仆亢亠仆亠亳 仗仂亞舒仄仄仆仂亞仂 仂弍亠仗亠亠仆亳 仂仄仗ム亠仆舒 弍亠亰仂仗舒仆仂 亳从仍舒亟仆舒 亳亰仄亠亳亠仍仆舒 仆舒从舒 (仄亠仂仍仂亞亳) 舒亠亳舒仍 亳 仗仂亠 于仂亰仂弍仆仂于仍磳仄仂亶 仆亠亞亠亳从亳 舒亰于亳亳亠 亳 仗舒于仍亠仆亳亠 仍亞舒仄亳 仗舒
63. USA Study Programs Fulbright Program Global UGRAD Undergraduate Exchange Program (UEP) Capital Semester Muskie Scholarship 仂亞舒仄亳 舒从舒亟亠仄仆仂亞仂 舒 仗仂亠亶仆仂亞仂 仂弍仄仆 (仂仂仍于仂 弌丿 于 丕从舒仆)
64. Fulbright Program 弌亳仗亠仆亟 亟仍 仆舒于舒仆仆 仆舒 仄舒亠从仂仄 于仆 于 仆于亠亳亠舒油 弌丿 Fulbright Graduate Student Program 弌亳仗亠仆亟 亟仍 仆舒于舒仆仆 于油 舒仗舒仆 于油 仆于亠亳亠舒 弌丿 International Fulbright Science and Technology Ph.D. Program 舒仆亳油 亟仍 仗仂于亠亟亠仆仆 仆舒从仂于亳 亟仂仍亟亢亠仆 于 仆于亠亳亠舒 弌丿 Fulbright Scholar Program
65. Global UGRAD The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) provides opportunities for current first-, second-, and third-year undergraduate students to spend one academic year of non-degree study in a US university or community college. All fellows will: Attend classes full-time for one academic year; Perform a minimum of 20 hours of community service in their host city during the first semester; and Complete a part-time internship during their second semester.
67. Undergraduate Exchange Program (UEP) One year of non-degree academic studies in the United States Applicants must currently be enrolled as a second-year student at a university in their home country to be eligible. *Applicants from Ukraine must be studying in the regions of Dnipropetrovsk , Donetsk , Kharkiv , Kherson, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Odessa , Poltava, Sumy, or Zaporizhia to be eligible.
68. Capital Semester in Washington D.C. Designed for undergraduate students interested in U.S. politics, American government and journalism, Capital Semester serves as a great way to kick-off your career in politics, journalism, lobbying, government, or the nonprofit sector. Fall 2010: August 28 - December 11, 2010 Spring 2011: January 12 - April 30, 2011 Fall 2011: August 24 - December 10, 2011
69. The Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program (Muskie) The Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program (Muskie) provides opportunities for Masters level study in the United States. Fellows will: Enroll in fulltime academic coursework for up to two years Create and implement a project during the first academic year that benefits the local community. Take part in internships following academic coursework.
71. Study in the USA web-links http://www.usastudyguide.com http://www.study-us.info http://kiev.usembassy.gov/educult_ukr.html http://www.fulbright.org.ua http://irex.ua (UGRAD, Muskie) UEP link (Undergraduate Exchange Program) Capital Semester More Scholarship Programs (Open Society Institute)
72. Canada Sauve Scholars Program (academic year ; Montr辿al, Canada ) http://www.sauvescholars.org In addition to the academic component, the nine-month Program includes: seminars with prominent figures from the world of politics, business, media, philanthropy and the arts participation in academic, cultural, recreational and sports events group trips to Canadian cities or regions of special interest professional development workshops
74. Scholarships to Study in Australia Almost every university offers scholarships to study in Australia. However, most scholarships to study in Australia are granted merely for postgraduate and PhD degrees . http://study-australia.com.au/scholarships-to-study-in-australia.html
75. Study in Australia web-links Griffith University Scholarship ( www.dec-edu.com ) http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au http://www.study-in-australia.org http://study-australia.com.au
79. Opportunities for Artists Theoretical, research studies Applied programs Fellowship (e.g. at a museum)
80. Volunteering EVS European Voluntary Service http://ec.europa.eu/youth/youth-in-action-programme/doc82_en.htm http://yia.org.ua SCI - Service Civil International www.workcamps.info Atlas Service Corps http://atlascorps.org SVIT-Ukraine http://www.svit-ukraine.org
81. Internships 亢仆舒仂亟仆 仂亞舒仆亰舒 (CUPP, Deutscher Bundestag, Council of Europe, World Bank, UN etc) >> highly competitive 仂仄仗舒仆 ELSA AIESEC