Book "Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1 Ethnomedicine and Pharmacognosy
Chapter 22, pp.253-263, SCI Tech Publishing LLC, Houston, Texas 77272, USA, 2002" by Abdul Latif, Department of Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences) Faculty of Unani Medicine, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aligarh, E-mail ID:
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Traditional Herbal Drugs in Cancer: A Classification and Scientific Evaluation
1. Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1 Ethnomedicine and Pharmacognosy
Chapter 22, pp.253-263, SCI Tech Publishing LLC, Houston, Texas 77272, USA, 2002
Traditional Herbal Drugs in Cancer: A
Classification and Scientific Evaluation
Abdul Latif
Department of Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Faculty of Unani Medicine, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aligarh
E-mail ID:
Cancer is a disease of uncontrolled cell growth. It is also known as Sartan in Unani system
of medicine. There are several traditional system of medicine in the word serving for the
good health of humans. In traditional system of medicine there are many drugs used in cancer
therapy, some renowned Unani physician and surgeons like al-Zahravi (Abulcasis.AD 939-
1013 AD ), Zakria al Razid AD 932 ) Ibn-sina (AD 980-1037 ) al Karaki (AD 1233 -1286)
have described about the usefulness of Unani drugs in cancer. Traditional herbal drugs
reviewed and classified on their pharmacological basis Based on critical review of literature,
some important plant drugs supported with their chemical constituents and pharmacological
action have been reported and forms the material of this communication. Further scientific
experimentation on each of the taxa reported is suggested to achieve breakthrough in cancer
treatment, thus far incurable.
Keywords: Cancer Traditional herbal drugs, Pharmacology