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Training and DevelopmentTraining and Development
1. Training vs. Development.1. Training vs. Development.
2. Importance of Training.2. Importance of Training.
3. Types of Training.3. Types of Training.
4. Training Process Model.4. Training Process Model.
5. Learning Principles.5. Learning Principles.
6. Training Methods.6. Training Methods.
1. Difference Between Training1. Difference Between Training
TrainingTraining focuses onfocuses on
specificspecific jobjob
knowledge and skillknowledge and skill
that is to be applied inthat is to be applied in
the short run.the short run.
DevelopmentDevelopment focuses onfocuses on
broad knowledge andbroad knowledge and
insights that may beinsights that may be
required forrequired for adaptationadaptation
to environmentalto environmental
demands in the future.demands in the future.
1. Training vs. Development
1. Respond to1. Respond to technologytechnology changes affectingchanges affecting
job requirements.job requirements.
2. Respond to organizational2. Respond to organizational restructuringrestructuring..
3. Adapt to increased3. Adapt to increased diversitydiversity of theof the
4. Support4. Support careercareer development.development.
5. Fulfill employee need for5. Fulfill employee need for growthgrowth..
2. Importance of Training
3. Types of Training3. Types of Training
1. Skills Training.1. Skills Training.
2. Retraining.2. Retraining.
3. Cross-Functional.3. Cross-Functional.
4. Team Training.4. Team Training.
5. Creativity Training.5. Creativity Training.
6. Literacy Training.6. Literacy Training.
7. Diversity Training.7. Diversity Training.
8. Customer Service.8. Customer Service.
3. Types of Training
Focus on job knowledgeFocus on job knowledge
and skill for:and skill for:
 Instructing new hires.Instructing new hires.
 Overcoming performanceOvercoming performance
deficits of the workforce.deficits of the workforce.
2.2. RetrainingRetraining
Maintaining worker knowledge andMaintaining worker knowledge and
skill asskill as job requirements changejob requirements change duedue
 Technological innovationTechnological innovation
 Organizational restructuringOrganizational restructuring
3.3. Cross-Functional TrainingCross-Functional Training
Training employees to perform aTraining employees to perform a
widerwider variety of tasksvariety of tasks in order toin order to
 Flexibility in work scheduling.Flexibility in work scheduling.
 Improved coordination.Improved coordination.
4.4. Team TrainingTeam Training
Training self-directed teams withTraining self-directed teams with
regard to:regard to:
 Management skills.Management skills.
 Coordination skills.Coordination skills.
 Cross-functional skills.Cross-functional skills.
5.5. Creativity TrainingCreativity Training
Using innovative learningUsing innovative learning
techniques to enhancetechniques to enhance
employee ability to spawnemployee ability to spawn
new ideas and newnew ideas and new
6.6. Literacy TrainingLiteracy Training
ImprovingImproving basic skillsbasic skills of theof the
workforce such asworkforce such as
mathematics, reading, writing,mathematics, reading, writing,
and effective employeeand effective employee
behaviors such as punctuality,behaviors such as punctuality,
responsibility, cooperation,etc.responsibility, cooperation,etc.
7.7. Diversity TrainingDiversity Training
Instituting a variety of programsInstituting a variety of programs
to instill awareness, tolerance,to instill awareness, tolerance,
respect, and acceptance ofrespect, and acceptance of
persons of different race,persons of different race,
gender, etc. and differentgender, etc. and different
8.8. Customer Service TrainingCustomer Service Training
Training to improveTraining to improve
communication, bettercommunication, better
response to customerresponse to customer
needs, and ways toneeds, and ways to
enhance customerenhance customer
I. Needs
II. Developing &
III. Evaluating
4. Training Process Model
1. Organizational Level1. Organizational Level
 Sales and operating plans.Sales and operating plans.
 Productivity measures.Productivity measures.
 Technology change.Technology change.
 Change in workforce.Change in workforce.
2. Job Level2. Job Level
 Job and task analysis.Job and task analysis.
 Identify KSAs.Identify KSAs.
 Review procedural andReview procedural and
technical manuals.technical manuals.
Design Training Program
3. Individual Level3. Individual Level
Determine who needs trainingDetermine who needs training
and what kind.and what kind.
 Prior training andPrior training and
 Performance review.Performance review.
 Career assessment.Career assessment.
Methods of trainingMethods of training
 1. Classroom Instruction1. Classroom Instruction
 2.2. Video and FilmVideo and Film
 3.3. Computer Assisted InstructionComputer Assisted Instruction
 4.4. Computer Assisted InstructionComputer Assisted Instruction
with Videowith Video
 5.5. Simulation/VestibuleSimulation/Vestibule
 6. Off the job training6. Off the job training
1.1. Classroom InstructionClassroom Instruction
 Efficient disseminationEfficient dissemination
of large volume ofof large volume of
 Effective in explainingEffective in explaining
concepts, theories, andconcepts, theories, and
 Provides opportunity forProvides opportunity for
 Learner does not controlLearner does not control
pace or contentpace or content
 Does not considerDoes not consider
individual differences.individual differences.
 Limited practice.Limited practice.
 Limited feedback.Limited feedback.
 Limited transfer to job.Limited transfer to job.
2.2. Video and FilmVideo and Film
 Provides realism.Provides realism.
 Adds interest.Adds interest.
 Allows schedulingAllows scheduling
 Allows exposure toAllows exposure to
hazardous events.hazardous events.
 Allows distribution toAllows distribution to
multiple sites.multiple sites.
 Does not considerDoes not consider
individual differences.individual differences.
 Limited practice.Limited practice.
 Limited feedback.Limited feedback.
 Limited transfer to job.Limited transfer to job.
3.3. Computer Assisted InstructionComputer Assisted Instruction
 Efficient instruction.Efficient instruction.
 Considers individualConsiders individual
 Allows schedulingAllows scheduling
 Allows active practiceAllows active practice
for some tasks.for some tasks.
 Allows learner control.Allows learner control.
 Provides immediateProvides immediate
feedback to tasks.feedback to tasks.
 Limited in presentingLimited in presenting
theories and principles.theories and principles.
 Limited discussion.Limited discussion.
 Transfer depends onTransfer depends on
particular job. (Good forparticular job. (Good for
computer work.)computer work.)
 High development costHigh development cost
(40-60 hours per hour of(40-60 hours per hour of
instruction at $100-$300instruction at $100-$300
per hour.)per hour.)
4.4. Computer Assisted InstructionComputer Assisted Instruction
with Videowith Video
 Same as basic CAI.Same as basic CAI.
 Adds realism.Adds realism.
 Adds interest.Adds interest.
 Allows exposure toAllows exposure to
hazardous events.hazardous events.
 Same as basic CAI.Same as basic CAI.
 Adds additional cost.Adds additional cost.
$50,000-$150,000 per hour$50,000-$150,000 per hour
of instruction due to:of instruction due to:
* Script writers* Script writers
* Production specialists* Production specialists
* Camera crews* Camera crews
5.5. Simulation/VestibuleSimulation/Vestibule
 Provides realism.Provides realism.
 Allows active practice.Allows active practice.
 Provides immediateProvides immediate
 Allows exposure toAllows exposure to
hazardous events.hazardous events.
 High transfer to job.High transfer to job.
 No job interference.No job interference.
 Lowers trainee stress.Lowers trainee stress.
 Cannot cover all job aspects.Cannot cover all job aspects.
 Limited number of trainees.Limited number of trainees.
 Can be very expensive (forCan be very expensive (for
example, aircraft simulatorsexample, aircraft simulators
and virtual realityand virtual reality
6. On-The-Job Training6. On-The-Job Training
 Provides realism.Provides realism.
 Allows active practice.Allows active practice.
 Provides immediateProvides immediate
 High motivation.High motivation.
 High transfer to job.High transfer to job.
 Lowers training cost.Lowers training cost.
 Disruptions to operations.Disruptions to operations.
 May damage equipment.May damage equipment.
 Inconsistent acrossInconsistent across
 Inadequate focus onInadequate focus on
underlying principles.underlying principles.
 Lack of systematicLack of systematic
 Transfer of improperTransfer of improper
 Trainee stress.Trainee stress.
Off the job trainingOff the job training
 Case studiesCase studies
 Role playsRole plays
 Conference methodConference method
Performance Management
 Performance appraisal is a formalPerformance appraisal is a formal
structured system of measuring andstructured system of measuring and
evaluating an employees job relatedevaluating an employees job related
behavior and outcomes to discoverbehavior and outcomes to discover
how and why the employee ishow and why the employee is
presently performing on the job andpresently performing on the job and
how the employee can perform morehow the employee can perform more
effectively in the future so that theeffectively in the future so that the
employee, orag. and society allemployee, orag. and society all
Why Performance Appraisal?Why Performance Appraisal?
 Appraisal provide information upon whichAppraisal provide information upon which
promotion and salary decision can bepromotion and salary decision can be
 Appraisal provide an opportunity for aAppraisal provide an opportunity for a
manager and his/her subordinates to sitmanager and his/her subordinates to sit
down and review the subordinates work-down and review the subordinates work-
related behavior, and then develop a planrelated behavior, and then develop a plan
for corrective action.for corrective action.
 Appraisal provide a good opportunity to
review the persons career plans in light of
his/her exhibited strengths and
Performance Management CyclePerformance Management Cycle
Review and
Feed backFeed back
Appraisal and
 Training &
Performance Management CyclePerformance Management Cycle
Feedback forFeedback for
1.1. Defining the performanceDefining the performance standards
means making sure that you and your
subordinate agree on his/her duties and
targets that you expect
2.2. Appraising performanceAppraising performance means
comparing your subordinates actual
performance to the standard/targets set
in step one.
3.3. Providing feedbackProviding feedback means discussing
plans for any development that is
Problems in Performance AppraisalProblems in Performance Appraisal
Lack ofLack of
Irrelevant orIrrelevant or
measures ofmeasures of
feedback tofeedback to
Failure toFailure to
Common Performance Evaluation ProblemsCommon Performance Evaluation Problems
Bias in the Appraisal ProcessBias in the Appraisal Process
The "halo" effect occurs when a supervisors
rating of a subordinates on one trait biases the
rating of that person on other traits
A tendency to rate all employees the same
way, such as rating them all average
The problem that occurs when a supervisory
has a tendency to rate all subordinates either
high or low
The tendency to allow individual differences
such as age, race, and sex affect the appraisal
rates these employees receives.
Bias in the Appraisal ProcessBias in the Appraisal Process
has two main
categories: 2. Performance Result:
Hard or quantitative aspects
of performance (result)
1. Competencies: It
represents soft or qualitative
aspects of performance
Performance Appraisal ElementPerformance Appraisal Element
1.1. Competencies ScoreCompetencies Score
2. Performance Result2. Performance Result
Overall ScoreOverall Score
Will determine the employees
career movement, and also
the reward to be earned
Performance Appraisal ElementPerformance Appraisal Element
Employee Career
Training ppt

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Training ppt

  • 1. Training and DevelopmentTraining and Development 1. Training vs. Development.1. Training vs. Development. 2. Importance of Training.2. Importance of Training. 3. Types of Training.3. Types of Training. 4. Training Process Model.4. Training Process Model. 5. Learning Principles.5. Learning Principles. 6. Training Methods.6. Training Methods.
  • 2. 1. Difference Between Training1. Difference Between Training TrainingTraining focuses onfocuses on specificspecific jobjob knowledge and skillknowledge and skill that is to be applied inthat is to be applied in the short run.the short run. DevelopmentDevelopment focuses onfocuses on broad knowledge andbroad knowledge and insights that may beinsights that may be required forrequired for adaptationadaptation to environmentalto environmental demands in the future.demands in the future. 1. Training vs. Development
  • 3. 1. Respond to1. Respond to technologytechnology changes affectingchanges affecting job requirements.job requirements. 2. Respond to organizational2. Respond to organizational restructuringrestructuring.. 3. Adapt to increased3. Adapt to increased diversitydiversity of theof the workforce.workforce. 4. Support4. Support careercareer development.development. 5. Fulfill employee need for5. Fulfill employee need for growthgrowth.. 2. Importance of Training
  • 4. 3. Types of Training3. Types of Training 1. Skills Training.1. Skills Training. 2. Retraining.2. Retraining. 3. Cross-Functional.3. Cross-Functional. 4. Team Training.4. Team Training. 5. Creativity Training.5. Creativity Training. 6. Literacy Training.6. Literacy Training. 7. Diversity Training.7. Diversity Training. 8. Customer Service.8. Customer Service. 3. Types of Training
  • 5. 1.1. SKILLS TRAININGSKILLS TRAINING Focus on job knowledgeFocus on job knowledge and skill for:and skill for: Instructing new hires.Instructing new hires. Overcoming performanceOvercoming performance deficits of the workforce.deficits of the workforce.
  • 6. 2.2. RetrainingRetraining Maintaining worker knowledge andMaintaining worker knowledge and skill asskill as job requirements changejob requirements change duedue to:to: Technological innovationTechnological innovation Organizational restructuringOrganizational restructuring
  • 7. 3.3. Cross-Functional TrainingCross-Functional Training Training employees to perform aTraining employees to perform a widerwider variety of tasksvariety of tasks in order toin order to gain:gain: Flexibility in work scheduling.Flexibility in work scheduling. Improved coordination.Improved coordination.
  • 8. 4.4. Team TrainingTeam Training Training self-directed teams withTraining self-directed teams with regard to:regard to: Management skills.Management skills. Coordination skills.Coordination skills. Cross-functional skills.Cross-functional skills.
  • 9. 5.5. Creativity TrainingCreativity Training Using innovative learningUsing innovative learning techniques to enhancetechniques to enhance employee ability to spawnemployee ability to spawn new ideas and newnew ideas and new approaches.approaches.
  • 10. 6.6. Literacy TrainingLiteracy Training ImprovingImproving basic skillsbasic skills of theof the workforce such asworkforce such as mathematics, reading, writing,mathematics, reading, writing, and effective employeeand effective employee behaviors such as punctuality,behaviors such as punctuality, responsibility, cooperation,etc.responsibility, cooperation,etc.
  • 11. 7.7. Diversity TrainingDiversity Training Instituting a variety of programsInstituting a variety of programs to instill awareness, tolerance,to instill awareness, tolerance, respect, and acceptance ofrespect, and acceptance of persons of different race,persons of different race, gender, etc. and differentgender, etc. and different backgrounds.backgrounds.
  • 12. 8.8. Customer Service TrainingCustomer Service Training Training to improveTraining to improve communication, bettercommunication, better response to customerresponse to customer needs, and ways toneeds, and ways to enhance customerenhance customer satisfaction.satisfaction.
  • 13. I. Needs Assessment II. Developing & Conducting Training III. Evaluating Training 4. Training Process Model
  • 14. 1. Organizational Level1. Organizational Level Sales and operating plans.Sales and operating plans. Productivity measures.Productivity measures. Technology change.Technology change. OrganizationalOrganizational restructuring.restructuring. Change in workforce.Change in workforce.
  • 15. 2. Job Level2. Job Level Job and task analysis.Job and task analysis. Identify KSAs.Identify KSAs. Review procedural andReview procedural and technical manuals.technical manuals. Design Training Program
  • 16. 3. Individual Level3. Individual Level Determine who needs trainingDetermine who needs training and what kind.and what kind. Tests.Tests. Prior training andPrior training and experience.experience. Performance review.Performance review. Career assessment.Career assessment.
  • 17. Methods of trainingMethods of training 1. Classroom Instruction1. Classroom Instruction 2.2. Video and FilmVideo and Film 3.3. Computer Assisted InstructionComputer Assisted Instruction 4.4. Computer Assisted InstructionComputer Assisted Instruction with Videowith Video 5.5. Simulation/VestibuleSimulation/Vestibule 6. Off the job training6. Off the job training
  • 18. 1.1. Classroom InstructionClassroom Instruction Efficient disseminationEfficient dissemination of large volume ofof large volume of information.information. Effective in explainingEffective in explaining concepts, theories, andconcepts, theories, and principles.principles. Provides opportunity forProvides opportunity for discussion.discussion. Learner does not controlLearner does not control pace or contentpace or content Does not considerDoes not consider individual differences.individual differences. Limited practice.Limited practice. Limited feedback.Limited feedback. Limited transfer to job.Limited transfer to job. PROS CONS
  • 19. 2.2. Video and FilmVideo and Film Provides realism.Provides realism. Adds interest.Adds interest. Allows schedulingAllows scheduling flexibility.flexibility. Allows exposure toAllows exposure to hazardous events.hazardous events. Allows distribution toAllows distribution to multiple sites.multiple sites. Does not considerDoes not consider individual differences.individual differences. Limited practice.Limited practice. Limited feedback.Limited feedback. Limited transfer to job.Limited transfer to job. PROS CONS
  • 20. 3.3. Computer Assisted InstructionComputer Assisted Instruction Efficient instruction.Efficient instruction. Considers individualConsiders individual differences.differences. Allows schedulingAllows scheduling flexibility.flexibility. Allows active practiceAllows active practice for some tasks.for some tasks. Allows learner control.Allows learner control. Provides immediateProvides immediate feedback to tasks.feedback to tasks. Limited in presentingLimited in presenting theories and principles.theories and principles. Limited discussion.Limited discussion. Transfer depends onTransfer depends on particular job. (Good forparticular job. (Good for computer work.)computer work.) High development costHigh development cost (40-60 hours per hour of(40-60 hours per hour of instruction at $100-$300instruction at $100-$300 per hour.)per hour.) PROS CONS
  • 21. 4.4. Computer Assisted InstructionComputer Assisted Instruction with Videowith Video Same as basic CAI.Same as basic CAI. Adds realism.Adds realism. Adds interest.Adds interest. Allows exposure toAllows exposure to hazardous events.hazardous events. Same as basic CAI.Same as basic CAI. Adds additional cost.Adds additional cost. $50,000-$150,000 per hour$50,000-$150,000 per hour of instruction due to:of instruction due to: * Script writers* Script writers * Production specialists* Production specialists * Camera crews* Camera crews PROS CONS
  • 22. 5.5. Simulation/VestibuleSimulation/Vestibule Provides realism.Provides realism. Allows active practice.Allows active practice. Provides immediateProvides immediate feedback.feedback. Allows exposure toAllows exposure to hazardous events.hazardous events. High transfer to job.High transfer to job. No job interference.No job interference. Lowers trainee stress.Lowers trainee stress. Cannot cover all job aspects.Cannot cover all job aspects. Limited number of trainees.Limited number of trainees. Can be very expensive (forCan be very expensive (for example, aircraft simulatorsexample, aircraft simulators and virtual realityand virtual reality simulators).simulators). PROS CONS
  • 23. 6. On-The-Job Training6. On-The-Job Training Provides realism.Provides realism. Allows active practice.Allows active practice. Provides immediateProvides immediate feedback.feedback. High motivation.High motivation. High transfer to job.High transfer to job. Lowers training cost.Lowers training cost. Disruptions to operations.Disruptions to operations. May damage equipment.May damage equipment. Inconsistent acrossInconsistent across departments.departments. Inadequate focus onInadequate focus on underlying principles.underlying principles. Lack of systematicLack of systematic feedback.feedback. Transfer of improperTransfer of improper procedures.procedures. Trainee stress.Trainee stress. PROS CONS
  • 24. Off the job trainingOff the job training Case studiesCase studies Role playsRole plays Conference methodConference method LecturesLectures
  • 25. Employee Performance Management Performance appraisal is a formalPerformance appraisal is a formal structured system of measuring andstructured system of measuring and evaluating an employees job relatedevaluating an employees job related behavior and outcomes to discoverbehavior and outcomes to discover how and why the employee ishow and why the employee is presently performing on the job andpresently performing on the job and how the employee can perform morehow the employee can perform more effectively in the future so that theeffectively in the future so that the employee, orag. and society allemployee, orag. and society all benefit.benefit.
  • 26. Why Performance Appraisal?Why Performance Appraisal? Appraisal provide information upon whichAppraisal provide information upon which promotion and salary decision can bepromotion and salary decision can be made.made. Appraisal provide an opportunity for aAppraisal provide an opportunity for a manager and his/her subordinates to sitmanager and his/her subordinates to sit down and review the subordinates work-down and review the subordinates work- related behavior, and then develop a planrelated behavior, and then develop a plan for corrective action.for corrective action. Appraisal provide a good opportunity to review the persons career plans in light of his/her exhibited strengths and weaknesses
  • 27. Performance Management CyclePerformance Management Cycle Performance Planning (Setting Performance Targets) Regular Review and Monitoring Feed backFeed back CorrectiveCorrective ActionAction Performance Appraisal and Evaluation Training & Development Plan Salary/Bonus Adjustment Career Development
  • 28. Performance Management CyclePerformance Management Cycle DefiningDefining PerformancePerformance Standard/Standard/ TargetsTargets AppraisingAppraising PerformancePerformance ProvidingProviding Feedback forFeedback for DevelopmentDevelopment 1.1. Defining the performanceDefining the performance standards means making sure that you and your subordinate agree on his/her duties and targets that you expect 2.2. Appraising performanceAppraising performance means comparing your subordinates actual performance to the standard/targets set in step one. 3.3. Providing feedbackProviding feedback means discussing plans for any development that is required.
  • 29. Problems in Performance AppraisalProblems in Performance Appraisal Lack ofLack of standardsstandards Irrelevant orIrrelevant or subjectivesubjective standardsstandards PoorPoor measures ofmeasures of performanceperformance PoorPoor feedback tofeedback to employeeemployee NegativeNegative communicationcommunication Failure toFailure to applyapply evaluationevaluation datadata Common Performance Evaluation ProblemsCommon Performance Evaluation Problems
  • 30. Bias in the Appraisal ProcessBias in the Appraisal Process HaloHalo EffectEffect The "halo" effect occurs when a supervisors rating of a subordinates on one trait biases the rating of that person on other traits CentralCentral TendencyTendency A tendency to rate all employees the same way, such as rating them all average
  • 31. LeniencyLeniency The problem that occurs when a supervisory has a tendency to rate all subordinates either high or low BiasBias The tendency to allow individual differences such as age, race, and sex affect the appraisal rates these employees receives. Bias in the Appraisal ProcessBias in the Appraisal Process
  • 32. Performance appraisal elements has two main categories: 2. Performance Result: Hard or quantitative aspects of performance (result) 1. Competencies: It represents soft or qualitative aspects of performance (process) Performance Appraisal ElementPerformance Appraisal Element
  • 33. 1.1. Competencies ScoreCompetencies Score 2. Performance Result2. Performance Result ScoreScore Overall ScoreOverall Score Will determine the employees career movement, and also the reward to be earned Performance Appraisal ElementPerformance Appraisal Element