6. 仍仂仆 仍舒亟 亟舒 丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍 舒亶仆
仄亞亢亳仍仆 弍仍亞 亞舒仍仆 唏唏仍
舒亞亳仆 亰亞 仂仍亞仂 亞舒仍/Master of Science
M.S in Industrial Hygiene/勳亶仍亟于亳亶仆 勵勵仍 舒亶
M.S in Public Health in Occupational and Environmental
Hygiene/丱唏亟唏仍仄唏 弍舒 仆 勵勵仍 舒亶
M.S in Occupational Health/丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍 仄仆亟
舒从仍舒于仆 亰亞亶 丱亅-仆 亞舒仍/Bachelor in Occupational Hygiene
Bachelor in Occupational Hygiene / 丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍 舒亶
Bachelor in Occupational Safety and Health / 丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 舒ム仍亞勵亶
弍舒亶亟舒仍 弍舒 勵勵仍 仄仆亟
丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍 舒亶仆 亠亳亳从舒舒亟 /Certificated Course in
Occupational Hygiene
丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍 舒亶仆 唏亞唏仍亳亶仆 亟舒舒舒 舒舒仍亞勵亶 亞舒仍
/Continuous Training Program of Occupational Hygiene
7. 丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍 舒亶 弍仍亞 亞舒仍仆 亢亳:
丕-仆 勳仆亟仆亳亶 丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 ム仍亞勵亶 舒亶亟舒仍, 亅勵勵仍 仆亟亳亶仆
丱勵仍仆(NIOSH)- 舒仆勵勵亢勵勵仍仍亶 弌亞仍亟 弌亳仍舒仆 弌亞舒仍
弌亟舒仍亞舒舒仆 唏于勵勵亟
The goal of the ERCs is to help NIOSH achieve its mandate of "providing an adequate
supply of qualified personnel to carry out the purposes of the Occupational Safety and
Health Act" by providing education for occupational health and safety (OH&S)
丐唏于勵勵亟 仆 NOISH-亟 丱亅-亳亶仆 仍亳亶仆 亰仂亳仍亟亞 亞亢勵勵仍
仄亞仆 仄亞亢亳仍勵勵亟亳亶亞 弍仍亞亟 仍舒 亰仂亳仍亞仂仂亶
10. 丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍 舒亶 弍仍亞 亞舒仍仆
亢亳: 丕-亟
丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 ム仍亞勵亶 舒亶亟舒仍, 亅勵勵仍 仄仆亟亳亶仆 弌亞舒仍, 弌亟舒仍亞舒舒仆
1. Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety
2. Heartland Center for Occupational Health & Safety
3. Harvard Education and Research Center
4. Illinois Education and Research Center
5. Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center (丿丕勳弌-亳亶仆 亅弌-舒亶
舒仄仆 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒舒亶)
6. Michigan Education and Research Center
7. Central Appalachian Regional Education and Research Center
8. Midwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety
9. Mountain and Plains Education and Research Center
10. New York/New Jersey Education and Research Center
11. North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center
15. 丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍 舒亶亟仆 仄亞亢仍亳亶仆
舒亟于舒亞 勵仆仍, 弍舒舒仍亞舒舒亢仍舒
亅勳勳 丱丕丼乘 哦哦
丱唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍 舒亶仆
亞舒仍仆 唏唏仍弍唏亳亶亞 仄舒亞舒亟仍舒仆
亳亞仄亢仍 弍舒亶亞仍仍舒亞舒
23 仂仂仆亟 660 亞舒亶 亳 亞仍,
从仂仍仍亠亢亳亶仆 唏亟唏仍仄唏亳亶仆 勵勵仍
舒亶仆 亞舒仍仆 3100 唏唏仍弍唏
仄舒亞舒亟仍舒仆 亳亞仄亢仍仆.
ABET Accredited Masters Level Industrial
Hygiene Programs
Air Force Institute of Technology
Colorado State University
Hunter College of the City of New York
Johns Hopkins University
Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Purdue University
Tulane University
Uniformed Services University for the
Health Sciences.....
ABET Accredited Bachelors Level Industrial
Hygiene Programs
Purdue University
University of Houston-Clear Lake
University of North Alabama
Utah State University.....