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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use
which may be made of the information contained therein.
Children easily perceive folklore motifs, images and
themes, because their artistic thinking is close to the
aesthetic categories of folklore. It is fantastic, comic,
heroic, magical. Children's curiosity, their thirsty mind,
their awake senses make them particularly sensitive to
everything that surrounds them.
Holidays have a great educational significance. With
their form and content, they contribute to the overall
formation of the child's personality. Decoration,
costumes, music, dances cultivate aesthetic feelings.
The preparation of the holiday creates bright collective
experiences, an atmosphere of joy, sympathy and
friendliness. Understanding of some events is achieved
in accessible ways; children join the traditions of the
people. Interest in holidays becomes a prerequisite for
them to master norms of personal and social behavior,
they become attentive and responsive to each other.
Project Lets Share Our Games!
Traditional Music costumes "Let's share our games!"
Traditional music costumes
Traditional music costumes
Traditional music costumes
Traditional music costumes
Traditional Tuscan peasant dress for women
1= brown 2= green 3= light blue 4= yellow
5 = white 6= black 7 = red 8= dark blue
multicolored flowers
Traditional Tuscan peasant dress for men
1= brown 2= yellow 3 =white3= 4= black
5= blue 6= pink 7= green
multicolored flowers
Childrens Rehabilitation center 
school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania
Five ethnographic regions are formed in the territory of Lithuania,
which are still different today in their distinctive dialects, as well as in
traditional clothing. The regions are Auk邸taitija (up in the highlands),
貼emaitija (over in the lowlands), Dz笛kija (way down south), Suvalkija (a
battleground of old) and Ma転oji Lietuva (Lithuania Minor).
o Shirts;
o Skirts;
o Aprons;
o Coats;
o Head covering;
o Woven belts;
o Footwear;
o Accessories. Amber jewelry
o Shirts;
o Pants;
o Smocks;
o Coats;
o Head covering;
o Woven belts;
o Footwear;
o Accessories.
Nowadays traditional costume is worn only on special occasions  national
festivals, and concerts.
貼emaii迭 clothes stand out from other regions in their glamor, richness and
plenty of expensive women's scarves and necklaces, men's coloured clothes.
Childrens Rehabilitation center 
school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania
 Auk邸taitija is the largest ethnographic region. Its inhabitant's national
costume is the most archaic (oldest).
 Auk邸taii迭 clothes are quite modest. It is characterized by its shape,
weaving method, patterns, and plenty of color white.
 A special woman element of the costume is the face and shoulders
surrounding the scarf, which is worn by married women.
 Men's holiday suit  rider clothes: long pants, boots. Summer headwear -
the retro hat.
 A very important part of a woman's suit is a skirt. 貼emaii迭 skirts are usually
striped along, and very brightly coloured. The most common colour is red.
 A holiday 転emaii迭 costume is unimaginable without cloaks.
 Men's clothes are dark colored: grey or mossy green.
Childrens Rehabilitation center 
school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania
 Women's traditional clothes are characterized by an extraordinary variety
of colours, stripes and checks.
 Men's clothes are colourful but modest.
o Suvalkijos women's clothes are the most colorful and the most ornate
of all Lithuanian women's national clothes.
o The clothes of women are dominated by rich, dark colours: dark
blue, red, purple and green.
o The men, unlike the women of that region, on holidays wear light
coloured clothes.
Childrens Rehabilitation center 
school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania
o The national costumes of Ma転oji Lietuva, in some of their details, are the only
ones in all Lithuania. In this region the clothes of men and women are in dark
and rich colours.
o One part of the components of women's and men's clothing is the delmon - a
flat, gorgeous embroidered basket that attaches to the waist.
o Only the men of this region wear not only long, ordinary trousers, but also
shorter trousers.
(From the left) Representative of Ma転oji Lietuva, Suvalkija, Dz笛kija,
Auk邸taitija ir 貼emaitija
Childrens Rehabilitation center 
school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania
Use color code to finish the picture!
1 = red
2 = dark green
3 = yellow
4 = white
5 = light orange
6 = black
1 = grey
2 = black
3 = red
4 = dark green
5 = brown
6 = yellow
7 = light orange
8 = white
Preschool ,,Saul朝te, J笛rmala, Latvia
Latvian traditional
Dances and Costumes
 We present you traditional dances, where the children
are in traditional costumes.
 Also we offer to get acquainted with the Latvian
folk dances ABC.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and Bulgarian National Agency
(project : 2019-1-BG01-KA201-062605). This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission or NA
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Today's children are increasingly detached from
their roots. Folklore is an inexhaustible treasury
of wisdom, lessons and virtues. It creates a sense
of national belonging, of security and stability
through traditions and customs. It is accessible
for perception and stimulates the cognitive
activity of children. Therefore, it is an invaluable
source of education of personal qualities in
preschool age. That is why the inclusion of young
students to the national values and traditions of
their people, ethnicity is extremely important!

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Traditional Music costumes "Let's share our games!"

  • 1. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
  • 2. Children easily perceive folklore motifs, images and themes, because their artistic thinking is close to the aesthetic categories of folklore. It is fantastic, comic, heroic, magical. Children's curiosity, their thirsty mind, their awake senses make them particularly sensitive to everything that surrounds them. Holidays have a great educational significance. With their form and content, they contribute to the overall formation of the child's personality. Decoration, costumes, music, dances cultivate aesthetic feelings. The preparation of the holiday creates bright collective experiences, an atmosphere of joy, sympathy and friendliness. Understanding of some events is achieved in accessible ways; children join the traditions of the people. Interest in holidays becomes a prerequisite for them to master norms of personal and social behavior, they become attentive and responsive to each other. Project Lets Share Our Games! 2019-1-BG01-KA201-062605
  • 8. Traditional Tuscan peasant dress for women 1= brown 2= green 3= light blue 4= yellow 5 = white 6= black 7 = red 8= dark blue multicolored flowers
  • 9. Traditional Tuscan peasant dress for men 1= brown 2= yellow 3 =white3= 4= black 5= blue 6= pink 7= green multicolored flowers
  • 10. LITHUANIAN TRADITIONAL CLOTHES Childrens Rehabilitation center school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania Five ethnographic regions are formed in the territory of Lithuania, which are still different today in their distinctive dialects, as well as in traditional clothing. The regions are Auk邸taitija (up in the highlands), 貼emaitija (over in the lowlands), Dz笛kija (way down south), Suvalkija (a battleground of old) and Ma転oji Lietuva (Lithuania Minor). WOMENS MENS o Shirts; o Skirts; o Aprons; o Coats; o Head covering; o Woven belts; o Footwear; o Accessories. Amber jewelry o Shirts; o Pants; o Smocks; o Coats; o Head covering; o Woven belts; o Footwear; o Accessories. Nowadays traditional costume is worn only on special occasions national festivals, and concerts. 貼emaii迭 clothes stand out from other regions in their glamor, richness and plenty of expensive women's scarves and necklaces, men's coloured clothes. 貼EMAII轍 NATIONAL COSTUME
  • 11. Childrens Rehabilitation center school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania Auk邸taitija is the largest ethnographic region. Its inhabitant's national costume is the most archaic (oldest). Auk邸taii迭 clothes are quite modest. It is characterized by its shape, weaving method, patterns, and plenty of color white. A special woman element of the costume is the face and shoulders surrounding the scarf, which is worn by married women. Men's holiday suit rider clothes: long pants, boots. Summer headwear - the retro hat. AUKTAII轍 NATIONAL COSTUME 貼EMAII轍 NATIONAL COSTUME A very important part of a woman's suit is a skirt. 貼emaii迭 skirts are usually striped along, and very brightly coloured. The most common colour is red. A holiday 転emaii迭 costume is unimaginable without cloaks. Men's clothes are dark colored: grey or mossy green.
  • 12. Childrens Rehabilitation center school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania DZ的K轍 NATIONAL COSTUME Women's traditional clothes are characterized by an extraordinary variety of colours, stripes and checks. Men's clothes are colourful but modest. SUVALKIEI轍 NATIONAL COSTUME o Suvalkijos women's clothes are the most colorful and the most ornate of all Lithuanian women's national clothes. o The clothes of women are dominated by rich, dark colours: dark blue, red, purple and green. o The men, unlike the women of that region, on holidays wear light coloured clothes.
  • 13. Childrens Rehabilitation center school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania MA貼OSIOS LIETUVOS NATIONAL COSTUME o The national costumes of Ma転oji Lietuva, in some of their details, are the only ones in all Lithuania. In this region the clothes of men and women are in dark and rich colours. o One part of the components of women's and men's clothing is the delmon - a flat, gorgeous embroidered basket that attaches to the waist. o Only the men of this region wear not only long, ordinary trousers, but also shorter trousers. NATIONAL CLOTHES OF FIVE REGIONS OF LITHUANIA (From the left) Representative of Ma転oji Lietuva, Suvalkija, Dz笛kija, Auk邸taitija ir 貼emaitija
  • 14. Childrens Rehabilitation center school Pusele Taurage, Lithuania COLORING ACTIVITIES Use color code to finish the picture! 1 = red 2 = dark green 3 = yellow 4 = white 5 = light orange 6 = black 1 = grey 2 = black 3 = red 4 = dark green 5 = brown 6 = yellow 7 = light orange 8 = white
  • 15. Preschool ,,Saul朝te, J笛rmala, Latvia Latvian traditional Dances and Costumes We present you traditional dances, where the children are in traditional costumes. Also we offer to get acquainted with the Latvian folk dances ABC. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Gmgb-5KOE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=583CA4gzVyA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgPQ-SbM8Rc
  • 16. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and Bulgarian National Agency (project : 2019-1-BG01-KA201-062605). This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission or NA cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Today's children are increasingly detached from their roots. Folklore is an inexhaustible treasury of wisdom, lessons and virtues. It creates a sense of national belonging, of security and stability through traditions and customs. It is accessible for perception and stimulates the cognitive activity of children. Therefore, it is an invaluable source of education of personal qualities in preschool age. That is why the inclusion of young students to the national values and traditions of their people, ethnicity is extremely important!