Mendeley Presentation @BUT(Birjand University of Technology)Mehdi Parhizi
This is an overall introduction of Mendeley software & it's services rather than a step by step guide. Would like to call Mendeley the research social networking service.
Proudly created in GNU/Linux environment.
SID has gathered unique scientific information for 10 years. It provides journal assessment, impact factor, and immediacy index. SID plans to develop science and technology evaluation indicators and researcher assessment measures including number of documents, highly cited researchers, and H-index. It will also assess universities and research centers using metrics like number of documents, citations, citation rate, and collaboration measures. SID aims to expand its assessments to cities, states, countries, and conduct macro assessments using bibliometric indicators and collaboration/specialization measures. It will also develop science visualization methods including charts, maps, and networks to analyze collaboration and citations.
Mendeley Presentation @BUT(Birjand University of Technology)Mehdi Parhizi
This is an overall introduction of Mendeley software & it's services rather than a step by step guide. Would like to call Mendeley the research social networking service.
Proudly created in GNU/Linux environment.
SID has gathered unique scientific information for 10 years. It provides journal assessment, impact factor, and immediacy index. SID plans to develop science and technology evaluation indicators and researcher assessment measures including number of documents, highly cited researchers, and H-index. It will also assess universities and research centers using metrics like number of documents, citations, citation rate, and collaboration measures. SID aims to expand its assessments to cities, states, countries, and conduct macro assessments using bibliometric indicators and collaboration/specialization measures. It will also develop science visualization methods including charts, maps, and networks to analyze collaboration and citations.
The relation between the number of countries-Rich Files on the web and countries-economic development
Research in what fields? Determining Irans research priorities according to their impact on economic development
This document analyzes the relationships between university, industry, and government (the "Triple Helix") in the Netherlands, Russia, Turkey, and Iran using webometrics methods. It finds that in the first method using search hits, the Netherlands shows the most integration between the three sectors followed by Russia, Turkey, and Iran. However, the second method looking at file types finds the Netherlands has the highest value followed by Turkey, Iran, and Russia. The document aims to measure innovation infrastructure in Iran compared to the other countries.
PageRank is an algorithm used by the Google web search engine to rank websites in the search engine results. PageRank was named after Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages.
In present societies, knowledge is known as the main source of Economic prosperity and Societies that derive their economical power from the production and diffusion of information and knowledge are referred to as knowledge-based societies or economies. This paper aimed to measure Triple Helix for studying the innovation infrastructure in Iran in compare with Netherlands, Russia, and Turkey. This research is based on Webometrics methods and we performed this research in two ways: first, we used the number of hits and co-occurrence of
university, industry and government.
Second, we
con鍖ned our search to Rich Files. In first way; the results show that in selected countries, University, Industry And Government are
more integrated in Netherlands following by Russia, Turkey and Iran in recent years. Iran in compare with other countries has no a good situation. In second way; the results show a different situation. Netherlands has higher value in this indicator, following by Turkey, Iran and Russia.
Since the mid-1990s, a new research area called webometrics based on bibliometric andinformetrics methods has been created [Norouzi, 2006]. Webometrics is the quantitativeanalysis of the web phenomenon employing methods of informetrics [Bjoneborn, Ingwersen,2004]. Due to the importance of the Web, some studies dealing with webometrics seek todescribe web and offer diverse statistics about some of the features and capabilities of theWeb sites [Noroozi Chakoli, 2012]. In EERQI analysis, the need for new retrieval andclustering techniques, and webometrics method mentioned (EERQI, 2008).On the other hand, the Web has developed into the most important scholarly communicationtool and has made more and more scientific information accessible [Kargar, 2011].The present paper seeks to investigate the situation of Estonia on the basis of the Rich Filesand to compare it with other CEE countries. On the other hand, it attempts to have a reviewof the status of scientific output, number of publications is an indicator of Scientific power (Vinkler, 1986), of Estonia in Scopus that is one of the databases for scientific assessment-and to compare it with other CEE countries. Lastly, this paper will check whether there existsa correlation between the number of the CEE countries Rich Files and the number of their scientific product. In other words, we shall attempt to discover if the number of the RichFiles could represent the scientific ranking of a given CEE country?The Rich files, consisting of PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, have been singled out as the basis of our analysis because the majority of the scientific products are being issued in this these files formats since Webometrics , in its scientific assessment of universities, employs the number of Rich Files as one of its criteria which calls it Openness.