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10 questions for Cindy Redding
Vice President, Human Resources,
The Mosaic Company
The Mosaic Company, based in Minnesota, is the worlds
leading producer of two primary crop nutrients. Corporate
Responsibility magazine recognized Mosaic as one of the
worlds 100 Best Corporate Citizens in 2010.
Cindy Redding
Vice President,
Human Resources,
The Mosaic Company
Mosaic recently made a commitment to
promoting environmental sustainability. What
kind of operational changes are involved, and how
are employees tied in?
Redding: Sustainability is a core value at Mosaic,
and our commitment to this value affects every
aspect of our operations. It defines how we mine,
manufacture and distribute our products; how we interact
with the communities where we live and work; how we
protect the environment; and our ability to provide a safe
workplace. Through the combined effort of Mosaic teams
around the world, we have been successful in reducing
emissions, recycling water, reclaiming land that we mine
and protecting threatened species  all while providing
farmers with essential crop nutrients to grow food. The
ideas and innovations that come from our employees
help us build a sustainable business for the future.
How does your organization connect community
involvement to employee engagement?
Redding: Through employees sense of accom-
plishment. Mosaic has operations in the commu-
nities where our employees live and work, where their
children go to school and where significant community
needs exist. Many Mosaic employees are long-tenured
and have deep roots in their communities; they want
their communities to thrive and grow. We have many
employees engaged in corporate philanthropic giving,
volunteerism and support of local organizations. They
are active in various initiatives, such as local United
Way campaigns; Habitat for Humanity; the Mosaic
Heart Centre at Regina, Saskatchewan; the Mosaic
Coastal Education Center near Tampa, Florida; and the
Mosaic Village Project in India, Africa and Guatemala,
which helps farmers improve crop yields.
As the vice president of Human Resources for a
global company, which people practices do you
feel are most significant in terms of ROI?
Redding: The greatest return comes from hiring
and retaining the best and the brightest  the
employees who take capability to ever-increasing
levels, achieve the seemingly unachievable and set
a higher competitive standard for the rest of the
organization. Increasing the quality-of-hire also directly
and exponentially drives revenue performance and
competitive advantage. A high return on investment
also comes by effectively managing the talent through
solid on-boarding, performance management, develop-
ment and succession planning processes. Those
processes identify and develop high potentials, those
with critical skills and key successors. Finally, theres
our approach to total rewards. Once we have identified
our key performers, effectively recognizing, rewarding
and differentiating top talent is key to high retention,
solid engagement and our long-term success.
What are the top three human capital challenges
facing your organization?
Redding: The first is attracting and retaining
top talent in remote locations and areas where
critical and highly specialized talent is scarce. The
second is achieving the highest levels of health and
safety performance in all areas of our global operations.
And the third is developing and deploying our People
Leaders (our term for people managers at our organiza-
tion) to be highly effective managers, while simultane-
ously capturing and transferring knowledge from
senior, experienced employees to the new generation
of employees.
What is Mosaics approach to talent
Redding: Over the past two years, our primary
focus has been on establishing a global perfor-
mance management process that includes scaled
competencies, as well as individual and team goals,
to emphasize that what gets done is as important
as how it gets done. We conduct global talent
reviews and calibration sessions to inventory our
talent and enhance succession planning. We work
to improve People Leaders effectiveness through
enhanced training and development and by strengthen-
ing individual competencies. And we host an annual
Leadership Forum for the top 130 Mosaic Strategic
Leaders around the world to help them internalize
the leadership competencies, understand the state
of the business and network with other Mosaic
strategic leaders.
Q How do you see your talent management
programs evolving?
Redding: In the coming year, our focus will be on
implementing our global learning strategy, which
supports the talent management agenda with a compre-
hensive curriculum. Well also be implementing a
learning management system and expanding the existing
talent management programs.
Q How do you define success for each employee?
Redding: When an employee is proud to work for
Mosaic, finds a sense of accomplishment in what
they do, feels fairly treated and compensated for their
contributions, and feels they have a long-term career and
future opportunities with Mosaic. When employees are
excited about the organization, theyre more likely to go
the extra mile and get good results  which drives both
individual and team success.
How do you connect your organizations business
strategy with your people strategy?
Redding: The first of Mosaics five business
strategic priorities is Invest in People. We
intentionally put it first, to emphasize the importance
of the people side of our business. This enables HR to
drive the most important and high-impact elements of
our talent management strategies and helps define
the right culture. Another strategic priority is Innova-
tion and Operational Excellence. This has enabled HR
to develop an HR operating model that outsources
non-strategic HR work, supports global technology
capabilities and establishes a strong foundation from
which to launch our HR programs. Mosaic HR can now
spend more time on the business needs and become
stronger business partners. Over time, the business
needs change and our people practices evolve, so
we continuously assess both to ensure the people
strategy stays aligned with the business strategy.
A high return on investment comes by
effectively managing talent through solid
on-boarding, performance management,
development and succession planning.
Copyright 息 2010 Towers Watson. All rights reserved.
About Towers Watson
Towers Watson is a leading global professional services
company that helps organizations improve performance through
effective people, risk and financial management. With 14,000
associates around the world, we offer solutions in the areas
of employee benefits, talent management, rewards, and risk and
capital management.
Q How can a VPHR make an important impact on an
organizations business strategy?
Redding: By having the right HR programs, process-
es, policies and systems in place to efficiently and
effectively support our People Leaders in attracting,
retaining, motivating, rewarding and developing our
talent. By ensuring that the HR strategy stays aligned
with the business strategies and business partner
needs, and proactively changing when conditions warrant
change. And by understanding the business and industry,
anticipating global market conditions, identifying growth
opportunities, and then forecasting and anticipating the
people-related implications.
Q What was your career progression before serving
as Mosaics VPHR?
Redding: Prior to Mosaic, I worked at MDU
Resources, a natural resources organization
headquartered in Bismarck, North Dakota, where I
served as VPHR for almost 5 years. Prior to MDUR, I
had several great HR career opportunities in multiple
capacities  domestic and international  at Sonoco
Products Company, Abbott Laboratories and Amoco
Corporation. Ive lived in six states and relocated 14
times with my family!

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Towers Watson Spotlight CCR Nov 2010

  • 1. 10 questions for Cindy Redding Vice President, Human Resources, The Mosaic Company The Mosaic Company, based in Minnesota, is the worlds leading producer of two primary crop nutrients. Corporate Responsibility magazine recognized Mosaic as one of the worlds 100 Best Corporate Citizens in 2010. Spotlight Cindy Redding Vice President, Human Resources, The Mosaic Company Q Mosaic recently made a commitment to promoting environmental sustainability. What kind of operational changes are involved, and how are employees tied in? A Redding: Sustainability is a core value at Mosaic, and our commitment to this value affects every aspect of our operations. It defines how we mine, manufacture and distribute our products; how we interact with the communities where we live and work; how we protect the environment; and our ability to provide a safe workplace. Through the combined effort of Mosaic teams around the world, we have been successful in reducing emissions, recycling water, reclaiming land that we mine and protecting threatened species all while providing farmers with essential crop nutrients to grow food. The ideas and innovations that come from our employees help us build a sustainable business for the future. Q How does your organization connect community involvement to employee engagement? A Redding: Through employees sense of accom- plishment. Mosaic has operations in the commu- nities where our employees live and work, where their children go to school and where significant community needs exist. Many Mosaic employees are long-tenured and have deep roots in their communities; they want their communities to thrive and grow. We have many employees engaged in corporate philanthropic giving, volunteerism and support of local organizations. They are active in various initiatives, such as local United Way campaigns; Habitat for Humanity; the Mosaic Heart Centre at Regina, Saskatchewan; the Mosaic Coastal Education Center near Tampa, Florida; and the Mosaic Village Project in India, Africa and Guatemala, which helps farmers improve crop yields.
  • 2. Q As the vice president of Human Resources for a global company, which people practices do you feel are most significant in terms of ROI? A Redding: The greatest return comes from hiring and retaining the best and the brightest the employees who take capability to ever-increasing levels, achieve the seemingly unachievable and set a higher competitive standard for the rest of the organization. Increasing the quality-of-hire also directly and exponentially drives revenue performance and competitive advantage. A high return on investment also comes by effectively managing the talent through solid on-boarding, performance management, develop- ment and succession planning processes. Those processes identify and develop high potentials, those with critical skills and key successors. Finally, theres our approach to total rewards. Once we have identified our key performers, effectively recognizing, rewarding and differentiating top talent is key to high retention, solid engagement and our long-term success. Q What are the top three human capital challenges facing your organization? A Redding: The first is attracting and retaining top talent in remote locations and areas where critical and highly specialized talent is scarce. The second is achieving the highest levels of health and safety performance in all areas of our global operations. And the third is developing and deploying our People Leaders (our term for people managers at our organiza- tion) to be highly effective managers, while simultane- ously capturing and transferring knowledge from senior, experienced employees to the new generation of employees. Q What is Mosaics approach to talent management? A Redding: Over the past two years, our primary focus has been on establishing a global perfor- mance management process that includes scaled competencies, as well as individual and team goals, to emphasize that what gets done is as important as how it gets done. We conduct global talent reviews and calibration sessions to inventory our talent and enhance succession planning. We work to improve People Leaders effectiveness through enhanced training and development and by strengthen- ing individual competencies. And we host an annual Leadership Forum for the top 130 Mosaic Strategic Leaders around the world to help them internalize the leadership competencies, understand the state of the business and network with other Mosaic strategic leaders. Q How do you see your talent management programs evolving? A Redding: In the coming year, our focus will be on implementing our global learning strategy, which supports the talent management agenda with a compre- hensive curriculum. Well also be implementing a learning management system and expanding the existing talent management programs. Q How do you define success for each employee? A Redding: When an employee is proud to work for Mosaic, finds a sense of accomplishment in what they do, feels fairly treated and compensated for their contributions, and feels they have a long-term career and future opportunities with Mosaic. When employees are excited about the organization, theyre more likely to go the extra mile and get good results which drives both individual and team success. Q How do you connect your organizations business strategy with your people strategy? A Redding: The first of Mosaics five business strategic priorities is Invest in People. We intentionally put it first, to emphasize the importance of the people side of our business. This enables HR to drive the most important and high-impact elements of our talent management strategies and helps define the right culture. Another strategic priority is Innova- tion and Operational Excellence. This has enabled HR to develop an HR operating model that outsources non-strategic HR work, supports global technology capabilities and establishes a strong foundation from which to launch our HR programs. Mosaic HR can now spend more time on the business needs and become stronger business partners. Over time, the business needs change and our people practices evolve, so we continuously assess both to ensure the people strategy stays aligned with the business strategy. A high return on investment comes by effectively managing talent through solid on-boarding, performance management, development and succession planning.
  • 3. Copyright 息 2010 Towers Watson. All rights reserved. NA-2010-17863 towerswatson.com About Towers Watson Towers Watson is a leading global professional services company that helps organizations improve performance through effective people, risk and financial management. With 14,000 associates around the world, we offer solutions in the areas of employee benefits, talent management, rewards, and risk and capital management. Q How can a VPHR make an important impact on an organizations business strategy? A Redding: By having the right HR programs, process- es, policies and systems in place to efficiently and effectively support our People Leaders in attracting, retaining, motivating, rewarding and developing our talent. By ensuring that the HR strategy stays aligned with the business strategies and business partner needs, and proactively changing when conditions warrant change. And by understanding the business and industry, anticipating global market conditions, identifying growth opportunities, and then forecasting and anticipating the people-related implications. Q What was your career progression before serving as Mosaics VPHR? A Redding: Prior to Mosaic, I worked at MDU Resources, a natural resources organization headquartered in Bismarck, North Dakota, where I served as VPHR for almost 5 years. Prior to MDUR, I had several great HR career opportunities in multiple capacities domestic and international at Sonoco Products Company, Abbott Laboratories and Amoco Corporation. Ive lived in six states and relocated 14 times with my family!