The document discusses comparative and superlative adjectives in Spanish. It provides examples of sentences using comparative adjectives with "as" or "than", and superlative adjectives using "the most" or "the -est". Some examples include "My hair is not as short as my mom's", "My bedroom is cleaner than my sister's", and "The 14 is the most expensive supermarket in Tulua".
2. Comparative as - as
My hair is not as short as my mom卒s.
Diego is as tall as Evelly.
3. February is not as cold as october.
Bogota is as far away as Pasto.
The lions are as dangerous as sharks.
4. My tv is as big as my mom卒s.
The beer poker is not as intoxicant as Redd卒s.
The hamburgers is as tasty as hot dogs.
The swimming pool is not as cold as a river.
The mice are not as ilthy as cockroaches.
5. Comparative
My bedroom is cleaner and more organized than my sisters.
Today I卒m busier than the other days.
6. I卒m younger than all my Friends.
My mother is more beautiful than my aunt.
Technology in software development is more interesting than business
7. The car is more confortable than a motorcycle.
Today is sunnier than yesterday.
The cherry is sweeter than stawberry.
The yarn is thinner than wool.
The leopard is Wilder than the horse.
8. Superlative
The 14 is the most expensive supermarket in Tulua.
My father is bossiest person in my home.
9. My friend Eric is friendliest of all my Friends.
I卒m the best student in my class.
My neighborhood is noysiest of the others.
10. The giraffe is the tallest of the all animals.
The Magdalena River is the largest in Colombia.
The Samsung Galaxy S5 is the most modern of the cell phones.
The elephant is the biggest of the animals.
The diamond is the loviest of the gemma.