This document outlines the principles of the Toyota Production System (TPS), including operational excellence through best cost, quality and delivery, empowered employees, and a customer focused culture. It also details aspects of TPS such as just-in-time production, visual controls, built-in quality through Jidoka and Pokayoke, continuous improvement through Kaizen and the 3P system, and load leveling through Heijunka.
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1. TPS
Operational Excellence
•Best Cost, Quality, Delivery
•Empowered employees
•Customer focused culture
Just In Visual
Controls •Built-in quality
Time 5S Kanban
•Takt Time
•5 Why
•One-piece Flow SMED TPM 3P •Harmony of
•Downstream man &
Pull machine
Creative Idea Suggestion System
•Averaged daily volume & mix
•Smooth production schedule Kaizen