Refusing a friend's request can be difficult but maintaining healthy boundaries is important. The document provides strategies for saying no to a friend in a way that preserves the friendship, such as staying focused on why something shouldn't be done rather than accusing the friend, standing firm in the refusal, avoiding risky situations, clearly saying "no" and walking away if needed, and using nonverbal cues to reinforce the message.
2. Refusing to do something for someone you really
like is tough! how do you say no and remain
friends? This lesson offers strategies to help you
deal with these kinds of situations.
3. ï‚ž sometimes
it's hard to say no to the bad
things that offered us our friends. But for our
good is better say No for to respect us and value
us as a person. Here are some examples of refusal
skills that you can use.
5. Say no! when they offer cigarette.
Say no! To acts that are not good
for you.
6. ï‚ž Whenever
you use refusal skills, use
nonverbal communication, too. Stand in such a
way to show that you mean no. These
nonverbal actions will help you get your
message across.