This document describes a study examining the transcriptional regulation of genes encoding axonemal central apparatus proteins. The researchers analyzed the promoter region of the PF20 gene, which encodes proteins important for sperm motility. They tested luciferase reporter activity driven by varying lengths of the PF20 promoter region in different cell types, and in the presence of potential transcription factors like PF20s, hFH-4, and SPZ1. They found the 0.2-0.3 kb region of the PF20 promoter responded most strongly to hFH-4, suggesting this region contains a response element for this transcription factor. Further mutational analysis of this region could help map the specific response element.
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Transcriptional Regulation of Genes Encoding Axonemal Central Apparatus Proteins. Ruth Jaimez Melgoza
1. "Transcriptional Regulation of Genes Encoding
Axonemal Central Apparatus Proteins"
Center for Research on Reproduction
and Women’s Health
January 11, 2006.
Ruth Jaimez Melgoza Ph.D.
2. • Spermatogenesis is a complex process
that leads to the formation of male
• Sperm motility is essential for
fertilization in vivo.
• Flagellum is composed of a number of
cytoskeletal elements whose proper
assembly is critical for subsequent
4. Studies of central apparatus
• Chlamydomonas. Goodenough and Heuser,
• Sperm of squid. Linck et al., 1981.
• Sperm of rat. Olson and Linck, 1977.
• Cilia of Tetrahymena. Warner, 1981.
• Cilia of mussel. Warner and Satir, 1974.
7. • Many genes and their expression in proteins
have been characterized.
• PF20 gene encodes two mayor transcripts
(2.5 and 1.4 kb). This transcripts are
expressed in different patterns during
spermatogenesis yielding proteins of 71 and
35 kDa
• Knockout mice in PF6, SPAG6, PF20 are
infertile, with respiratory abnormalities and
Zhang, 2002, 2004, 2005; Horowitz, 2005
13. HFh-4 forkhead family member
• Hepatocyte nuclear factor-3/forkhead homologue 4.
• Play important roles in development, cell-specific
gene expression and oncogenesis.
• Has a unique spatial and temporal pattern of
expression during embryogenesis restricted to the
lung (bronchial and bronchiolar epithelia), choriod
plexus, oviduct and testes.
(Brody, 1997; Weigel, 1989; Hackett, 1995; Lim, 1997)
14. SPZ1 a bHLH-Zip
• Basic helix-loop-helix family of transcription factors
• Regulatory networks of many developmental
• SPZ1 is expressed specifically in testis and
• Crucial role in spermatogenesis by regulating cell
proliferation or differentiation through binding to
specific DNA sequences.
(Hsu, 2001; Srivastava, 1997; Rawls, 1997; Murre, 1994; Feder, 1993).
19. Conclusions
• LUC activity depends of transcription factor, cell
environment and promoter region.
• Beas-2B cells are the best host.
• There is a PF20s response element between 0.1 and
0.2 kb.
• The 0.2 and 0.3 kb region looks like the most
promising target for identifying a hFH-4 response
• “SPZ1 looks unimpressive” (Dr. Strauss).
• hFH-4 is a known transcription factor and doesn’t
have a known target gene.
22. Jerome F. Strauss III, M.D; Ph.D.
§ Rita Leite (cell culture, transfections, transformations,
luciferase assay, interpreter)
§ Zhibing Zhang (constructs, PCR, cloning, western blot)
§ Jennifer Wood (DNA purification, mutagenesis)
§ Hongyan Wang (mutagenesis)
§ Amy Brown
24. Making constructs
Design primer and
request to CORE
Topo TA cloning PCR
Check products in agarose
gel 1.5 %, gel extraction
10 µl
Topo cloning
Transforming TOP10F’,
pick up white colonies
DNA extraction miniprep
(100 µl elution)
Sequence CORE
correct orientation
Double digestion
XhoI, KpnI
Put products in
Agarose gel 1%
DNA gel extraction
(10 µl elution)
DNA extraction
(100 µl elution)
Double digestion
XhoI, KpnI to confirm
Put products in
Agarose gel 1%
Sequence CORE
correct orientation
If the sequence is correct do transforming
In DH5α and maxiprep
#14: Spz1, a novel bHLH-Zip protein, is specifically expressed in testis.
Hsu SH, Shyu HW, Hsieh-Li HM, Li H.
Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, 11529, Taipei, Taiwan.
We isolated a novel bHLH-Zip gene designated Spz1 from a mouse testis cDNA library. Spz1 is expressed specifically in the testis and epididymis. Immunofluorescence staining detected Spz1 protein in the nuclei of LFG6 Leydig cells. The ability of Spz1 protein to bind to the bHLH consensus-binding site, the E-box, was confirmed by EMSA, and a 9-bp asymmetric target site was identified by random selection and PCR amplification. Hormonal regulation of Spz1 was investigated and downregulation of Spz1 expression by testosterone and retinoic acid was found. This nuclear transcription factor may play a crucial role in spermatogenesis by regulating cell proliferation or differentiation through binding to specific DNA sequences like other bHLH-Zip molecules.
#15: Spz1, a novel bHLH-Zip protein, is specifically expressed in testis.
Hsu SH, Shyu HW, Hsieh-Li HM, Li H.
Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, 11529, Taipei, Taiwan.
We isolated a novel bHLH-Zip gene designated Spz1 from a mouse testis cDNA library. Spz1 is expressed specifically in the testis and epididymis. Immunofluorescence staining detected Spz1 protein in the nuclei of LFG6 Leydig cells. The ability of Spz1 protein to bind to the bHLH consensus-binding site, the E-box, was confirmed by EMSA, and a 9-bp asymmetric target site was identified by random selection and PCR amplification. Hormonal regulation of Spz1 was investigated and downregulation of Spz1 expression by testosterone and retinoic acid was found. This nuclear transcription factor may play a crucial role in spermatogenesis by regulating cell proliferation or differentiation through binding to specific DNA sequences like other bHLH-Zip molecules.