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Training Games
Experiential Learning
ACTION                                                          A company with 15 years of
                                                            experience applying gaming and

                                                          simulation as experiential learning
                                                         methodology to the development of
                                                                     systemic competencies.

Training Games started in 1995 with the initial          Synergy is our supreme exponent, where all learning
objective of developing games and simulations to         occurs around the analysis of the evolution and
make training not only a more effective experience       maturity of a group.
but also more entertaining. We still have the capacity
to develop new products and to custom-design             Since the beginning we have specialised in those
courses.                                                 areas where games and simulation offer better
                                                         results than other training methods.
In little more than one year, we went from creating      Soft Skills: Communication, teamwork, shared
games that were complementary to training and            leadership, creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit
centred on content (1st generation) to nuclear games     are without a doubt competencies that are listed in
centred on interrelationships from where training        many dictionaries. However, their development is
conclusions are extracted (2nd generation). After two    not about a problem of comprehension, or even
years, our level of technological development            about being in agreement. They depend on
allowed us to produce 3rd generation games. These        believing it, and there is nothing better than
games are open and fundamentally based on                experiencing it.
simulators, and their evolution depends on the           Systems Thinking: Systems, interrelationships,
decisions made by the participants. No pattern or        interdependencies, complexity, uncertainty, are a
rules are followed, not even a decision protocol.        whole set of concepts linked to the global vision.
There is only the action framework and an objective.     The models explained through simulations are the
Synergy is our supreme exponent, where all learning      ideal way to understand and internalize that
occurs around the analysis of the evolution and          perspective of whole.
maturity of a group.

Training Games                                                                                               1
The formation of a new team of persons coming from different business
areas, and even from other organisations, to take on a far-reaching project
resulted in the need to develop a training program that would create a
propitious environment for interpersonal knowledge and promote
teamwork. But above all, it was necessary to clearly show the challenges
and problems that we faced, which is the most novel aspect with respect to
a training action. The experience with the Equilibrium Cone was
simultaneously gratifying and successful, given that it combined fun aspects
(games and simulators) and operational aspects (specific work projects) that
satisfied the objectives of both cohesion and efficiency, respectively.
Ricardo Alonso Fern叩ndez
Director of Corporate Banking
Global Banking & Markets
Banco Santander Group
Participants retain as much as 75% of the information obtained, because
they 束listen, see, ask and act損

Simulation and games, used as learning devices,
facilitate the gathering of knowledge in a variety
of scientific disciplines, making complex realities
easier to understand and combining inter-related
focuses. They help understand dynamic contexts
and are thus ideal for the acquisition of
systematic skills.
Experimentation through games and simulation
enables knowledge to be integrated and
automated and is particularly useful when applied
to improving abilities and even in transforming
attitudes, something difficult to attain using other

The game plays upon the more excitable nature
of the participant and uses it as a training tool.
The game influences attitudes, improves
relationships, encourages cohesion and team
spirit and generates link networks among the
participants, creating affective bonds between                           The experiential learning cycle of Kurt Z. Lewin
them.                                                    Field Theory in Social Sciences. New York: Harper & Row, 1951

The result is a process of learning, motivation and integration, far more efficient than with traditional training
methods. For the same reason, play can also be useful, on occasions, in overcoming the self-induced block out
produced by the fear that certain training situations bring out in us.

Training Games                                                                                                         2

Training Games development model is structured
around two dimensions: Efficiency and Cohesion. All           Custom courses
research and the standardisation process are directed        Unilever: Selling Out
at delving into our areas of specialisation and at
                                                              LU: Merchandising
developing the related competencies.
                                                              Lafarge: Clienting
The closer we are to the axis of cohesion, the greater       Angelini: Coaching
the emphasis placed on relational aspects, and
                                                           Endesa: Sales techniques
therefore the selected methodology is also somewhat
more play-oriented.
                                                             Custom simulations
Conversely, when we approach the efficiency axis,
training actions become more applicable. The
                                                          Danone: Milk Management
methodology continues to be play-oriented, but on         Inditex: Shop Management
this occasion the topics in question pertain to the           Frigo: Selling Out
company itself and are normally based on real or
                                                         Generalitat: Entrepreneurship
immediately applicable topics.
                                                             La Caixa: Carterbanc

Training Games                                                                           3
I met Ricardo Zamora a few years ago. He presented a teamwork
project to us that we were going to love. The truth is that, due to being
novel and atypical, I have to confess, when the presentation was over
my initial idea was to forget about it. However, we tossed the idea
around and decided to send an elite group to take the training. It was a
huge success, a total innovation within our training system, and the
most wonderful thing is that the team had a good time and
acknowledged having learned about subjects as important as
communication, teamwork, work systems, etc. Over the last three
years, our entire team of managers and middle managers has gone
through this training, with excellent results when applying the acquired
knowledge in their usual jobs.
Antonio Mateo Navarro
Director of industrial relations and training
Collaboration                                           Systems Thinking
  Cooplexity, Synergy and Synersim: attended             FNER: an attended seminar for developing global
    seminars oriented to development of a team-             vision and the system approach.
    working model in the whole organization.              AMED and Majomia: distance or attended
  Equilibrium Cone: an analysis workshop on the            training that uses simulations to comprehend the
    impediments and weak points of an organisation          mechanisms of trust, commitment, collaboration
    and an Action Plan                                      and balance and their importance in win-win
                                                        Sales Tools
  Lead Wheel: an attended seminar oriented at
    developing a distributed leadership model.            5 Negotiation Steps: an attended negotiation
                                                            seminar that follows five specific phases of
  EMOCOMM:         an attended seminar based on
                                                            analysis for preparing a negotiation, whether it is
    theatre techniques, oriented at developing the
                                                            collaborative or competitive.
    participants communication capacity, emotional
    connection and empathy.                               Salesmanship: an attended seminar for learning
                                                            sales management.
  Active Leadership y Emotionally Active: atended
    seminars with the objective of learning the           Best Practice: a consultation action to identify
    leadership basis and evaluating its importance on       and specify the best commercial practices of a
    the relationship within collaborators.                  company.
Entrepreneurship                                          Selling Out: selling out techniques simulations for
                                                            mass consumption markets.
  CEO: distance or attended training that uses a         Clienting: attended seminar focus on client service.
    simulator to    develop    our   entrepreneurial    Outdoor Training
                                                          Geo Challenge and The 4 Elements: combined,
  Creativiteam: an attended seminar for learning
                                                            indoor-outdoor activities     for    developing
    creative techniques that are applicable to              interrelationships and communication skills.
    problem solving and team management.
                                                          TV Game:        TV show simulator for big groups
  Visual    Mapping: an attended seminar for               motivation.
    learning the visual maps technique.

                                                                                     MORE THAN 500
                                                                              COMPANIES HAVE TRIED
                                                                              ONE OF OUR PROGRAMS

Training Games                                                                                                    4
Participating in SYNERGY was an intellectual challenge for me due to the
different way of facing a known subject. The idea of breaking with schemes
and not being anchored in traditional ones is perfectly clear. Learning to
dominate my natural leadership in order to adapt it to good teamwork was
another good practice.
Overall, an intense and very recommendable experience for people who
want to learn different methodologies.
Jordi Ballest辿
Chief Executive Officer
Angelini Group
15 years of experience on teamwork and
Ricardo Zamora is Bachelor of Science in Business and a Masters in Business Management from ESADE, one of the
top 10 European and International Business Schools (see at www.esade.edu).

He is Associate in the Advanced Management Program at ESADE Executive Education as well as other School of
Business and at some Latin American Universities. He taught directly to global companies from USA to China.

He founded his own firm called Training Games in 1995, a training consultancy specialized in Simulation & Gaming,
meaning gaming methodologies applied to learning. The creator of simulators such as Salesmanship, Carterbanc
and Synergy, as well as games such as Teaching Cards, Fork, The 5 phases of the sale and Linker.

Zamora has specialized in the development of systemic competences and applies his programs in large corporations
with complex interrelationships. He is the creator of Synergy, an attended seminar that, for two days, submerges
the participants in a situation of growing complexity, uncertainty and change. Using the behavior simulator
developed by Zamora, Synergy covers a dual analysis of complementary aspects personal and business- when
promoting a culture of distributed leadership and teamwork at organizations. Based on the management
behaviours showed in Synergy that systematically appears when facing uncertain and complex environments, he
has developed Cooplexity (cooperation under complexity), a very robust and academically consistent model. He has
published a book of the same name with the results of a 5 years research on the issue.

Large and multinational companies such as Dannon, Heineken, Unilever, HP, Arbora & Ausonia (Procter), Lafarge or
Santander Banking Group are some of Zamoras customers.

Training Games
                                                                  Parque Empresarial La Finca
                                                                  P尊 Club Deportivo, 1 - Edif. 15A, 1捉 pl.
                                                                  28223 Pozuelo de Alarc坦n
                                                                  Madrid (Espa単a)
                                                                  T. (+34) 911 887 554

                                                                  Suite 11897, 2nd Floor
                                                                  145-157 St John Street
                                                                  London EC1V 4PY
                                                                  T. (+44) 203 026 5376

University Partners
ESADE: Management School of Business of Barcelona (Spain)
UTD: University of Texas Dallas
UAB: Universtat Aut坦noma de Barcelona
Mass Consumption
Cobega (Coca Cola Group), Dannon , LU (Dannon Group), Font Vella (Dannon Group), Heineken, Puleva Food,
Mahou-San Miguel, Grupo Siro, Bimbo (Sara Lee Bakery Group), Unilever, Frigo (Unilever Group), Nestl辿, Arbora
& Ausonia (Procter & Gamble Group)
Telef坦nica, Hewlett Packard, Thales Information Systems, Adbraintage, Astra, T-System
AstraZeneca, BDF - Beiersdorf, Boehringer Ingelheim, Farma-Lepori (Angelini Group), CibaVision (A No-
vartis Company), Novartis, Roche Diagnostics, Pfizer, Chefaro , Lilly, Medichem
Sector bancario
Santander Group, Banco de Sabadell, Deutsche Bank, BBVA, Caixa de Catalunya, La Caixa
Construction, Real State
Ferrovial-Agroman, Acieroid, Lafarge-Asland, Inmobiliaria Colonial
Sanitas, Sanitas Residential, Mutua del Carme, Asepeyo
Kao Corporation, BASF, AKZO Chemicals
REE (Red El辿ctrica de Espa単a), ENDESA, UNIN FENOSA,AGBAR Group
Textile, Fashion
INDITEX, Dimodes, Nike, Venilia (grupo Solvay)

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Training Games Client Brochure

  • 2. ACTION A company with 15 years of experience applying gaming and LEARNING simulation as experiential learning methodology to the development of systemic competencies. SPECIALIST Training Games started in 1995 with the initial Synergy is our supreme exponent, where all learning objective of developing games and simulations to occurs around the analysis of the evolution and make training not only a more effective experience maturity of a group. but also more entertaining. We still have the capacity to develop new products and to custom-design Since the beginning we have specialised in those courses. areas where games and simulation offer better results than other training methods. In little more than one year, we went from creating Soft Skills: Communication, teamwork, shared games that were complementary to training and leadership, creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit centred on content (1st generation) to nuclear games are without a doubt competencies that are listed in centred on interrelationships from where training many dictionaries. However, their development is conclusions are extracted (2nd generation). After two not about a problem of comprehension, or even years, our level of technological development about being in agreement. They depend on allowed us to produce 3rd generation games. These believing it, and there is nothing better than games are open and fundamentally based on experiencing it. simulators, and their evolution depends on the Systems Thinking: Systems, interrelationships, decisions made by the participants. No pattern or interdependencies, complexity, uncertainty, are a rules are followed, not even a decision protocol. whole set of concepts linked to the global vision. There is only the action framework and an objective. The models explained through simulations are the Synergy is our supreme exponent, where all learning ideal way to understand and internalize that occurs around the analysis of the evolution and perspective of whole. maturity of a group. Training Games 1
  • 3. The formation of a new team of persons coming from different business areas, and even from other organisations, to take on a far-reaching project resulted in the need to develop a training program that would create a propitious environment for interpersonal knowledge and promote teamwork. But above all, it was necessary to clearly show the challenges and problems that we faced, which is the most novel aspect with respect to a training action. The experience with the Equilibrium Cone was simultaneously gratifying and successful, given that it combined fun aspects (games and simulators) and operational aspects (specific work projects) that satisfied the objectives of both cohesion and efficiency, respectively. Ricardo Alonso Fern叩ndez Director of Corporate Banking Global Banking & Markets Banco Santander Group
  • 4. SIMULATION & GAMING Participants retain as much as 75% of the information obtained, because they 束listen, see, ask and act損 Simulation and games, used as learning devices, facilitate the gathering of knowledge in a variety of scientific disciplines, making complex realities easier to understand and combining inter-related focuses. They help understand dynamic contexts and are thus ideal for the acquisition of systematic skills. Experimentation through games and simulation enables knowledge to be integrated and automated and is particularly useful when applied to improving abilities and even in transforming attitudes, something difficult to attain using other methods. The game plays upon the more excitable nature of the participant and uses it as a training tool. The game influences attitudes, improves relationships, encourages cohesion and team spirit and generates link networks among the participants, creating affective bonds between The experiential learning cycle of Kurt Z. Lewin them. Field Theory in Social Sciences. New York: Harper & Row, 1951 The result is a process of learning, motivation and integration, far more efficient than with traditional training methods. For the same reason, play can also be useful, on occasions, in overcoming the self-induced block out produced by the fear that certain training situations bring out in us. Training Games 2
  • 5. OUR ESPECIALIZATION Training Games development model is structured around two dimensions: Efficiency and Cohesion. All Custom courses research and the standardisation process are directed Unilever: Selling Out at delving into our areas of specialisation and at LU: Merchandising developing the related competencies. Lafarge: Clienting The closer we are to the axis of cohesion, the greater Angelini: Coaching the emphasis placed on relational aspects, and Endesa: Sales techniques therefore the selected methodology is also somewhat more play-oriented. Custom simulations Conversely, when we approach the efficiency axis, training actions become more applicable. The Danone: Milk Management methodology continues to be play-oriented, but on Inditex: Shop Management this occasion the topics in question pertain to the Frigo: Selling Out company itself and are normally based on real or Generalitat: Entrepreneurship immediately applicable topics. La Caixa: Carterbanc Training Games 3
  • 6. I met Ricardo Zamora a few years ago. He presented a teamwork project to us that we were going to love. The truth is that, due to being novel and atypical, I have to confess, when the presentation was over my initial idea was to forget about it. However, we tossed the idea around and decided to send an elite group to take the training. It was a huge success, a total innovation within our training system, and the most wonderful thing is that the team had a good time and acknowledged having learned about subjects as important as communication, teamwork, work systems, etc. Over the last three years, our entire team of managers and middle managers has gone through this training, with excellent results when applying the acquired knowledge in their usual jobs. Antonio Mateo Navarro Director of industrial relations and training Lafarge
  • 7. OUR OFFER Collaboration Systems Thinking Cooplexity, Synergy and Synersim: attended FNER: an attended seminar for developing global seminars oriented to development of a team- vision and the system approach. working model in the whole organization. AMED and Majomia: distance or attended Equilibrium Cone: an analysis workshop on the training that uses simulations to comprehend the impediments and weak points of an organisation mechanisms of trust, commitment, collaboration and an Action Plan and balance and their importance in win-win strategies. Leadership Sales Tools Lead Wheel: an attended seminar oriented at developing a distributed leadership model. 5 Negotiation Steps: an attended negotiation seminar that follows five specific phases of EMOCOMM: an attended seminar based on analysis for preparing a negotiation, whether it is theatre techniques, oriented at developing the collaborative or competitive. participants communication capacity, emotional connection and empathy. Salesmanship: an attended seminar for learning sales management. Active Leadership y Emotionally Active: atended seminars with the objective of learning the Best Practice: a consultation action to identify leadership basis and evaluating its importance on and specify the best commercial practices of a the relationship within collaborators. company. Entrepreneurship Selling Out: selling out techniques simulations for mass consumption markets. CEO: distance or attended training that uses a Clienting: attended seminar focus on client service. simulator to develop our entrepreneurial Outdoor Training capacities. Geo Challenge and The 4 Elements: combined, Creativiteam: an attended seminar for learning indoor-outdoor activities for developing creative techniques that are applicable to interrelationships and communication skills. problem solving and team management. TV Game: TV show simulator for big groups Visual Mapping: an attended seminar for motivation. learning the visual maps technique. MORE THAN 500 COMPANIES HAVE TRIED ONE OF OUR PROGRAMS Training Games 4
  • 8. Participating in SYNERGY was an intellectual challenge for me due to the different way of facing a known subject. The idea of breaking with schemes and not being anchored in traditional ones is perfectly clear. Learning to dominate my natural leadership in order to adapt it to good teamwork was another good practice. Overall, an intense and very recommendable experience for people who want to learn different methodologies. Jordi Ballest辿 Chief Executive Officer Angelini Group
  • 9. RICARDO ZAMORA 15 years of experience on teamwork and collaboration Ricardo Zamora is Bachelor of Science in Business and a Masters in Business Management from ESADE, one of the top 10 European and International Business Schools (see at www.esade.edu). He is Associate in the Advanced Management Program at ESADE Executive Education as well as other School of Business and at some Latin American Universities. He taught directly to global companies from USA to China. He founded his own firm called Training Games in 1995, a training consultancy specialized in Simulation & Gaming, meaning gaming methodologies applied to learning. The creator of simulators such as Salesmanship, Carterbanc and Synergy, as well as games such as Teaching Cards, Fork, The 5 phases of the sale and Linker. Zamora has specialized in the development of systemic competences and applies his programs in large corporations with complex interrelationships. He is the creator of Synergy, an attended seminar that, for two days, submerges the participants in a situation of growing complexity, uncertainty and change. Using the behavior simulator developed by Zamora, Synergy covers a dual analysis of complementary aspects personal and business- when promoting a culture of distributed leadership and teamwork at organizations. Based on the management behaviours showed in Synergy that systematically appears when facing uncertain and complex environments, he has developed Cooplexity (cooperation under complexity), a very robust and academically consistent model. He has published a book of the same name with the results of a 5 years research on the issue. Large and multinational companies such as Dannon, Heineken, Unilever, HP, Arbora & Ausonia (Procter), Lafarge or Santander Banking Group are some of Zamoras customers. 5 Training Games
  • 10. SPAIN Parque Empresarial La Finca P尊 Club Deportivo, 1 - Edif. 15A, 1捉 pl. 28223 Pozuelo de Alarc坦n Madrid (Espa単a) T. (+34) 911 887 554 UK Suite 11897, 2nd Floor 145-157 St John Street London EC1V 4PY T. (+44) 203 026 5376 CUSTOMERS University Partners ESADE: Management School of Business of Barcelona (Spain) UTD: University of Texas Dallas UAB: Universtat Aut坦noma de Barcelona Mass Consumption Cobega (Coca Cola Group), Dannon , LU (Dannon Group), Font Vella (Dannon Group), Heineken, Puleva Food, Mahou-San Miguel, Grupo Siro, Bimbo (Sara Lee Bakery Group), Unilever, Frigo (Unilever Group), Nestl辿, Arbora & Ausonia (Procter & Gamble Group) Technology Telef坦nica, Hewlett Packard, Thales Information Systems, Adbraintage, Astra, T-System Pharmaceutics AstraZeneca, BDF - Beiersdorf, Boehringer Ingelheim, Farma-Lepori (Angelini Group), CibaVision (A No- vartis Company), Novartis, Roche Diagnostics, Pfizer, Chefaro , Lilly, Medichem Sector bancario Santander Group, Banco de Sabadell, Deutsche Bank, BBVA, Caixa de Catalunya, La Caixa Construction, Real State Ferrovial-Agroman, Acieroid, Lafarge-Asland, Inmobiliaria Colonial Health Sanitas, Sanitas Residential, Mutua del Carme, Asepeyo Chemicals Kao Corporation, BASF, AKZO Chemicals Utilities REE (Red El辿ctrica de Espa単a), ENDESA, UNIN FENOSA,AGBAR Group Textile, Fashion INDITEX, Dimodes, Nike, Venilia (grupo Solvay) Log鱈stics DHL