2. 01/01/2025 Prepared BY: Abdulhafiz A. 2
Windows Server 2003 Editions
Standard Edition
Web Edition
3. 01/01/2025 Prepared BY: Abdulhafiz A. 3
Web Edition:- The feature set and licensing
allows customers easy deployment of Web pages,
Web sites, Web applications, and Web services.
Standard Edition:- capable of providing
directory, file, print, application, multimedia, and
Web services for small to medium-sized
Enterprise Edition:-designed to be a powerful
server platform for medium- to large-sized
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Setup Instructions
Set up your computer according to the
manufacturers instructions. The server
configured as follows:
Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
Computer name: Server01
Domain controller in the domain
300 GB partitioned disk drive space
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Server roles
File Server
Provides convenient, centralized access to files and directories
Print Server
Application Server (IIS, ASP.NET)
hosting of Web applications
Mail Server (POP3, SMTP)
Terminal Server
Provides applications and server resources
Remote Access/VPN Server
Domain Controller (Active Directory)
DNS Server
DHCP Server
Streaming Media Server
6. 01/01/2025 Prepared BY: Abdulhafiz A. 6
Knowledge you will acquired
After this lab session, you will be able to
Install Windows Server 2003
Identify the key structures and concepts of Active
Create a Domain Controller , DC
Create Active Directory , AD, objects including users,
groups, and organizational units (OUs)
Configuring DHCP server roles
Configuring DNS server roles
Configuring FTP server roles , and
Many other related configurations
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Concepts of Active Directory
AD: Is a centralized database where it contains the
information about the objects like
printers etc.
AD is a centralized hierarchical Directory Database.
AD is a searchable Database
A server where A.D. is installed is called D.C.
AD is saved in a file called NTDS.DIT
NTDS -New Technology Directory Services
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Installing Active Directory
An NTFS partition with enough free space
An Administrator's username and password
The correct operating system version
Properly configured TCP/IP (IP address, subnet mask
and - optional - default gateway)
A Domain name that you want to use,
The Windows Server 2003 CD media (or at least the
i386 folder)
9. 01/01/2025 Prepared BY: Abdulhafiz A. 9
Installing Active Directory
Two ways to install
Start > Run> dcpromo.msc
Following the steps on
Configure Your Server
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After installing
You should notice 5 options like
ADUC Active Directory Users and
ADDT Active Directory Domains and Trusts
ADSS Active Directory Sites Services
DCSP Domain Controller Security Policy
DSP Domain Security Policy
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Some terms you should know
Domains, Trees and Forests
A domain is the core administrative unit of the
Windows Server 2003 directory service.
A domain is collection of computers connected together
with server and users
Trees: Multiple domain which share contiguous
DNS names. info.edu, cs.info.edu, it.info.edu ,
Forests: Multiple domain which do not share
contiguous DNS names.
12. 01/01/2025 Prepared BY: Abdulhafiz A. 12
Objects and Organizational Units (OUs)
Active Directory is capable of hosting millions of
objects, including :
shared folders,
site links,
Group Policy Objects (GPOs), and even
DNS zones and host records.
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Objects and Organizational Units (OUs)
OUs:- are containers within
a domain that allow you to
group objects that share
common administration or
14. Creating Domain users
First check the password policy before you create DU.
Administrative tools domain security policy
account policy password policy.
To create Domain user account we have two options:
Using java scripts
Create domain user accounts.
Modify user account properties, including changing
logon and password settings in the user account.
Reset the password.
Enable and disable an account.
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How to add PCs on a server
1. Test the connection using ipconfig and ping
2. Use Ip address of the server as DNS IP address
for the local machine.
3. Goto my computer propertiescomputer
namethen follow the wizard to join the
16. 01/01/2025 Prepared BY: Abdulhafiz A. 16
Group Policy
GPOs are collections of hundreds of possible
configuration settings, from user logon rights
and privileges to the software that is allowed to
be run on a system.
Let us follow the steps to apply GPO.
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Server as a DHCP
Administrative tools DHCP
Right click on the scope properties
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Application Server
Internet Information Service (IIS): It is a web server from
Microsoft used for administering, managing, controlling websites.
IIS is the server component which provides services like www,
http, ftp, nntp, SMTP, FrontPage, .net frame works
WWW: World Wide Web: enables use of internet.
HTTP: (Hiper text transfer Protocol): Supports file types like text,
audio &video
Gopher: used prior to http supported only text.
FTP: (File Transfer Protocol): used for uploading or downloading,
huge size files.
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol): Used for publishing the
same message for a group of people.
SMTP: (Simple mail transfer protocol); Used by exchange server for
sending mails.
21. 01/01/2025 Prepared BY: Abdulhafiz A. 21
Installing IIS
On DC or member server
From Control Panel
Add/rem programs
Add/rem windows components
Select application server
Click on details
Select I.I.S.
Select F.T.P. & www. Services
Ok next
22. 01/01/2025 Prepared BY: Abdulhafiz A. 22
FTP Server
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) It is a service of I.I.S. used for
uploading or downloading large amount of files over internet or
intranet. runs on a port no.21
Creating an FTP site:
Put files on ftproot folder.
Connecting to FTP server
Start run cmd
create a folder local in a drive - ex: md local
Cd local
Ftp (servers ip address)
Type administrator
Type password
You will be at FTP>.
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FTP commands:
Dir or ls - for listing FTP contents
Get - for downloading
Put - uploading
Prompt - disable interactive mode
Mget - downloading multiple files
Mput - uploading multiple files
Bye - ending session
Close - close the session
Mkdir - to create a folder in ftp site
Rmdir - to delete a folder
Del - to delete a file
Pwd - to list present working dir
Lcd - locally change directory
Cd - change directory in ftp site
Bell - gives beep sound on/off after the action