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Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration

        Trademarks are distinctive signs, used to differentiate between
        identical or similar goods and services offered by different
        producers or services providers. Trademarks are a type
        of industrial property, protected by intellectual property
        rights. [Source  Website of WIPO]
        WIPO  The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a
        specialised agency whose main activity is to create a balanced
        and accessible international property system.
        WIPO disperses the trademark rights to different countries
        through the various national bodies situated throughout the world.
Trademark Registration Process in Singapore

       Who can register a trademark in Singapore?

       The trademark registration agency in Singapore is
       known by the name of IPOS  Intellectual Property
       Office of Singapore. Any natural or legal person
       domiciled (having a mailing address in Singapore) can
       initiate the process of trademark registration with IPOS.
Trademark Registration Process in Singapore

        Generic Trademark Process Review                                                   Time lines

                   Trademark Search - We search the database with IPOS (the registering
                   agency) to understand whether a similar trademark has already been        2  3 weeks
                   registered. Based on our finding we advice you to change the
                   trademark else that we will proceed to apply giving justifications why
        Stage 1    your trademark is different from an already existing one.

                   Filing Process - This is the stage of process where we do the actual     4  6 months
                   documentation and submit the same to IPOS. Simultaeneuos
                   application with other contracting countries within the Madrid System
        Stage 2    is done

                   Publication - IPOS approves the trademark in Singapore and publishes    5  7 working
                   the same for a 10 year period. Issue of trademark certificate in the         days
                   name of the client
        Stage 3
Trademarks from Singapore to Other Nations

   Singapore is one of the contracting nations that is a part of the Madrid
   System along with 85 other nations around the world including major
   countries like US, the EU host of nations and neighbors like Australia,
   China, India and all other major nations across the world.
   Applying for trademarks from Singapore to any of these other nations is
   a straight forward process.
   The best part is that at the time of applying for the Singapore
   registration process, it is possible to apply in any of the 85 nations that
   is a part of the Madrid System. Each of the individual countries then
   would take anywhere between 1-2 months time to register the
   trademark after the Singapore registration has been completed. So you
   can make an application simultaneously at the time of applying for
   trademarks in Singapore and once the same is approved the application
   process in any of the other provided nations is simplified.
Registering in EU

    Before the year 1996, the registration for trademarks in the European
    Union had to be done individually and separately for each of these
    nations. This was done through the Office for Hamonisation in the
    Internal Market- popularly known as OHIM.

    However post 1996, OHIM introduced the CTM (Community trade
    mark) system whereby a single application for the EU can register your
    trademark pan EU  yes, in all 27 countries of the EU. To date, OHIM
    has registered around 750.000 trade marks on behalf of hundreds of
    thousands of companies from all over the world, and this total is
    increasing rapidly every year.
    [Source  OHIM Website]
Question and Answers

  1.Which organization deals with trademarks registration in Singapore?

  The only organization that can disburse registration of trademarks in Singapore is the
  Intellectual Property Office of Singapore or IPOS.

  2. Once I register my trademark, how long is it active?

  Once a trademark is registered it is valid for the next 10 year in Singapore. Post this
  period the trademark has to be renewed.

  3. What do you mean by classes in trademarks?

  Classes are description of the broad sector your particular trademark falls into. You
  can select as many classes as you want under which you need protection for your
  trademark  of course the costs of registration increase with every addition of classes
  that you do. Generally the class description is quite broad and on an average getting
  your trademark registered under 2-3 broad descriptions suitable to your business
  activity and the activity pertaining to the trademark should cover your specific needs.
Looking for information on trademarks and

                          +65 -62212440


                                          28 Maxwell Road, 03-05,
                                              Red Dot Building,
                                             Singapore - 069120

Servolve intends this document only as information material and will not be
held liable for any loss incurred by any person/ organization based on the
information provided in this document. No part of this document may be
reproduced by any unauthorized means by any unauthorized person/s . Any
person wishing to use the document is needed to seek prior permission from
Servolve in writing .
All images are courtesy of Creative Commons / Microsoft Office Clipart

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Trademark Singapore

  • 2. Trademark Registration Trademarks are distinctive signs, used to differentiate between identical or similar goods and services offered by different producers or services providers. Trademarks are a type of industrial property, protected by intellectual property rights. [Source Website of WIPO] WIPO The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a specialised agency whose main activity is to create a balanced and accessible international property system. WIPO disperses the trademark rights to different countries through the various national bodies situated throughout the world.
  • 3. Trademark Registration Process in Singapore Who can register a trademark in Singapore? The trademark registration agency in Singapore is known by the name of IPOS Intellectual Property Office of Singapore. Any natural or legal person domiciled (having a mailing address in Singapore) can initiate the process of trademark registration with IPOS.
  • 4. Trademark Registration Process in Singapore Generic Trademark Process Review Time lines Trademark Search - We search the database with IPOS (the registering agency) to understand whether a similar trademark has already been 2 3 weeks registered. Based on our finding we advice you to change the trademark else that we will proceed to apply giving justifications why Stage 1 your trademark is different from an already existing one. Filing Process - This is the stage of process where we do the actual 4 6 months documentation and submit the same to IPOS. Simultaeneuos application with other contracting countries within the Madrid System Stage 2 is done Publication - IPOS approves the trademark in Singapore and publishes 5 7 working the same for a 10 year period. Issue of trademark certificate in the days name of the client Stage 3
  • 5. Trademarks from Singapore to Other Nations Singapore is one of the contracting nations that is a part of the Madrid System along with 85 other nations around the world including major countries like US, the EU host of nations and neighbors like Australia, China, India and all other major nations across the world. Applying for trademarks from Singapore to any of these other nations is a straight forward process. The best part is that at the time of applying for the Singapore registration process, it is possible to apply in any of the 85 nations that is a part of the Madrid System. Each of the individual countries then would take anywhere between 1-2 months time to register the trademark after the Singapore registration has been completed. So you can make an application simultaneously at the time of applying for trademarks in Singapore and once the same is approved the application process in any of the other provided nations is simplified.
  • 6. Registering in EU Before the year 1996, the registration for trademarks in the European Union had to be done individually and separately for each of these nations. This was done through the Office for Hamonisation in the Internal Market- popularly known as OHIM. However post 1996, OHIM introduced the CTM (Community trade mark) system whereby a single application for the EU can register your trademark pan EU yes, in all 27 countries of the EU. To date, OHIM has registered around 750.000 trade marks on behalf of hundreds of thousands of companies from all over the world, and this total is increasing rapidly every year. [Source OHIM Website]
  • 7. Question and Answers 1.Which organization deals with trademarks registration in Singapore? The only organization that can disburse registration of trademarks in Singapore is the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore or IPOS. 2. Once I register my trademark, how long is it active? Once a trademark is registered it is valid for the next 10 year in Singapore. Post this period the trademark has to be renewed. 3. What do you mean by classes in trademarks? Classes are description of the broad sector your particular trademark falls into. You can select as many classes as you want under which you need protection for your trademark of course the costs of registration increase with every addition of classes that you do. Generally the class description is quite broad and on an average getting your trademark registered under 2-3 broad descriptions suitable to your business activity and the activity pertaining to the trademark should cover your specific needs.
  • 8. Looking for information on trademarks and patents +65 -62212440 team@servolve.com 28 Maxwell Road, 03-05, Red Dot Building, Singapore - 069120
  • 9. .Disclaimer Servolve intends this document only as information material and will not be held liable for any loss incurred by any person/ organization based on the information provided in this document. No part of this document may be reproduced by any unauthorized means by any unauthorized person/s . Any person wishing to use the document is needed to seek prior permission from Servolve in writing . All images are courtesy of Creative Commons / Microsoft Office Clipart