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The complete terms are in an offering plan available from the sponsor No. CD12-0088; Co-Exclusive TOWN New Development and Dolly Lenz Real Estate, LLC
F o u n d e d i n 2 0 1 0 , T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l i s
N e w Y o r k ¡¯ s l e a d i n g l u x u r y r e a l e s t a t e
s e r v i c e s f i r m c r e a t e d t h r o u g h t h e
p a r t n e r s h i p o f i n d u s t r y i c o n s A n d r e w
H e i b e r g e r a n d J o s e p h S i t t . A n i n t e g r a l
p a r t o f t h e N e w Y o r k r e a l e s t a t e
l a n d s c a p e, T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l s p e c i a l i z e s
i n l u x u r y r e s i d e n t i a l s a l e s ; l e a s i n g ; a n d
t h e m a r k e t i n g , s a l e s a n d l e a s i n g o f n e w
T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l ¡¯ s h a l l m a r k b e s t - i n - c l a s s
s e r v i c e h a s e s t a b l i s h e d a n e w s t a n d a r d
o f e x c e l l e n c e w i t h i n t h e i n d u s t r y. A t a l l
p r i c e - p o i n t s, T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l implements
a hand-crafted approach to the marketing o f
s a l e a n d l e a s i n g p r o p e r t i e s w i t h u n r i v a l e d
d i s t r i b u t i o n o n l i n e a n d i n p r i n t ; t h r o u g h
p r e s s a n d e v e n t s ; a n d i n d u s t r y s y n d i c a t i o n .
W e r e c o g n i z e t h a t t h e c o m m o n t h r e a d i n
e a c h a n d e v e r y t r a n s a c t i o n i s a c l i e n t
w h o n e e d s : e x c e p t i o n a l c u s t o m e r
s e r v i c e , t r a n s p a r e n c y o f i n f o r m a t i o n ,
u n p a r a l l e l e d m a r k e t k n o w l e d g e , a n d
u n r i v a l e d p r o f e s s i o n a l g u i d a n c e
t h r o u g h o u t t h e p r o c e s s . O u r c o m m i t m e n t
t o e x c e l l e n c e i s f e l t a t e v e r y t o u c h - p o i n t
a n d s h i n e s t h r o u g h e v e r y s u c c e s s f u l
t r a n s a c t i o n .
CEO and Co-Chairman
As the Founder of TOWN
Residential, Andrew has been
the driving force behind the
company¡¯s business strategy
and long-term vision. Under
Andrew¡¯s thoughtful leader-
ship, the company has grown
to ten offices with more than
640 professionals. Andrew
has founded and served as
CEO of several success-
ful companies, including
Buttonwood Development, a
Manhattan-based real estate
development firm; and Citi
Habitats, one of Manhattan¡¯s
largest residential brokerages.
President of Luxury Sales
Wendy, a highly respected
and innovative real estate
executive, played a significant
role in the foundation and
day-to-day implementation
of the TOWN Residential
brand and philosophy. Known
for her trademark win/
win philosophy, Wendy has
engineered some of New
York City¡¯s most historic deals
with creativity, professionalism
and integrity. Wendy takes
a hands-on approach to
management expertly leading
a highly skilled team with an
open door policy.
Executive Vice President
of Leasing
Itzy has been an
instrumental member of
TOWN Residential
leadership since the
company¡¯s inception,
influencing the culture
with her incredible energy,
enthusiasm, and expertise.
Itzy thrives on the challenge
and reward of managing
an unparalleled team and
mentoring the most talented
Representatives in the
business. Itzy understands
the demands of both agents
and clients alike; and always
addresses their respective
needs in the most caring,
professional manner.
Managing Director,
TOWN New Development
A thirty year veteran, Shlomi
is recognized industry-wide
for his professionalism,
integrity and in-depth market
knowledge. Shlomi¡¯s
unsurpassed track record
includes record-setting proj-
ects such as Olcott, Element,
the Laureate, and One Morn-
ingside Park on the West
Side; Merritt House on the
Upper East; and 15 Union
Square West, Reade57, and
Renwick Modern downtown,
in Union Square, TriBeCa,
and SoHo respectively.
Director of Operations
With a background in
accounting, Jacqueline
entered the real estate
industry in 2002. Since that
time, she has been exposed
to and left her mark on all
facets of the business from
the operational management
of condo conversions to the
creation of efficiencies in
TOWN Residential¡¯s day-to-
day operations. As Director
of Operations, Jacqueline
brings her invaluable
industry experience to
the oversight of several of
TOWN Residential¡¯s essential
departments including
Human Resources, Legal,
Facilities, Accounting, IT, and
By leveraging his skill sets
as both a former successful
retailer and his extensive
knowledge and experience
as a leader in the commercial
and residential development
industry, Joe offers a unique
and invaluable perspective
to TOWN Residential. Joe is
Co-Chairman of TOWN and
CEO of Thor Equities, which
specializes in value-added
investments in luxury mixed-
use urban developments,
hotels, shopping centers, and
residential developments in
the United States, Europe,
and Latin America with a $9
billion portfolio totaling more
than 18 million square feet.
Senior Vice President,
TOWN Marketing and Leasing
With more than 10 years
of experience, Anna¡¯s
expertise in new
development marketing,
sales and leasing, paired
with years of agent
experience, is rivaled by
few. She applies her keen
understanding of resident
needs and desires, broker
perspective, and client
objectives to best serve in
the new development,
conversion, and
repositioning of multifamily
assets on behalf of developer
clients and property owners.
Anna is currently leading the
efforts of a collective 1.5
million square feet of
residential property in New
York City.
Managing Director of
With over 15 years of
industry experience and
extensive knowledge of
technical development
and business operations,
Chris delivers unparalleled
value and indispensable
service while bridging
TOWN Residential¡¯s various
departments as Managing
Director of Technology.
Under his thoughtful
direction, TOWN Residential
provides Representatives
and clients with innovative
and comprehensive platform
that meets all technology,
listing and Representative
marketing needs.
Director of Human Resources
Under Christina¡¯s leadership,
TOWN Human Resources
department is committed
to providing effective
policies; procedures; and
people-friendly guidelines
and support that are closely
aligned with TOWN
Residential¡¯s mission,
vision, and values.
Director of Communications
Lori is a veteran of the real
estate industry with a passion
and enthusiasm for
crafting a great story. Lori is
responsible for the
development of ongoing
communication initiatives that
reinforce TOWN
Residential¡¯s position as an
industry leader through the
placement of trend-setting
stories, coverage of
innovative events, and
deployment of customized
campaigns for the
firm¡¯s properties and
A t t h e c o r e o f T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l ¡¯ s c u l t u r e
i s a t e a m o f p r o f e s s i o n a l s w h o p o s s e s s
unsurpassed industry knowledge and experience.
The winning formula and unique culture which has
brought TOWN Residential many of its accolades in the
residential real estate community ¡ª as a Best Firm to
Work For and one of the Top 50 Best Places to Work
in New York City ¡ª is a result of this top talent¡¯s
availability to every TOWN Representative. With
unrivaled support, TOWN¡¯s Representatives are
industry leaders who provide an unprecedented
level of service and expertise to the their
JeffDoder JulietClapp AriLeFauve MelissaVanDamm
RyanFitzpatrick KelleeBuhler
GarretLepaw HalGavzie ShariForrest LarryGoldblatt DanMarrello
KristinLucianoAminataSy JamesCorcoran LinaViviano SylviaAng
MichaelFalcone LisaMeyer BryonZapfDamien Parker
Managing Director
TOWN Astor Place
Managing Director
TOWN Fifth Avenue
TOWN Upper East Side
Managing Director
Managing Director
TOWN West Village
Sales &
Leasing Manager
TOWN Greenwich Village
Managing Director
TOWN Flatiron
Sales Director
TOWN Financial District
Sales Director
TOWN Gramercy
Leasing Director
TOWN Financial District
Leasing Director
TOWN Astor Place
Leasing Director
TOWN Flatiron
Leasing Manager
TOWN Astor Place
Marketing Manager In-House CounselProject Manager Director of Professional
Controller Listings Manager
Leasing Director
TOWN Gramercy
Leasing Coordinator
TOWN West Village
Director of Business
TOWN New Development
Sales & Leasing
TOWN Flatiron
Chief Statistician
Sales Coordinator
TOWN Fifth Avenue
Director of Marketing
TOWN New Development
Project Manager
New Development
GiaWilliams KarinRathje-Posthuma
Project Associate
TOWN Marketing
& Leasing
Director of Sales
TOWN New Development
Leasing Manager
TOWN Fifth Avenue
Leasing Manager
TOWN Upper East Side
730 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor
T: 212.242.9900
110 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor
T: 212.633.1000
88 Greenwich Street
T: 212.269.8888
446 West 14th Street, 2nd Floor
T: 212.604.0300
239 East 79th Street
T: 212.929.1400
337 West Broadway
T: 212.924.4200
530 LaGuardia Place
T: 212.557.5300
33 Irving Place
T: 212.557.6500
26 Astor Place
T: 212.584.6100
TOWN Residential Representatives have an intimate knowledge of
what defines each neighborhood ¨C from the unique properties that
exemplify the spirit and history of the area to the side street caf¨¦s,
boutiques and amenities that capture the local favor.
We know that in this town, our neighborhoods define us as much as
we define them.
To hone our Representatives¡¯ historical, property and market
knowledge, we offer a unique neighborhood certification program of
over twenty of New York¡¯s dynamic neighborhoods.
25 West 39th Street, 10th Floor
T: 212.398.9800
TOWN Residential¡¯s ten offices are conveniently located in the city¡¯s
most dynamic neighborhoods providing easy access to customers
and Representatives alike. At the heart of each office is TOWN Square
¨C a comfortable meeting place designed to foster collaboration and
networking among colleagues, clients and neighbors.
The complete terms are in an offering plan available from the sponsor No. CD 13-0001; Co-Exclusive TOWN New Development Sales & Marketing and Brown Harris Stevens Select, LLC.
Our Representatives are leaders in the industry
w h o a r e r e c o g n i z e d f o r t h e i r i n - d e p t h
m a r k e t k n o w l e d g e a n d delivery of best-in-
class customer service. From townhouses and
condominiums on the Upper West Side; to co-
ops on the Upper East Side; and luxury lofts
in S o H o a n d Tr i b e c a , T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l
R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s p o s s e s s v a s t e x p e r i e n c e
a n d e x p e r t i s e i n every type of property at
every price point. T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l b r i n g s
a customized approach to each individual sale
listing with a cutting edge marketing platform
that extends beyond traditional print and digital
T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s h a v e e x t e n s i v e
e x p e r i e n c e i n t h e l e a s i n g o f N e w Y o r k ¡¯ s l u x u r y
p r o p e r t i e s, w i t h many having helped transfor m the
i n d u str y t h r o u g h o u t t h e i r c a r e e r s. W i t h a p r o v e n
track record, TOWN Residential r e p r e s e n t s c o u n t l e s s
p r o p e r t y o w n e r s i n t h e m a r k e t i n g a n d l e a s i n g o f
t h e i r u n i t s. T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l ¡¯s e x p e r t i s e r a n g e s
f r o m t h e l e a s i n g o f a p a r t m e n t s f o r i n d i v i d u a l u n i t
o w n e r s t o l e a s i n g e n t i r e p r o p e r t i e s f o r s o m e o f t h e
m o s t p r o m i n e n t l a n d l o r d s i n N e w Yo r k . A s with sale
l i stings, TOWN Residential brings a p e r s o n a l i z e d
l e v e l o f m a r k e t i n g t h a t c a t e r s t o t h e s p e c i f i c
n e e d s o f each individual unit and property owner. By
consistently d e l i v e r i n g i m p r e s s i v e r e s u l t s, p r o p e r t y
o w n e r s c a n t r u s t t h a t t h e i r r e s i d e n c e s w i l l b e
l e a s e d a t t h e h i g h e s t p o s s i b l e p r i c e i n t h e s h o r t e s t
a m o u n t o f t i m e.
173 PERRY STREET - WEST VILLAGE 2 BR, 2.5 BATH WEB ID: 795681 $4.98 M
A s o u g h t - o u t s o u r c e o f m a r k e t
o b s e r v a t i o n s, T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l p r o d u c e s
a t r u s t e d c o l l e c t i o n o f m a r k e t r e p o r t s t h a t
a r e b a s e d o n c r e d i b l e d a t a a n d c l e a r- c u t
m e t h o d o l o g y.
The Aggregate? i s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e
s t u d y o f M a n h a t t a n c o n d o m i n i u m s,
c o o p e r a t i v e s a n d t o w n h o u s e s. R e l e a s e d
q u a r t e r l y, t h e r e p o r t c o m p a r e s t r a n s a c t i o n
v a l u e s q u a r t e r- o v e r- q u a r t e r a n d y e a r-
o v e r- y e a r, w h i l e p r o v i d i n g v a l u a b l e i n s i g h t
i n t o c u r r e n t t r e n d s a n d m a r k e t c o n d i t i o n s.
Economics at a Glance? supplements
The Aggregate? with monthly updates on
economic trends as they relate to the Manhattan
luxury real estate market and asset prices.
Tracking this data allows TOWN Residential t o
s h a r e k e y i n f o r m a t i o n t o e d u c a t e i t s
clients on current trends, clarifying activity in the New
York City marketplace.
Leasing Reports? provide monthly details
on leasing price points by neighborhood, and offer
insight into average pricing premiums based on
apartment size and building amenities. It is an essential
guide when initially exploring which neighborhoods
offer housing based on budget considerations.
All of our reports can be found on our website,
townrealestate.com, with regular market updates and
hyper-local statistics specific to what¡¯s happening in
each neighborhood.
TOWN New Development is a full-service division
focusing on all aspects of high-end new development
services, including: market research and analysis;
pre-development planning, branding, marketing,
advertising; and active sales operations.
The dynamic team is comprised of seasoned industry
leaders whose collective knowledge, experience and
expertise are unsurpassed. Valuable resources
include a unique and far-reaching network
of industry specialists who understand the
intricacies of new development, ranging from
architects and contractors to interior designers
and elite amenity providers. TOWN New
Development leverages these relationships for the
benefit of our clients and their developments, tailoring
the approach for each project and striving to maximize
value and other critical metrics.
As a division, TOWN New Development is intensely
focused on achieving the highest and best results
for our clients. With over $2 billion in sales and
leasing assignments, TOWN New Development has
established a track record of s u c c e s s b u i l t
u p o n a n a l l - e n c o m p a s s i n g understanding of
the market.
T OWN New Development
Sc o pe of Services:
? 159 W. 24th Street
? One Avenue B
(310 E. Houston Street)
? 1 Wall Street Court
? 53 Greene
? 66 E 11th Street
? 88 Greenwich Street
? 333 Rector Place
? 23 E. 22nd Street
? 333 E. 34th Street
? 15 Leonard Street
? 33 Vestr y Street
? 48 Laight Street
? 55 Warren Street
? The Charles (1355 First Avenue)
? 210 W. 96th Street
? 732 West End Avenue
? 325 W. 12th Street
? 385 W. 12th Street
? 22 N. 6th Street & 34 N. 7th Street
? The Laureate (2150 Broadway)
? 15USW (15 Union Square West)
? Reade57 (57 Reade Street)
? Renwick Moder n (22 Renwick Street)
? Apple Bank Condo (2112 Broadway)
? Merritt House (167 E. 82nd Street)
? Element (555 W. 59th Street)
? The Olcott (27 W. 72nd Street)
? Mercer Greene (92 Greene Street)
? Carriage House (159 W. 24th Street)
Sa l e s E xp e r i e n c e :
The complete terms are in an offering plan available from the sponsor. File No. CD 070661
? 640 Noho (640 Broadway)
? 53 Howard Street
? 1 West Street
? 1 Wall Street Court
? 1 Rector Park
? 163 Washington Avenue
? 90 Washington Avenue
? 100 John Street
? icon (306 W. 48th Street)
? The Grayson (247 E. 28th Street)
? 53 Pitt Street
? 15 William Street
? 245 W. 25th Street
? 324 Pleasant Avenue
? The Ashley (400 W. 63rd Stre et)
? 20 Exchange Place
? 496 Broadway
? Winder mere (666 West End Avenue)
? The Aldyn (60 Riverside Boulevard)
? Allen House (201 E. 71st Street)
? 11 Greene Street
? Mantena (431 W. 37th Street)
? 30-50 Astoria (30-50 21st Street)
? Packard Square North
(41-18 Crescent Street)
? 63 Wall Street
? 67 Wall Street
? 172 Montague Street
Leasing Experience:
With a commitment to professionalism,
integrity and excellence, TOWN Marketing and
Leasing focuses on ground up, converted and
repositioned multi-family assets. Our robust suite
of services includes research, product design
and development, branding and marketing, and
active leasing operations.
TOWN Marketing and Leasing¡¯s approach is both
comprehensive and collaborative. Our team of
experienced brokers, onsite agents and managers
with extensive backgrounds in pre-development
translate strategy into highly measurable action
plans that support a property¡¯s clearly defined
goals. We execute multiple efforts simultaneously
to maximize awareness and increase demand.
The results are simple. We lease the property
at the greatest possible value in the shortest
amount of time.
TO W N M a r ke ti n g a n d Le a si ng
Sc o p e o f Se r vi c e s:
Dean Dunbar - Town Corporate Brochure 2015
430 EAST 10TH STREET - EAST VILLAGE 4.5 BR, 3.5 BATH WEB ID: 303796 $3.998 M
156 WEST 13TH - TOWNHOUSE WEST VILLAGE 4 BR, 4.5 BATH WEB ID: 476638 $22.5 M
As the leading luxury real estate services firm
in New York, TOWN Residential plays an integral
part in the growth of our community. Our
Representatives see first-hand and exemplify
how inspired and thoughtful service can change
the spirit of our neighborhoods.
We have cultivated strategic partnerships and
fostered genuine personal relationships with
thought leaders, trendsetters and tastemakers.
TOWN is proud to support incredible organizations,
including but not limited to:
TOWN Attach¨¦ powered by Luxury Attach¨¦, New York¡¯s premier
lifestyle management firm, is an extension of TOWN
Residential¡¯s bespoke level of service. The accessibility and
convenience of the service is apparent the moment you
enter any TOWN Residential office, where you are greeted by
a dedicated professional concierge stationed at the front desk.
Committed to providing customized assistance to both our
clients and our Representatives, the concierges are a single
touch point implementing seamless, same-day turnaround
and personalization down to the very last detail.
With just one call, TOWN Attach¨¦ delivers a comprehensive
suite of lifestyle services from white-glove moving
coordination, in-home tailoring, beauty appointments and
custom closet installations; to unrivaled access to coveted
tables at new and noteworthy restaurants; plus luxury travel
and transport accommodations.
TOWN Attach¨¦ exemplifies our company¡¯s unwavering
commitment to raising the level of service in the real estate
TO W N A tta c h¨¦ Sc o p e o f Se r vi c e s:
? 2 4 H O U R O N - C A L L G R O U N D T R A N S P O R T A T I O N
T Creative is a first of its kind creative agency that focuses
on luxury real estate and real estate development clients
worldwide. Under the direction of branding guru David Lipman,
T Creative crafts a cohesive brand strategy and identity for
TOWN Residential and the TOWN New Development and
TOWN Marketing and Leasing portfolios.
T Creative¡¯s methodology is to effectively identify the ¡°DNA¡± of
a luxury asset, and to elevate and maximize its potential market
impact through a sweeping branding process.
Scope of Services:
The first of its kind,
full-service branding
& creative marketing
services agency
42 - 50 WOOSTER STREET SOHO 4 BR, 2.5 BATH WEB ID: 162072 $38,500 MONTHLY
TOWN Residential, LLC (¡°TOWN¡±) is a licensed real estate broker and a partnership of Buttonwood Residential Brokerage, LLC and Thor Equities, LLC. All property listing information, including, but not limited to, square footage, room
count, and number of bedrooms are from sources deemed reliable, but are subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, prior sale or withdrawal and should be verified by your own attorney, architect, engineer or zoning expert. This
is not intended to solicit property already listed. TOWN¡¯s owns the following subsidiary real estate brokerages: TOWN Astor Place LLC; TOWN Fifth Avenue LLC; TOWN Flatiron LLC; TOWN Gramercy Park LLC (¡°TOWN Gramercy¡±);
TOWN Greenwich Street LLC (¡°TOWN Financial District¡±); TOWN Greenwich Village LLC; TOWN Soho LLC; TOWN West Village LLC; or TOWN 79th Street LLC (¡°TOWN Upper East Side¡±).

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  • 2. 66 EAST 11TH STREET - PENTHOUSE GREENWICH VILLAGE 4 BR, 4.5 BATH WEB ID: 878353 $39.8 M The complete terms are in an offering plan available from the sponsor No. CD12-0088; Co-Exclusive TOWN New Development and Dolly Lenz Real Estate, LLC
  • 3. F o u n d e d i n 2 0 1 0 , T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l i s N e w Y o r k ¡¯ s l e a d i n g l u x u r y r e a l e s t a t e s e r v i c e s f i r m c r e a t e d t h r o u g h t h e p a r t n e r s h i p o f i n d u s t r y i c o n s A n d r e w H e i b e r g e r a n d J o s e p h S i t t . A n i n t e g r a l p a r t o f t h e N e w Y o r k r e a l e s t a t e l a n d s c a p e, T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l s p e c i a l i z e s i n l u x u r y r e s i d e n t i a l s a l e s ; l e a s i n g ; a n d t h e m a r k e t i n g , s a l e s a n d l e a s i n g o f n e w developments. T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l ¡¯ s h a l l m a r k b e s t - i n - c l a s s s e r v i c e h a s e s t a b l i s h e d a n e w s t a n d a r d o f e x c e l l e n c e w i t h i n t h e i n d u s t r y. A t a l l p r i c e - p o i n t s, T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l implements a hand-crafted approach to the marketing o f s a l e a n d l e a s i n g p r o p e r t i e s w i t h u n r i v a l e d d i s t r i b u t i o n o n l i n e a n d i n p r i n t ; t h r o u g h p r e s s a n d e v e n t s ; a n d i n d u s t r y s y n d i c a t i o n . W e r e c o g n i z e t h a t t h e c o m m o n t h r e a d i n e a c h a n d e v e r y t r a n s a c t i o n i s a c l i e n t w h o n e e d s : e x c e p t i o n a l c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e , t r a n s p a r e n c y o f i n f o r m a t i o n , u n p a r a l l e l e d m a r k e t k n o w l e d g e , a n d u n r i v a l e d p r o f e s s i o n a l g u i d a n c e t h r o u g h o u t t h e p r o c e s s . O u r c o m m i t m e n t t o e x c e l l e n c e i s f e l t a t e v e r y t o u c h - p o i n t a n d s h i n e s t h r o u g h e v e r y s u c c e s s f u l t r a n s a c t i o n . NEW YORK IS OUR TOWN
  • 4. AndrewHeiberger CEO and Co-Chairman As the Founder of TOWN Residential, Andrew has been the driving force behind the company¡¯s business strategy and long-term vision. Under Andrew¡¯s thoughtful leader- ship, the company has grown to ten offices with more than 640 professionals. Andrew has founded and served as CEO of several success- ful companies, including Buttonwood Development, a Manhattan-based real estate development firm; and Citi Habitats, one of Manhattan¡¯s largest residential brokerages. WendyMaitland President of Luxury Sales Wendy, a highly respected and innovative real estate executive, played a significant role in the foundation and day-to-day implementation of the TOWN Residential brand and philosophy. Known for her trademark win/ win philosophy, Wendy has engineered some of New York City¡¯s most historic deals with creativity, professionalism and integrity. Wendy takes a hands-on approach to management expertly leading a highly skilled team with an open door policy. ItzyGaray Executive Vice President of Leasing Itzy has been an instrumental member of TOWN Residential leadership since the company¡¯s inception, influencing the culture with her incredible energy, enthusiasm, and expertise. Itzy thrives on the challenge and reward of managing an unparalleled team and mentoring the most talented Representatives in the business. Itzy understands the demands of both agents and clients alike; and always addresses their respective needs in the most caring, professional manner. ShlomiReuveni Managing Director, TOWN New Development A thirty year veteran, Shlomi is recognized industry-wide for his professionalism, integrity and in-depth market knowledge. Shlomi¡¯s unsurpassed track record includes record-setting proj- ects such as Olcott, Element, the Laureate, and One Morn- ingside Park on the West Side; Merritt House on the Upper East; and 15 Union Square West, Reade57, and Renwick Modern downtown, in Union Square, TriBeCa, and SoHo respectively. JacquelinePestana Director of Operations With a background in accounting, Jacqueline entered the real estate industry in 2002. Since that time, she has been exposed to and left her mark on all facets of the business from the operational management of condo conversions to the creation of efficiencies in TOWN Residential¡¯s day-to- day operations. As Director of Operations, Jacqueline brings her invaluable industry experience to the oversight of several of TOWN Residential¡¯s essential departments including Human Resources, Legal, Facilities, Accounting, IT, and Marketing. LEADERSHIP
  • 5. JosephJ.Sitt Co-Chairman By leveraging his skill sets as both a former successful retailer and his extensive knowledge and experience as a leader in the commercial and residential development industry, Joe offers a unique and invaluable perspective to TOWN Residential. Joe is Co-Chairman of TOWN and CEO of Thor Equities, which specializes in value-added investments in luxury mixed- use urban developments, hotels, shopping centers, and residential developments in the United States, Europe, and Latin America with a $9 billion portfolio totaling more than 18 million square feet. AnnaZarro Senior Vice President, TOWN Marketing and Leasing With more than 10 years of experience, Anna¡¯s expertise in new development marketing, sales and leasing, paired with years of agent experience, is rivaled by few. She applies her keen understanding of resident needs and desires, broker perspective, and client objectives to best serve in the new development, conversion, and repositioning of multifamily assets on behalf of developer clients and property owners. Anna is currently leading the efforts of a collective 1.5 million square feet of residential property in New York City. ChrisReyes Managing Director of Technology With over 15 years of industry experience and extensive knowledge of technical development and business operations, Chris delivers unparalleled value and indispensable service while bridging TOWN Residential¡¯s various departments as Managing Director of Technology. Under his thoughtful direction, TOWN Residential provides Representatives and clients with innovative and comprehensive platform that meets all technology, listing and Representative marketing needs. ChristinaNguyen Director of Human Resources Under Christina¡¯s leadership, TOWN Human Resources department is committed to providing effective policies; procedures; and people-friendly guidelines and support that are closely aligned with TOWN Residential¡¯s mission, vision, and values. LoriLevin Director of Communications Lori is a veteran of the real estate industry with a passion and enthusiasm for crafting a great story. Lori is responsible for the development of ongoing communication initiatives that reinforce TOWN Residential¡¯s position as an industry leader through the placement of trend-setting stories, coverage of innovative events, and deployment of customized campaigns for the firm¡¯s properties and Representatives.
  • 6. A t t h e c o r e o f T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l ¡¯ s c u l t u r e i s a t e a m o f p r o f e s s i o n a l s w h o p o s s e s s unsurpassed industry knowledge and experience. The winning formula and unique culture which has brought TOWN Residential many of its accolades in the residential real estate community ¡ª as a Best Firm to Work For and one of the Top 50 Best Places to Work in New York City ¡ª is a result of this top talent¡¯s availability to every TOWN Representative. With unrivaled support, TOWN¡¯s Representatives are industry leaders who provide an unprecedented level of service and expertise to the their clients. COLLABORATIVE, INSIGHTFUL LEADERSHIP, with UNPARALLELED EXPERIENCE.
  • 7. JeffDoder JulietClapp AriLeFauve MelissaVanDamm JuliaMiller RyanFitzpatrick KelleeBuhler GarretLepaw HalGavzie ShariForrest LarryGoldblatt DanMarrello KristinLucianoAminataSy JamesCorcoran LinaViviano SylviaAng MichaelFalcone LisaMeyer BryonZapfDamien Parker MarcLewis Managing Director TOWN Astor Place Managing Director TOWN Fifth Avenue TOWN Upper East Side Managing Director TOWN SoHo Managing Director TOWN West Village Sales & Leasing Manager TOWN Greenwich Village Managing Director TOWN Flatiron Sales Director TOWN Financial District Sales Director TOWN Gramercy Leasing Director TOWN Financial District Leasing Director TOWN Astor Place Leasing Director TOWN Flatiron Leasing Manager TOWN Astor Place JaredCohen Marketing Manager In-House CounselProject Manager Director of Professional Development Controller Listings Manager Leasing Director TOWN Gramercy DeniseLeonetti Leasing Coordinator TOWN West Village Director of Business Development TOWN New Development YvettePolanco Sales & Leasing Coordinator TOWN Flatiron Chief Statistician JasonRiggs Sales Coordinator TOWN Fifth Avenue Director of Marketing TOWN New Development Project Manager TOWN New Development GiaWilliams KarinRathje-Posthuma Project Associate TOWN Marketing & Leasing Director of Sales Operations TOWN New Development BrennanZahler Leasing Manager TOWN Fifth Avenue BrettSolomon Leasing Manager TOWN Upper East Side
  • 8. TOWN FIFTH AVENUE 730 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor T: 212.242.9900 TOWN FLATIRON 110 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor T: 212.633.1000 TOWN FINANCIAL DISTRICT 88 Greenwich Street T: 212.269.8888 TOWN WEST VILLAGE 446 West 14th Street, 2nd Floor T: 212.604.0300 TOWN UPPER EAST SIDE 239 East 79th Street T: 212.929.1400 TOWN SOHO 337 West Broadway T: 212.924.4200 TOWN GREENWICH VILLAGE 530 LaGuardia Place T: 212.557.5300 TOWN GRAMERCY 33 Irving Place T: 212.557.6500 TOWN ASTOR PLACE 26 Astor Place T: 212.584.6100 TOWN Residential Representatives have an intimate knowledge of what defines each neighborhood ¨C from the unique properties that exemplify the spirit and history of the area to the side street caf¨¦s, boutiques and amenities that capture the local favor. We know that in this town, our neighborhoods define us as much as we define them. To hone our Representatives¡¯ historical, property and market knowledge, we offer a unique neighborhood certification program of over twenty of New York¡¯s dynamic neighborhoods. TOWN CORPORATE OFFICE 25 West 39th Street, 10th Floor T: 212.398.9800 OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. YOUR HOME. LOCATIONS TOWN Residential¡¯s ten offices are conveniently located in the city¡¯s most dynamic neighborhoods providing easy access to customers and Representatives alike. At the heart of each office is TOWN Square ¨C a comfortable meeting place designed to foster collaboration and networking among colleagues, clients and neighbors.
  • 10. 53 GREENE STREET - PENTHOUSE SOHO 3 BR, 4 BATH WEB ID: 476638 $14.05 M The complete terms are in an offering plan available from the sponsor No. CD 13-0001; Co-Exclusive TOWN New Development Sales & Marketing and Brown Harris Stevens Select, LLC.
  • 11. RESIDENTIALLUXURYSALES Our Representatives are leaders in the industry w h o a r e r e c o g n i z e d f o r t h e i r i n - d e p t h m a r k e t k n o w l e d g e a n d delivery of best-in- class customer service. From townhouses and condominiums on the Upper West Side; to co- ops on the Upper East Side; and luxury lofts in S o H o a n d Tr i b e c a , T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s p o s s e s s v a s t e x p e r i e n c e a n d e x p e r t i s e i n every type of property at every price point. T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l b r i n g s a customized approach to each individual sale listing with a cutting edge marketing platform that extends beyond traditional print and digital exposure. REDEFINING
  • 12. T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s h a v e e x t e n s i v e e x p e r i e n c e i n t h e l e a s i n g o f N e w Y o r k ¡¯ s l u x u r y p r o p e r t i e s, w i t h many having helped transfor m the i n d u str y t h r o u g h o u t t h e i r c a r e e r s. W i t h a p r o v e n track record, TOWN Residential r e p r e s e n t s c o u n t l e s s p r o p e r t y o w n e r s i n t h e m a r k e t i n g a n d l e a s i n g o f t h e i r u n i t s. T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l ¡¯s e x p e r t i s e r a n g e s f r o m t h e l e a s i n g o f a p a r t m e n t s f o r i n d i v i d u a l u n i t o w n e r s t o l e a s i n g e n t i r e p r o p e r t i e s f o r s o m e o f t h e m o s t p r o m i n e n t l a n d l o r d s i n N e w Yo r k . A s with sale l i stings, TOWN Residential brings a p e r s o n a l i z e d l e v e l o f m a r k e t i n g t h a t c a t e r s t o t h e s p e c i f i c n e e d s o f each individual unit and property owner. By consistently d e l i v e r i n g i m p r e s s i v e r e s u l t s, p r o p e r t y o w n e r s c a n t r u s t t h a t t h e i r r e s i d e n c e s w i l l b e l e a s e d a t t h e h i g h e s t p o s s i b l e p r i c e i n t h e s h o r t e s t a m o u n t o f t i m e. WITH A SIGNIFICANT ADVANTAGE LEASING
  • 14. 173 PERRY STREET - WEST VILLAGE 2 BR, 2.5 BATH WEB ID: 795681 $4.98 M
  • 15. A s o u g h t - o u t s o u r c e o f m a r k e t o b s e r v a t i o n s, T O W N R e s i d e n t i a l p r o d u c e s a t r u s t e d c o l l e c t i o n o f m a r k e t r e p o r t s t h a t a r e b a s e d o n c r e d i b l e d a t a a n d c l e a r- c u t m e t h o d o l o g y. The Aggregate? i s a c o m p r e h e n s i v e s t u d y o f M a n h a t t a n c o n d o m i n i u m s, c o o p e r a t i v e s a n d t o w n h o u s e s. R e l e a s e d q u a r t e r l y, t h e r e p o r t c o m p a r e s t r a n s a c t i o n v a l u e s q u a r t e r- o v e r- q u a r t e r a n d y e a r- o v e r- y e a r, w h i l e p r o v i d i n g v a l u a b l e i n s i g h t i n t o c u r r e n t t r e n d s a n d m a r k e t c o n d i t i o n s. Economics at a Glance? supplements The Aggregate? with monthly updates on economic trends as they relate to the Manhattan luxury real estate market and asset prices. Tracking this data allows TOWN Residential t o s h a r e k e y i n f o r m a t i o n t o e d u c a t e i t s clients on current trends, clarifying activity in the New York City marketplace. Leasing Reports? provide monthly details on leasing price points by neighborhood, and offer insight into average pricing premiums based on apartment size and building amenities. It is an essential guide when initially exploring which neighborhoods offer housing based on budget considerations. All of our reports can be found on our website, townrealestate.com, with regular market updates and hyper-local statistics specific to what¡¯s happening in each neighborhood. INTELLIGENT REPORTS
  • 16. TOWN New Development is a full-service division focusing on all aspects of high-end new development services, including: market research and analysis; pre-development planning, branding, marketing, advertising; and active sales operations. The dynamic team is comprised of seasoned industry leaders whose collective knowledge, experience and expertise are unsurpassed. Valuable resources include a unique and far-reaching network of industry specialists who understand the intricacies of new development, ranging from architects and contractors to interior designers and elite amenity providers. TOWN New Development leverages these relationships for the benefit of our clients and their developments, tailoring the approach for each project and striving to maximize value and other critical metrics. As a division, TOWN New Development is intensely focused on achieving the highest and best results for our clients. With over $2 billion in sales and leasing assignments, TOWN New Development has established a track record of s u c c e s s b u i l t u p o n a n a l l - e n c o m p a s s i n g understanding of the market. T OWN New Development Sc o pe of Services: ? MARKETING RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS ? PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ? UNIT MIX AND PRICING ? BRANDING, MARK ETI NG AND ADVERTISING ? PUBLIC RELATIONS ? SALES AND LEASING PROGRAM ? REPORTING ? COORDINATION OF END LOAN FINANCING
  • 17. ? 159 W. 24th Street ? One Avenue B (310 E. Houston Street) ? 1 Wall Street Court ? 53 Greene ? 66 E 11th Street ? 88 Greenwich Street ? 333 Rector Place ? 23 E. 22nd Street ? 333 E. 34th Street ? 15 Leonard Street ? 33 Vestr y Street ? 48 Laight Street ? 55 Warren Street ? The Charles (1355 First Avenue) ? 210 W. 96th Street ? 732 West End Avenue ? 325 W. 12th Street ? 385 W. 12th Street ? 22 N. 6th Street & 34 N. 7th Street ? The Laureate (2150 Broadway) ? 15USW (15 Union Square West) ? Reade57 (57 Reade Street) ? Renwick Moder n (22 Renwick Street) ? Apple Bank Condo (2112 Broadway) ? Merritt House (167 E. 82nd Street) ? Element (555 W. 59th Street) ? The Olcott (27 W. 72nd Street) ? Mercer Greene (92 Greene Street) ? Carriage House (159 W. 24th Street) Sa l e s E xp e r i e n c e : THE CHARLES - 1355 FIRST AVENUE UPPER EAST SIDE NEW DEVELOPMENT The complete terms are in an offering plan available from the sponsor. File No. CD 070661
  • 18. ? 640 Noho (640 Broadway) ? 53 Howard Street ? 1 West Street ? 1 Wall Street Court ? 1 Rector Park ? 163 Washington Avenue ? 90 Washington Avenue ? 100 John Street ? icon (306 W. 48th Street) ? The Grayson (247 E. 28th Street) ? 53 Pitt Street ? 15 William Street ? 245 W. 25th Street ? 324 Pleasant Avenue ? The Ashley (400 W. 63rd Stre et) ? 20 Exchange Place ? 496 Broadway ? Winder mere (666 West End Avenue) ? The Aldyn (60 Riverside Boulevard) ? Allen House (201 E. 71st Street) ? 11 Greene Street ? Mantena (431 W. 37th Street) ? 30-50 Astoria (30-50 21st Street) ? Packard Square North (41-18 Crescent Street) ? 63 Wall Street ? 67 Wall Street ? 172 Montague Street Leasing Experience: ICON - 306 WEST 48TH STREET MIDTOWN WEST NEW DEVELOPMENT
  • 19. With a commitment to professionalism, integrity and excellence, TOWN Marketing and Leasing focuses on ground up, converted and repositioned multi-family assets. Our robust suite of services includes research, product design and development, branding and marketing, and active leasing operations. TOWN Marketing and Leasing¡¯s approach is both comprehensive and collaborative. Our team of experienced brokers, onsite agents and managers with extensive backgrounds in pre-development translate strategy into highly measurable action plans that support a property¡¯s clearly defined goals. We execute multiple efforts simultaneously to maximize awareness and increase demand. The results are simple. We lease the property at the greatest possible value in the shortest amount of time. TO W N M a r ke ti n g a n d Le a si ng Sc o p e o f Se r vi c e s: ? MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS WITH WEEKLY REPORTING ? BRAND DEFINITION AND MANAGEMENT OF MARKETING STRATEGIES ? LAUNCH COORDINATION AND OVERSIGHT OF ALL INITIATIVES ? STAGING ? ON-SITE LEASING MARKETING AND LEASING
  • 21. 430 EAST 10TH STREET - EAST VILLAGE 4.5 BR, 3.5 BATH WEB ID: 303796 $3.998 M
  • 22. 156 WEST 13TH - TOWNHOUSE WEST VILLAGE 4 BR, 4.5 BATH WEB ID: 476638 $22.5 M
  • 23. As the leading luxury real estate services firm in New York, TOWN Residential plays an integral part in the growth of our community. Our Representatives see first-hand and exemplify how inspired and thoughtful service can change the spirit of our neighborhoods. We have cultivated strategic partnerships and fostered genuine personal relationships with thought leaders, trendsetters and tastemakers. TOWN is proud to support incredible organizations, including but not limited to: ? MAKE IT RIGHT ? HUDSON UNION SOCIETY ? ALS RESEARCH ? TEDX ? ELEVATE GENY ? CASSIDY¡¯S PLACE ? STEP-UP ? OSTOMY ASSOCIATION ? PLAYWORKS ? GALA FOR GOOD ? STEVE¡¯S CAMP ? CAMP AMERIKIDS PARTNERSHIPS NETWORKING&
  • 25. TOWNAttach¨¦ TOWN Attach¨¦ powered by Luxury Attach¨¦, New York¡¯s premier lifestyle management firm, is an extension of TOWN Residential¡¯s bespoke level of service. The accessibility and convenience of the service is apparent the moment you enter any TOWN Residential office, where you are greeted by a dedicated professional concierge stationed at the front desk. Committed to providing customized assistance to both our clients and our Representatives, the concierges are a single touch point implementing seamless, same-day turnaround and personalization down to the very last detail. With just one call, TOWN Attach¨¦ delivers a comprehensive suite of lifestyle services from white-glove moving coordination, in-home tailoring, beauty appointments and custom closet installations; to unrivaled access to coveted tables at new and noteworthy restaurants; plus luxury travel and transport accommodations. TOWN Attach¨¦ exemplifies our company¡¯s unwavering commitment to raising the level of service in the real estate industry. TO W N A tta c h¨¦ Sc o p e o f Se r vi c e s: ? EXCEPTIONAL PACKING, MOVING AND HOME ORGANIZATION ? DINING RESERVATIONS AT THE MOST SOUGHT-AFTER RESTAURANTS AND/OR PERENNIAL FAVORITES ? 2 4 H O U R O N - C A L L G R O U N D T R A N S P O R T A T I O N ? PREMIUM TICKETS TO THEATRES, SPORTING EVENTS, CONCERTS AND MORE ? CELEBRITY CHEF-HOSTED DINNER AND COOKING LESSONS ? CHILD CARE, FAMILY AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING ? PREMIUM HOUSEHOLD CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE ? INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICES ? PRIVATE FITNESS TRAINING APPOINTMENTS ? WINE COLLECTION SOURCING, GUIDANCE AND SOMMELIER SERVICE ? FULL IN-HOME OR OFF-SITE CATERING AND EVENT PLANNING SERVICES ? GIFT SELECTION AND DELIVERY ? DINING RESERVATIONS AT THE MOST SOUGHT-AFTER RESTAURANTS ? WEEKLY FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS AND HOME-GARDEN CARE
  • 26. T Creative is a first of its kind creative agency that focuses on luxury real estate and real estate development clients worldwide. Under the direction of branding guru David Lipman, T Creative crafts a cohesive brand strategy and identity for TOWN Residential and the TOWN New Development and TOWN Marketing and Leasing portfolios. T Creative¡¯s methodology is to effectively identify the ¡°DNA¡± of a luxury asset, and to elevate and maximize its potential market impact through a sweeping branding process. Scope of Services: ? BRAND ARCHI TECTURE ? MARKETI NG STRATEGY ? ONLINE AND MULTI-MEDIA STRATEGY AND CREATI ON ? ART DI RECTION ? MEDI A PLACEMENT ? MOBI LE MARKETING ? STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT The first of its kind, full-service branding & creative marketing services agency
  • 27. 42 - 50 WOOSTER STREET SOHO 4 BR, 2.5 BATH WEB ID: 162072 $38,500 MONTHLY
  • 28. TOWNRESIDENTIAL TOWNRESIDENTIAL.COM TOWN Residential, LLC (¡°TOWN¡±) is a licensed real estate broker and a partnership of Buttonwood Residential Brokerage, LLC and Thor Equities, LLC. All property listing information, including, but not limited to, square footage, room count, and number of bedrooms are from sources deemed reliable, but are subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, prior sale or withdrawal and should be verified by your own attorney, architect, engineer or zoning expert. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. TOWN¡¯s owns the following subsidiary real estate brokerages: TOWN Astor Place LLC; TOWN Fifth Avenue LLC; TOWN Flatiron LLC; TOWN Gramercy Park LLC (¡°TOWN Gramercy¡±); TOWN Greenwich Street LLC (¡°TOWN Financial District¡±); TOWN Greenwich Village LLC; TOWN Soho LLC; TOWN West Village LLC; or TOWN 79th Street LLC (¡°TOWN Upper East Side¡±).