This document provides instructions for a student art project involving creating a still life composition using toys and treats with colored pencils. Students will bring in toys and candy to use for arranging compositions, do thumbnail sketches of arrangements, and receive feedback on which composition works best before gluing items and gridding their paper to transfer and color the composition. The project aims to develop observational drawing skills and techniques with colored pencils while applying art elements and principles of design.
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Toysand treatsproject
1. Name: _____________________________
Class: _______________
Toys and Treats
For this next project you will be working with familiar
concepts and media, but will have to further display your
skills of observational drawing as well as technique with
colored pencil. As always you should be using the art
elements and principles of design in the creation of your
-You will be creating a colored pencil still life
composition made with Toys and Treats!
1. For homework: Bring in any candy or sweets that are non-perishable along with any toy
items that you feel comfortable using in a still life sculpture
2. Watch the demo on colored pencil techniques and then complete the colored pencil
technique art card.
3. Each student will get a 6 square cardboard card, and on that card you will experiment
with the various arrangements of your toys and candy/treats to create an interesting
4. As you are experimenting with different arrangements, you must do 5 thumbnail sketches
of possible compositions in your sketchbook
5. When you are creating a composition, you need to consider the principles of design!
Remember back to the Principles of Pasta project and what we discussed makes a good
a. Refer to your Art Cards if you need a refresher!
b. When you are planning, consider multiple solutions and arrangements, your first
idea is VERY Rarely the best one.
6. Once you have your 5 Thumbnail sketches in your sketchbook, you must conference with
your teacher to discuss which composition is the most successful
7. After your conference, you will glue your toys and treats into a permanent sculpture using
a hot glue gun.
8. You will then make a gridded viewfinder by cutting a small square out of the paper
provided and then crossing thread across your viewfinder to create 4 quadrants. You will
use the viewfinder to find a composition that you will then lightly sketch on your drawing
paper (your paper should have the same 4 quadrants as your viewfinder!)
9. Once you have your entire composition sketched out, check for proportions and
placement of your toys and treats. Use the gridding to help to check this
10. Begin to add color to your composition making use of the colored pencil techniques
demonstrated as well as referencing the technique guide for reminders.