The document discusses the pros and cons of joining a trade union for a part-time job at Tesco. It explains that the shop steward, Jan, asks the student if they want to join the union Usdaw. The duties of a shop steward are then outlined, such as representing workers and dealing with problems on the job. The student considers reasons why they may or may not want to join based on their situation as a student worker before making a decision.
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Trade Unions – Shop Steward And Why Join
1. Trade Unions – Why Join? And who helps you in the work place? Learning Outcomes: what you will know… To give two reason to join a Trade Union To give two reasons not to join a Trade Union To name the four main duties of a Shop Steward To name three problems a Shop Steward may deal with.
2. To Join or Not to Join? You are 17 and at college. You get an 8 hour part-time job as a Tesco Trolley collector, you get paid £3.53 per hour the National Minimum Wage. (£28.24 per week) On your first day you are asked by Jan , the Usdaw Shop Steward (Trade Union representative), if you want to join the trade union, She gives you a leaflet with some information about joining a Trade Union and a web-site to visit. It costs £1.30 per week to join. Study these now!
3. Decision Time? Before you make up your mind you decide to find out what Jan can do for you, so you have to find out what a Shop Steward actually does ? Activity EXTENSION Read page 77 and complete activity 3 from that page. Read the worksheet Take the title Trade Unions – The Shop Steward – in your jotter Complete Questions 1-7 in full sentences.
4. No Hands-Up No Shouting-Out Who elects the shop steward? Name a main duty of the shop steward? Name an issue a shop steward may deal with? What is a good communicator ? Name a way a shop steward make sure that other workers know what is going on at work?
5. Should you join? Now you know what Jan does, you can make up your mind to Join Usdaw or not! Discuss with a partner the reasons why you would or would not join Usdaw, remember your situation: student, pay, hours or work, cost. Record two reasons why you would join, and two reasons why you wouldn’t join in the speech bubbles. Make a decision choose your ONE reason and be prepared to share it with the class. Colour me in if you have the time
6. Trade Unions – Why Join? And who helps you in the work place? You are successful today if you know… Two reasons to join a Trade Union Two reasons not to join a Trade Union Four main duties of a Shop Steward Three problems a Shop Steward may deal with. For 1- 4 decide if you are happy, ok or unsure about each, write/draw these in your jotter.