Colin, a math genius, had just been dumped by his 19th girlfriend named Katherine. On a road trip with his best friend Hassan, Colin aims to create a theorem to predict relationship lengths. They meet Lindsay in a small town and get summer jobs at a factory. Colin continues working on his theorem while Hassan befriends a local girl. In the end, Colin discovers variables to improve his theorem while all three learn about friendship turning to romance.
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1. Today Ill talkabouta bookthat I read inEnglish calledAnAbundance of Katherineswritten
by johngreen.
So,the booktalksabouta geniusboycalled Colinwhowasgreatdoinganythingrelatedto
He wasjust dumpedby all his19 girlfriends (all of themnamedKatherine) inthe same way.
Afterthe 19th Katherine dumpedColin, hisbestfriend,Hassan convincedhimthathe needsto
take a roadtrip to clearhismindand have an adventure.
Whenthe boysconvinced theirparentstoletthemgo,theyhit the road in Colin'scar.
Colingoal onhis roadtripwasto create a theoremthatpredictshow long2 people willstayin
a relationship andwhowill be the Dumperandwhowill be the Dumpee.
He usedhispastrelationshipswiththe nineteenKatherinestosee if the theoremworks.
While ColinandHassan were onthe road, theystoppedina small townknew byGutshot.
Theyenterina store whichactuallyisa factory where theymeetagirl calledLindsey whoisa
tour guide.
The boys became friendof herandfew hourslater theymeetLindsey'smother.
Whenher mothermeetsthem she offersthe boysasummerjobtogather storiesfromthe
factoryworkers and alsooffersthem aroom at her home.
As the boysmeetwiththe factoryworkers, theylearnwhata special townGutshottrulyis,
completelydifferentfromChicago,where theylive.
AlthoughColinhastoworkin hissummerjobhe continuestoworkhard on the theorem.
Hassan became friendof one of the prettiestgirlsintown,Katrinawho some daysafterwas
goingto be hisgirlfriend.
LindseyevenhelpsColinfigure outthathistheoremmayworkif he includesmore variablesin
the equation.
In the end afterdiscoveringthe theorem,Colin,Hassan,andLindseyall learnaboutwhatthe
future holdsforeachof themand abouthow friendshipsoftenturnintoromantic