The document announces openings for Trainee Surveyor positions in the Ministry of Housing and Lands in Mauritius. It outlines the qualifications required including education credentials, the duties trainees will be expected to perform, the conditions of training and compensation, and requirements to sign a bond to continue working for the Ministry after completing training. Interested candidates are instructed to submit applications by the closing date of August 13, 2012.
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Trainee surveyor31jul
Enlistment as Trainee Surveyor
Ministry of Housing and Lands
Applications are invited from qualified candidates who wish to be
considered for enlistment as Trainee Surveyor in the Ministry of Housing
and Lands.
Candidates should have reached their 18th birthday and unless already in
the Service, should not have reached their 40th birthday by the closing date
for the submission of applications.
Candidates should possess :
A. a Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least five subjects
including English Language, Mathematics and Physics obtained at
not more than two sittings or
passes not below Grade C in at least five subjects including English
Language, Mathematics and Physics obtained at not more than two
sittings at the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level
provided that at one of the sittings, passes have been obtained either
(i) in five subjects including English Language with at least Grade C
in any two subjects or (ii) in six subjects including English Language
with at least Grade C in any one subject.
Candidates not possessing a credit in English Language at the
Cambridge School Certificate will also be considered provided
they possess passes in at least two subjects at Principal Level
and one subject at Subsidiary Level as well as the General
Paper obtained on one certificate at the Cambridge Higher
School Certificate Examinations; and
B. a Cambridge Higher School Certificate with passes at Principal Level
in at least two subjects including Mathematics and Physics or passes
in at least two subjects including Mathematics and Physics obtained
on one certificate at the General Certificate of Education Advanced
Equivalent qualifications to A and B above acceptable to the Public Service
2. -2
1. Qualification at A above should have been obtained prior to
qualification at B above.
2. The Commission reserves the right to convene only the best qualified
candidates for interview.
During the training period, Trainee Surveyors will be required inter alia to:
1. assist in the plotting and finishing of plans;
2. make searches in respect of immovable properties;
3. inspect State Lands and Pas Geometriques and report to the
Surveyor and/or Senior Surveyor;
4. ensure that conditions of leases are complied with;
5. operate the Printing Machine/Plan Plotter in connection with printing
of survey plans; and
6. perform duties of a clerical nature in the Survey Division of the
1. Trainee Surveyors will be required to:-
(a) follow a course leading to the obtention of a Diploma in Land
Surveying at the University of Mauritius; and
(b) undergo full-time training under the direct supervision of a
land surveyor for a period of not less than two years after
obtaining the Diploma in Land Surveying.
2. The period of training shall not exceed six years after enlistment as
Trainee Surveyor.
3. Failure to complete the course within the prescribed time limit will
entail termination of traineeship, unless the training period is
4. During the training period, Trainee Surveyors will draw an allowance
in scale Rs 9,600 x 200 10,200 a month plus compensation at
approved rates.
3. -3-
5. On successful completion of the training and on obtention of the
Land Surveyors Commission under Section 4 of the Land Surveyors
Act, Trainee Surveyors will be eligible for appointment to the grade of
Surveyor, as and when vacancies occur. The grade of Surveyor
carries salary in scale Rs 19,000 x 600 23,200 x 800 28,000 x
1,000 30,000 x 1,250 40,000 a month plus salary compensation
at approved rates.
The selected candidates will be required, after serving a trial period of
fifteen days, to enter into a bond (which will start as from the date of
enlistment) together with two sureties in the sum of six hundred and forty
seven thousand and four hundred rupees (Rs 647,400) to the effect that
they will :-
(a) undergo on-the-job training and follow courses at the University of
Mauritius with a view of obtaining the Diploma in Land Surveying;
(b) on successful completion of the course and on obtention of the Land
Surveyors Commission, serve the Ministry of Housing and Lands for
a period of seven years as from the date of appointment in the grade
of Surveyor.
1. Qualified candidates should submit their application on PSC Form 7
which may be obtained either from the Enquiry Counter of the
Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms, Ground Floor,
Emmanuel Anquetil Building, Port Louis or from the Enquiry
Counter of the Public Service Commission, 7, Louis Pasteur Street,
Forest-Side or from the Chief Commissioners Office, Port Mathurin,
2. Candidates already in the service should submit their application
in duplicate, the original to be sent directly to the Secretary, Public
Service Commission and the duplicate through their respective
Supervising/Responsible Officers.
3. This advertisement together with the application form (PSC Form 7)
are available on the website of the Public Service Commission at
4. On-line application can also be submitted through the government
web portal at
5. Acknowledgement of applications will be made as far as possible by
e-mail. Candidates are therefore encouraged to submit their e-mail
4. -4-
6. Candidates are advised to read carefully the NOTES AND
INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES before filling in the application
form. Care should be taken to fill in the application form correctly.
Incomplete, inadequate or inaccurate filling of the application
form may entail elimination of the applicant.
Applications should reach the Secretary, Public Service Commission,
7, Louis Pasteur Street, Forest Side, not later than 3.00 p.m. on Monday
13 August 2012.
Public Service Commission,
7, Louis Pasteur Street,
Date: 31 July 2012. FOREST SIDE.