Kylie Welch, Records Manager at Whitireia Polytechnic presents on how she trains Whitireia staff using a variety of tools to get the message across including you-tube, intranet, box making icebreakers, general disposal reminder cards for business units and lollies!
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Training staff on good records management
1. Training staff on good records management
Kylie Welch Records Management Advisor
2. Introduction
損 Kylie Welch Whitireia Records Management Advisor (Over 4 years)
損 Wendy Wen Whitireia Records Management Administrator (Over 4 years)
When starting there was a good foundation, a well thought out framework
5. The Challenge
損 The challenge our Manager gave us was to engage our staff in training
6. Resources Allocated
損 Two staff members one full time, one 30 hours
損 Meeting rooms with audio video capabilities
損 Website on Moodle
損 Webpage on SharePoint system
損 Travel budget to visit all campuses
損 Support from our off-site storage providers with giveaways
7. Step 1. Create an online space to teach from
損 SharePoint Records Management Webpage for us to teach from
損 Before SharePoint we had a page on our intranet
9. Step 2. The 1 hour staff workshop
All staff emails were sent out to engage attendees once a month