TPG Software is recognized as a leader in rewards and recognition in India for 2012. They operate based on a philosophy of publicly recognizing employees' contributions through respect, recognition and appreciation. Some key aspects of their rewards and recognition program include having on average more than 2 awards per employee per year to meet employees' needs for belonging, self-esteem and self-actualization. They take care to recognize both business and non-business contributions to support their culture and purpose. Their program aims to give everyone a chance to feel recognized and appreciated through various awards and events.
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TPG Software (erstwhile Brickred Technologies)
1. Indias Best Companies for
Rewards and Recognition 2012
TPG Software Pvt. Ltd.
International Leaders and Indias Foremost in Work Life Benefits, Rewards and Loyalty Solutions
2. People may forget words;
People may forget actions;
but people will always remember
Respect, Recognition & Appreciation
given to them publically for their contributions
is the philosophy on which TPG Software
3. Average Age of 28 years
Mechanism to meet needs towards
love & belonging and Self Esteem Self-actualization
On an average planned more than 2 Perfection &
awards per employee per annum Contribution
Opportunities to win prizes events Esteem
and Fun@Work Confidence, achievement,
respect of others, respect by
Friendship, family, intimacy etc.
Job Security, Safety & Health
Basic Needs of survival.
4. Fairness in declaring the award (scrutinized at 3 levels RM, PM &
SCM with details ranging from all functional & contextual
Match the Measures of
Match the
Reward to Achievements in
Reward to Person
Achievements the light of Award
Touching hearts of employees & Families - parents, spouse, kids
(Sharing respect & recognition with employees family for their
contributions towards the employees success in the company; thus
making the company succeed in its objectives Awards such as
flower bouquet, Feng-shui plants, Greeting Cards, house-hold gifts,
games, ticket & shoppers-stop vouchers, ).
5. Equal Opportunity for all
Extra care taken for R&R of New Joiners and Gen Y & Balancing Gen X and Gen Y
Reward Contextual Contributions to support Culture & Purpose beyond business
Chance for everyone to be recognized & appreciated ( JA, MA, Birthday, Appreciation Tree, GEM
Team, Star Performer, Prizes at Fun@Work)
6. Understanding & reading peoples mind
Sr. management & leadership taking responsibility
Established Action Plan for 105 Action Items delegated upwards
Published achievements on quarterly basis
98% task accomplished
Upward Appreciations from people to leadership
7. Quarterly theme for Appreciation Tree
Discussion Board
Joining Anniversary Communications
Cross functional clubs Arbit, Jagruti, Zaika, Cricket
Channels of communication
8. Many opportunities for recognition & reward
Flexibility to choose appraisal cycle,
Flexibility to choose compensation structure
Flexibility to choose variable pay
Lunch out of tenured people in 5 Star Property with Leaders
9. Development Opportunities 15
Performance Appraisal System 14
Total Compensation 13
Confidence on Top/ Senior Management 11
Work Environment 9
Corporate Perspective 9
Reward & Recognition 8
Work-Life Balance 8 Disagree
Relationship with Seniors 7
Communication 7
Business Understanding 5
Comaraderie 4
Enabling function 4
Culture 3
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
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