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Durante Home
Call Center Lead
1. Initial
their Needs
4. Basic
5. Scheduling
6. Closing
Handling Phone Calls with Remarkable Customer Service.
When a customer calls our office, they are typically responding to one of our advertisements, or they are
trying to reach a specific department about something. There is an important process that you need to take
with the customer that creates the best possible first impression, ensures you gain the correct
information from your customer, provides outstanding customer service to a new customer, and to set
the tone for the future relationship they will have with our company. The overall purpose of the process
is to get the customer scheduled for a free in-home consultation.
Using this process with new prospective customers who contact you is a great way to make that important
first impression. You only have one chance to make a first impression. We expect our Customer Care
Representatives to be friendly, professional and helpful. The process is meant to show the quality of our
service, conscientious rapport-building skills and your enthusiastic interest in serving them.
What are you? CustomerCare Represented
What are yourresponsibilities? To serve the Customerinsettingappointmentsandinformingthemaboutthe
productswe offerina professional andfriendlymanner.
What isnot your responsibility? To sale the product: Durante Home Exteriorshasa staff of highlytrainedexpert
salesmen.Itistheirresponsibilitytoclose the sale.Thisistoyour benefit
because itallowsyou  as a CCR  to getthe customerexcited,informed,and
readyfor the designertoclose the sale
As you discuss our products with your customer be sure to use attractive features and benefits
 Effortless to Clean.
 Energy efficient
 Makes your home more comfortable
year round.
 Barefoot Friendly
 Splinter Free Surface
 Energy-Star Rated
 FREE design service
 FREE site inspection.
Things That Customers Hate About Customer Service
1. DelayedResponseorLongHolds
2. Explainingthe Same Issue toMultipleAgents
3. DealingwithInexperiencedCustomerSupportStaff
Inbound Phone Call
Initial call from
the customer
When the customer calls in, Customer Care Representative
thanks the customer for their call and introduces
himself/herself in an upbeat, friendly manner.
Good Morning/Afternoon this is your name at
Durante Home Exteriors, how may I help you
Listen and
identify why they
have called
Listening to the reason the customer has called will help
you put the call in the right place: Sending it to production
or setting a new lead, etc.
Setting an Inbound lead
As you discuss the customers needs, be as enthusiastic,
helpful and encouraging as possible.
Well thank you for (going to the website/Calling
us from the TV Commercial, etc).
Qualify their
product of
Doing this will prevent you from setting a repair lead and
will draw out important, relevant information which will
allow you to serve the customer in the best way possible.
Mr. Jones, so I get the right information out to
you, share with me some of the concerns
youre having about your PRODUCT thats
making you want to replace it (Listen, take
notes, and bring up these questions)
Identify how
they heard about
Inquire how they found out about our company and if
there was a specific advertisement they saw that prompted
their phone call or email.
And how did you hear about us, today, Mr./Mrs.
Direct the
Write down all homeowners names, address, two contact
phone numbers and their email address.
Let me quickly verify your contact info. (make
sure @ this point you have 2 names, 2 phone
numbers, address, & email)
Create urgency
and close the
It is critical that you create a genuine and compelling
reason for your customer to set up their appointment right
Well you couldnt have chosen a better time
with the big seasonal sale we have right now...
(sell some sizzle)
Check their
availability and
our schedule
then set the
Asked them about when both Home owner will be available
then cross Check that with our appointment calendar. If
everything coincides, SET THE APPOINTMENT!
Now that I have your information what I would
like to do is set a time that would be convenient
for the both of us and have one of our
designers stop out to give you a free quote,
while I am pulling up my schedule to see what I
have available let me ask When do you &
your spouse usually have a day off together or
a time where you are both home together do
you guys work, are your retired Mr. Jones, tell
me about your schedule when are you usually
home? Great- and the Mrs.what about her
Button up the
Always end the conversation in an upbeat, positive
manner, reminding the customer one last time of the date
and time of their appointment.
Mr. Jones, so you know what to expect, when
our Designer meets w/ you, hell bring out
Samples of the products youre interested in,
Measure your home, Answer any questions you
may have, and leave you w/ a free quote. The
appointments are very fun and informative,
youre going to be an expert! Now, one last
important thing. We will be giving you a call
one to two days before the appointment, so if
you get a missed call or a voice mail that these
numbers, please give us a call right back as we
do not like to set out a designer unless we
confirm the appointment.
Thanks and well see you and ________ at
(date) and (time).
The reason we qualify a lead is so thatwe can better help the customer: Makingsure that we can help
them and if we cant, pointthem in the right direction.
Product Quantity/size Material/structural Issue/vision Repair Qualification We offer
Windows How manywindows
are you looking to
Are the ones you
have nowwood or
And what the issue with
the windows that making
you want to replace
Youre interested in full-
replacement I presume,
meaning replacing the
glass, the sash, the frame,
the entire window? The
reason I ask is because
we dont do repair, only
full replacement
We offer a full line of high-
performance Composite
Vinyl windows andtheyre
on sale right nowtoohave
you ever hada free quote
Doors What type of door
do you have now?
(EntryDoor, Patio
Door, Sliding Glass
Whats the door
currentlymade of?
(Wood, Metal, etc.)
And what the issue with
the door(s)that making
you want to replace
Are you interested in full
replacement, meaning
the entire door unit? The
reason I ask is because
we dont do repair, only
full replacement
We offer a full line of steel
or fiber glass entrydoors
and patiodoors, theyre on
sale right now toohave
you ever hada free quote
Siding And how many
sidesof the house
are you looking to
get new sidingput
What type of siding
do you have now,
wood, Masonite,
And what the issue with
the sidingthat making you
want to replace them?
Are you looking to
replace all 4 sides of the
home or just do the eves
and overhangs? The
reason I ask is because
we dont do repair, only
full replacement
We offer a full line of siding
and trim made fromeither
Vinyl or James Hardie Board
Fiber cement board and
theyre on sale right now
toohave you ever hada
free quote before?
Decking Products
Decking How large is it?
About how high off
the groundis it?
Do you have a deck
now, or do you want
to build a brand new
What are some ofthe
issues youre having thats
making youwant to
replace it? Is it structurally
(Usuallythe customer has
already answered this
Now what we offer with
our decking is either
resurfacing or complete
teardown and rebuild
using either pressure
treated Pine or
Composite, is that kind of
what youre looking for?
We offer a free site
inspection, a free design
service, anda free same day
price quote, not to mention
our great financinghave
you ever hada free quote
Patio Sections
What type of space
do you have now?
Where wouldthe
m go? (Ex on top of
a deck, a patio area,
bythe pool, etc).
Is there andexisting
roofline or would we
need to build one.
What about the floor
is it a concrete slab
or decking?
How wouldyou envision
using the newsunroom?
(a sunroom is a great way
to expandyour homes
living areaa place to
friends, relax, grow plants,
etc without having to
worryabout the pollen,
the bugs, or humidity).
With ______ we build
them using a pre-
fabricated aluminum wall
structure. The advantage
is that it goes up quicker,
last longer, and comes in
multiple different shades
colors and options. I say
to say we dont do any
form of stick build or
construction. Is that
something you would
entertain taking a look
We offer a free site
inspection, a free design
service, anda free same day
price quote, not to mention
our great financinghave
you ever hada free quote
What type of space
do you have now?
Where wouldthe
m go? (Ex on top of
a deck, a patio area,
bythe pool, etc).
What about the floor
is it a concrete slab
or decking?
Pergolas are beautiful!
Theyre a great wayto
transform your patio area,
to provide shade from the
sun, to hang flowers and
vines, etc
Now with our ________,
we use and aluminum
based system. The
advantage is it goes up
very quickly, and is easy
to clean. I say that to say
we dont do any form of
wood construction.
We offer a free site
inspection, a free design
service, anda free same day
price quote, not to mention
our great financinghave
you ever hada free quote
CALL BACK MESSAGE (If no one answers, leave a pleasant sounding message and indicate you left a massage on their file)
Hi Mr. /Mrs. Smith, thisis ___________ fromDurante Windows. Im calling to let you knowwe have a brandnewsale on all ofour PRODUCT OF
INTERESTyou cansave upto DISCOUNT off, plus take advantage of special FINANCING OFFER .Wedlove to stop out andgive youthat free no
obligationquote. If you would, please give me a callat 956-4110, just askedfor (______) Thanks andhave a great day!
Outbound Lead Setting
Introduction Good Morning/Afternoon customers name, this is _____ calling from Durante Home Exteriors
Purpose Reason for Calling:
Web Inquiry The reason for mycall is (Because I had a note here to give you a call about the ____ project for the home) (because it looks
like either you or maybe your spouse filled out some info onlineI believe it could have been on BLANK.comwe are
affiliated w/ them, they sent us an email that you are interested in ____replacement).
Reset a previous
appointment that
didnt work out
The reason for my call is b/c it looks like we spoke w/ you a while back about your product and for whatever reason the
appointment didnt work out Im calling to let you know about our brand new (sale) I wanted to find a good time to
have our designer stop out to give you that free quote
Setting an
appointment for the
1st time
The reason for mycall is because it looks like you saw us at lead source and you expressed interest in product I wanted to
let you know you couldnt have chosen a better time with our seasonal saleIm calling to see what questions you have
about your product and to find a good time to have our designer stop out to give you that free quote (begin a dialogue &
qualify the appointment)
(Begin a dialogue & qualify the appointment)
Identify how they
heard about Durante.
And how did you hear about us, today, Mr./Mrs. Jones?
Create excitement. Well thank you for (going to the website/Calling us from the TV Commercial, etc).
Qualify their product
of interest.
Mr. Jones, so I get the right information out to you, share with me some of the concerns youre having about your
PRODUCT thats making you want to replace it (Listen, take notes, and bring up these questions)
Direct the
Let me quickly verify your contact info. (make sure @ this point you have 2 names, 2 phone numbers, address, & email)
Create urgency and
close the appointment.
Well you couldnt have chosen a better time with the big seasonal sale we have right now... (sell some sizzle)
Check their and our
schedule and set the
Now that I have your information what I would like to do is set a time that would be convenient for the both of us and
have one of our designers stop out to give you a free quote, while I am pulling up myschedule to see what I have
available let me ask When do you & your spouse usually have a day off together or a time where you are both home
together.do you guys work, are your retired Mr. Jones, tell me about your schedule when are you usually home?
Great- and the Mrs.what about her schedule?
Button up the
Mr. Jones, so you know what to expect, when our Designer meets w/ you, hell bring out Samples of the products youre
interested in, Measure your home, Answer any questions you may have, and Leave you w/ a free quote. The
appointments are very fun and informative, youre going to be an expert! You should expect a confirmation call 24-48
hours before your appointment, so if they leave you a message please give us a call back and let us know you got the
Thanks and well see you and ________ at (date) and (time).
Objections: How to easilydeal withthem.
How Much Does Your Product Cost?
Well thats a great question. I work here inthe scheduling (or marketing) department, andI dont have anything to dow/
pricing, thats more of the responsibilityof our designers. I wouldnt reallybe the best personto ask, but generallyspeak ing I
do know we are not the most expensive, andwe are not the bargain brandeitherwe are more of a mid-pricedwindow, and
w/ this newsale we have, we are offering some reallygooddeals (explain sale) solets get that quote set upThe designer will
be able to give you a to-the-pennyprice oneverything
If theypersist- Well the quote would depend ona lot of different factorsthe # of windows, the sizes of windows,
the width& height, we have manydifferent color andgrid options;theres a lot of info that youguys wouldactually
need to pick out, andw/ this newsale we have, we are offering some reallygooddeals(explain sale), solets get that
quote set upThe designer will be able to give you a to-the-pennyprice oneverything.
I Am Not Interested Right Now
I understand, if you were interested inthe future though, wouldit be the windows or the sidingyouve beenthinkingabout
I understandgetting a quote is like a pre-planning stage, so down the roadwhenyou are more ready, you will knowmore
about what your options areyou are not obligated to buyanything right awayandw/ this newsale we have, we are
offering some reallygood deals, so lets get that quote set up
I understandwhat you are saying, other folks have felt the same way, what theyhave foundis that gettinga free quote is like a
pre-planningstage, aninitial place to startGettinga free quote wouldgive you anopportunityto see our products andget a
quote, you couldget to know us as a companyandbetter understandwhat we can dofor you and w/ this new sale we have,
we are offeringsome reallygood deals, so lets get that quote set up
I Cant Afford It
I understand, the information is completelyfree andwill give you some goodideas for whenyou eventuallyhave the moneyor
decide to do anything. Getting a quote is like a pre-planning stage, sodownthe road when youare more ready, you willknow
more about what your options areyou are not obligated to buyanything right awayandw/ thisnew sale we have, we are
offering some reallygood deals, so lets get that quote set up
My Wife and I are too busy!
I understand. Manyof our customers are have busy schedulesthat is whywe make appointments between10a and 6p in the
eveningandwe alsodoSaturdays. Ifwe couldcatchyou andthe Mrs./Mr. together duringthe week, whenwouldit be inthe
eveningor maybe on a Saturday?
Why does my wife/husband have to be there?
At Durante, all ofour products are custommade and the different featuresare picked out byyou the homeowner, and we
want to answer anyquestions you both mayhave since you bothlive in the houseWe offer different colors, different styles,
and you guys wouldneedto pick that. There is noobligation to buyanything, but we wouldaskto please meet w/ both
homeowners ifat all possible
My Husband/brother is a contractor! I have a friend that can do it!
I understand. We have been around for a long time, andwe offer life-time transferrable warranties andall of our installers are
factorytrained. If you ever sell the home, the warrantytransfers to the next buyer whichadds value and is alsoa goodselling
point, and if an accident happened and damaged something we will come out andreplace it or fix it right away. I knowyour
____maynot be able to offer that. The Quote wouldbe a goodwayto compare product, prices, and benefits of dealing withus
versus _____ so youcansee who would actuallybe best for youandw/ this newsale we have, we are offering some really
good deals, so lets get that quote set up
60/90 Minutes?
I understand, the designer sets aside 60/90 minutes of his of her time to answer anyquestions youhave, measure your home,
tell youabout the company, andshow you the product. Sometimesit couldtake longer or shorter it reallydepends on your
questions, andhowlongthe measuring takes, etc. Now, tomorrowat 6 is that going to still be a goodtime answer any
questions the bothof you have. Goodandthats not goingto interfere with anyplans you have for the eveningsir?What about
the Mrs.? Willthat interfere withanyplans she has?

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  • 1. Durante Home Exteriors: Call Center Lead Flow 1. Initial Contact 2. Assessment their Needs 3. Qualification 4. Basic Information 5. Scheduling 6. Closing
  • 2. Handling Phone Calls with Remarkable Customer Service. When a customer calls our office, they are typically responding to one of our advertisements, or they are trying to reach a specific department about something. There is an important process that you need to take with the customer that creates the best possible first impression, ensures you gain the correct information from your customer, provides outstanding customer service to a new customer, and to set the tone for the future relationship they will have with our company. The overall purpose of the process is to get the customer scheduled for a free in-home consultation. Using this process with new prospective customers who contact you is a great way to make that important first impression. You only have one chance to make a first impression. We expect our Customer Care Representatives to be friendly, professional and helpful. The process is meant to show the quality of our service, conscientious rapport-building skills and your enthusiastic interest in serving them. What are you? CustomerCare Represented What are yourresponsibilities? To serve the Customerinsettingappointmentsandinformingthemaboutthe productswe offerina professional andfriendlymanner. What isnot your responsibility? To sale the product: Durante Home Exteriorshasa staff of highlytrainedexpert salesmen.Itistheirresponsibilitytoclose the sale.Thisistoyour benefit because itallowsyou as a CCR to getthe customerexcited,informed,and readyfor the designertoclose the sale As you discuss our products with your customer be sure to use attractive features and benefits like: Maintenance-Free Effortless to Clean. Custom-Designed Energy efficient Makes your home more comfortable year round. Barefoot Friendly Splinter Free Surface Energy-Star Rated FREE design service FREE site inspection. Things That Customers Hate About Customer Service 1. DelayedResponseorLongHolds 2. Explainingthe Same Issue toMultipleAgents 3. DealingwithInexperiencedCustomerSupportStaff
  • 3. Inbound Phone Call Initial call from the customer When the customer calls in, Customer Care Representative thanks the customer for their call and introduces himself/herself in an upbeat, friendly manner. Good Morning/Afternoon this is your name at Durante Home Exteriors, how may I help you today. Listen and identify why they have called Durante. Listening to the reason the customer has called will help you put the call in the right place: Sending it to production or setting a new lead, etc. Setting an Inbound lead Create excitement. As you discuss the customers needs, be as enthusiastic, helpful and encouraging as possible. Well thank you for (going to the website/Calling us from the TV Commercial, etc). Qualify their product of interest. Doing this will prevent you from setting a repair lead and will draw out important, relevant information which will allow you to serve the customer in the best way possible. Mr. Jones, so I get the right information out to you, share with me some of the concerns youre having about your PRODUCT thats making you want to replace it (Listen, take notes, and bring up these questions) Identify how they heard about Durante. Inquire how they found out about our company and if there was a specific advertisement they saw that prompted their phone call or email. And how did you hear about us, today, Mr./Mrs. Jones? Direct the conversation. Write down all homeowners names, address, two contact phone numbers and their email address. Let me quickly verify your contact info. (make sure @ this point you have 2 names, 2 phone numbers, address, & email) Create urgency and close the appointment. It is critical that you create a genuine and compelling reason for your customer to set up their appointment right away! Well you couldnt have chosen a better time with the big seasonal sale we have right now... (sell some sizzle) Check their availability and our schedule then set the appointment. Asked them about when both Home owner will be available then cross Check that with our appointment calendar. If everything coincides, SET THE APPOINTMENT! Now that I have your information what I would like to do is set a time that would be convenient for the both of us and have one of our designers stop out to give you a free quote, while I am pulling up my schedule to see what I have available let me ask When do you & your spouse usually have a day off together or a time where you are both home together do you guys work, are your retired Mr. Jones, tell me about your schedule when are you usually home? Great- and the Mrs.what about her schedule? Button up the conversation. Always end the conversation in an upbeat, positive manner, reminding the customer one last time of the date and time of their appointment. Mr. Jones, so you know what to expect, when our Designer meets w/ you, hell bring out Samples of the products youre interested in, Measure your home, Answer any questions you may have, and leave you w/ a free quote. The appointments are very fun and informative, youre going to be an expert! Now, one last important thing. We will be giving you a call one to two days before the appointment, so if you get a missed call or a voice mail that these numbers, please give us a call right back as we do not like to set out a designer unless we confirm the appointment. Thanks and well see you and ________ at (date) and (time).
  • 4. The reason we qualify a lead is so thatwe can better help the customer: Makingsure that we can help them and if we cant, pointthem in the right direction. Product Quantity/size Material/structural Issue/vision Repair Qualification We offer Windows How manywindows are you looking to replace? Are the ones you have nowwood or aluminum? And what the issue with the windows that making you want to replace them? Youre interested in full- replacement I presume, meaning replacing the glass, the sash, the frame, the entire window? The reason I ask is because we dont do repair, only full replacement We offer a full line of high- performance Composite Vinyl windows andtheyre on sale right nowtoohave you ever hada free quote before? Doors What type of door do you have now? (EntryDoor, Patio Door, Sliding Glass Door). Whats the door currentlymade of? (Wood, Metal, etc.) And what the issue with the door(s)that making you want to replace them? Are you interested in full replacement, meaning the entire door unit? The reason I ask is because we dont do repair, only full replacement We offer a full line of steel or fiber glass entrydoors and patiodoors, theyre on sale right now toohave you ever hada free quote before? Siding And how many sidesof the house are you looking to get new sidingput on? What type of siding do you have now, wood, Masonite, etc? And what the issue with the sidingthat making you want to replace them? Are you looking to replace all 4 sides of the home or just do the eves and overhangs? The reason I ask is because we dont do repair, only full replacement We offer a full line of siding and trim made fromeither Vinyl or James Hardie Board Fiber cement board and theyre on sale right now toohave you ever hada free quote before? Decking Products Decking How large is it? About how high off the groundis it? Do you have a deck now, or do you want to build a brand new one? What are some ofthe issues youre having thats making youwant to replace it? Is it structurally ok? (Usuallythe customer has already answered this question.) Now what we offer with our decking is either resurfacing or complete teardown and rebuild using either pressure treated Pine or Composite, is that kind of what youre looking for? We offer a free site inspection, a free design service, anda free same day price quote, not to mention our great financinghave you ever hada free quote before? Patio Sections Sunroom Screen room What type of space do you have now? Where wouldthe sunroom/Screenroo m go? (Ex on top of a deck, a patio area, bythe pool, etc). Is there andexisting roofline or would we need to build one. What about the floor is it a concrete slab or decking? How wouldyou envision using the newsunroom? (a sunroom is a great way to expandyour homes living areaa place to entertainfamilyand friends, relax, grow plants, etc without having to worryabout the pollen, the bugs, or humidity). With ______ we build them using a pre- fabricated aluminum wall structure. The advantage is that it goes up quicker, last longer, and comes in multiple different shades colors and options. I say to say we dont do any form of stick build or conventional construction. Is that something you would entertain taking a look at? We offer a free site inspection, a free design service, anda free same day price quote, not to mention our great financinghave you ever hada free quote before? Patio Cover, Pergola What type of space do you have now? Where wouldthe sunroom/Screenroo m go? (Ex on top of a deck, a patio area, bythe pool, etc). What about the floor is it a concrete slab or decking? Pergolas are beautiful! Theyre a great wayto transform your patio area, to provide shade from the sun, to hang flowers and vines, etc Now with our ________, we use and aluminum based system. The advantage is it goes up very quickly, and is easy to clean. I say that to say we dont do any form of wood construction. We offer a free site inspection, a free design service, anda free same day price quote, not to mention our great financinghave you ever hada free quote before?
  • 5. CALL BACK MESSAGE (If no one answers, leave a pleasant sounding message and indicate you left a massage on their file) Hi Mr. /Mrs. Smith, thisis ___________ fromDurante Windows. Im calling to let you knowwe have a brandnewsale on all ofour PRODUCT OF INTERESTyou cansave upto DISCOUNT off, plus take advantage of special FINANCING OFFER .Wedlove to stop out andgive youthat free no obligationquote. If you would, please give me a callat 956-4110, just askedfor (______) Thanks andhave a great day! Outbound Lead Setting Introduction Good Morning/Afternoon customers name, this is _____ calling from Durante Home Exteriors Purpose Reason for Calling: Web Inquiry The reason for mycall is (Because I had a note here to give you a call about the ____ project for the home) (because it looks like either you or maybe your spouse filled out some info onlineI believe it could have been on BLANK.comwe are affiliated w/ them, they sent us an email that you are interested in ____replacement). Reset a previous appointment that didnt work out The reason for my call is b/c it looks like we spoke w/ you a while back about your product and for whatever reason the appointment didnt work out Im calling to let you know about our brand new (sale) I wanted to find a good time to have our designer stop out to give you that free quote Setting an appointment for the 1st time The reason for mycall is because it looks like you saw us at lead source and you expressed interest in product I wanted to let you know you couldnt have chosen a better time with our seasonal saleIm calling to see what questions you have about your product and to find a good time to have our designer stop out to give you that free quote (begin a dialogue & qualify the appointment) (Begin a dialogue & qualify the appointment) Identify how they heard about Durante. And how did you hear about us, today, Mr./Mrs. Jones? Create excitement. Well thank you for (going to the website/Calling us from the TV Commercial, etc). Qualify their product of interest. Mr. Jones, so I get the right information out to you, share with me some of the concerns youre having about your PRODUCT thats making you want to replace it (Listen, take notes, and bring up these questions) Direct the conversation. Let me quickly verify your contact info. (make sure @ this point you have 2 names, 2 phone numbers, address, & email) Create urgency and close the appointment. Well you couldnt have chosen a better time with the big seasonal sale we have right now... (sell some sizzle) Check their and our schedule and set the appointment Now that I have your information what I would like to do is set a time that would be convenient for the both of us and have one of our designers stop out to give you a free quote, while I am pulling up myschedule to see what I have available let me ask When do you & your spouse usually have a day off together or a time where you are both home together.do you guys work, are your retired Mr. Jones, tell me about your schedule when are you usually home? Great- and the Mrs.what about her schedule? Button up the conversation. Mr. Jones, so you know what to expect, when our Designer meets w/ you, hell bring out Samples of the products youre interested in, Measure your home, Answer any questions you may have, and Leave you w/ a free quote. The appointments are very fun and informative, youre going to be an expert! You should expect a confirmation call 24-48 hours before your appointment, so if they leave you a message please give us a call back and let us know you got the message. Thanks and well see you and ________ at (date) and (time).
  • 6. Objections: How to easilydeal withthem. How Much Does Your Product Cost? Well thats a great question. I work here inthe scheduling (or marketing) department, andI dont have anything to dow/ pricing, thats more of the responsibilityof our designers. I wouldnt reallybe the best personto ask, but generallyspeak ing I do know we are not the most expensive, andwe are not the bargain brandeitherwe are more of a mid-pricedwindow, and w/ this newsale we have, we are offering some reallygooddeals (explain sale) solets get that quote set upThe designer will be able to give you a to-the-pennyprice oneverything If theypersist- Well the quote would depend ona lot of different factorsthe # of windows, the sizes of windows, the width& height, we have manydifferent color andgrid options;theres a lot of info that youguys wouldactually need to pick out, andw/ this newsale we have, we are offering some reallygooddeals(explain sale), solets get that quote set upThe designer will be able to give you a to-the-pennyprice oneverything. I Am Not Interested Right Now I understand, if you were interested inthe future though, wouldit be the windows or the sidingyouve beenthinkingabout doing? I understandgetting a quote is like a pre-planning stage, so down the roadwhenyou are more ready, you will knowmore about what your options areyou are not obligated to buyanything right awayandw/ this newsale we have, we are offering some reallygood deals, so lets get that quote set up I understandwhat you are saying, other folks have felt the same way, what theyhave foundis that gettinga free quote is like a pre-planningstage, aninitial place to startGettinga free quote wouldgive you anopportunityto see our products andget a quote, you couldget to know us as a companyandbetter understandwhat we can dofor you and w/ this new sale we have, we are offeringsome reallygood deals, so lets get that quote set up I Cant Afford It I understand, the information is completelyfree andwill give you some goodideas for whenyou eventuallyhave the moneyor decide to do anything. Getting a quote is like a pre-planning stage, sodownthe road when youare more ready, you willknow more about what your options areyou are not obligated to buyanything right awayandw/ thisnew sale we have, we are offering some reallygood deals, so lets get that quote set up My Wife and I are too busy! I understand. Manyof our customers are have busy schedulesthat is whywe make appointments between10a and 6p in the eveningandwe alsodoSaturdays. Ifwe couldcatchyou andthe Mrs./Mr. together duringthe week, whenwouldit be inthe eveningor maybe on a Saturday? Why does my wife/husband have to be there? At Durante, all ofour products are custommade and the different featuresare picked out byyou the homeowner, and we want to answer anyquestions you both mayhave since you bothlive in the houseWe offer different colors, different styles, and you guys wouldneedto pick that. There is noobligation to buyanything, but we wouldaskto please meet w/ both homeowners ifat all possible My Husband/brother is a contractor! I have a friend that can do it! I understand. We have been around for a long time, andwe offer life-time transferrable warranties andall of our installers are factorytrained. If you ever sell the home, the warrantytransfers to the next buyer whichadds value and is alsoa goodselling point, and if an accident happened and damaged something we will come out andreplace it or fix it right away. I knowyour ____maynot be able to offer that. The Quote wouldbe a goodwayto compare product, prices, and benefits of dealing withus versus _____ so youcansee who would actuallybe best for youandw/ this newsale we have, we are offering some really good deals, so lets get that quote set up 60/90 Minutes? I understand, the designer sets aside 60/90 minutes of his of her time to answer anyquestions youhave, measure your home, tell youabout the company, andshow you the product. Sometimesit couldtake longer or shorter it reallydepends on your questions, andhowlongthe measuring takes, etc. Now, tomorrowat 6 is that going to still be a goodtime answer any questions the bothof you have. Goodandthats not goingto interfere with anyplans you have for the eveningsir?What about the Mrs.? Willthat interfere withanyplans she has?