The document summarizes railway rehabilitation projects in Nigeria supported by NIAF since 2012. It discusses the rehabilitation of the Western and Eastern narrow gauge railway lines and the construction of a new standard gauge line from Abuja to Kaduna. It provides details on the track rehabilitation program, which has achieved 74% completion and restored passenger and freight services. The rehabilitation involved repairs to culverts, bridges, embankments and replacing rails, ballast and sleepers. Pictures show examples of completed and ongoing works along the lines.
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Train Thursday Workshop August 4th 2015 EEOv2
1. Implemented by:Implemented by:
The Trains Have Arrived!
Thursday Workshop
With Ed-Efe Okogba
On August 6, 2015
The Apo meeting room on the NIAF floor
2. Background
NIAF has supported SURE-P Railways
program since 2012:
Rehabilitation and Modernization programs of
Western and Eastern Lines, and
Modernization Line (Abuja/Idu Kaduna)
3. Background contd - 1
Three rail projects identified:
Western Line (Narrow Gauge): Jebba Kano
including Loops, Sidings & Signalling (Lagos Kano)
Eastern Line (Narrow Gauge): Port-Harcourt
Maiduguri (2119km)
including signalling works
Modernization Line (Standard Gauge): Idu/Abuja
Kaduna (186km)
4. Background contd 2 Railway Lines
5. Background contd - 3
Backlog rehabilitation of over 30 years
Phase 1 rehabilitation was focused on
making sure trains moved from Lagos and
Port Harcourt in the south to Kano and
Maiduguri in the north
An addition of new line from Abuja
Kaduna (186km) Standard Gauge
6. Track Rehabilitation Programme - 1
74% overall programme completion (save for
conflict zone in Maiduguri)
passenger and freight services now
operational albeit providing minimal services:
Western Line: 2012
Eastern Line: 2014/15
7. Track Rehabilitation Programme - 2
Achievement attained through:
repairs of culverts, side drains and selected
raising and widening of embankments,
tamping and grading to finished profile
replacing bad rails, ballast, sleepers and
Estimated cost of the works:
SURE-P: 2012-2014: N75bn
8. The story in pictures
Some Pictures of Track Rehabilitation &
Modernization Programs
Samples of the completed and on-going