multiclass classification of food images using transfer learning deep neural networks. From an image predict the food inside it, and return the calorie content per serving
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#3: Summary: multiclass classification of food images using transfer learning deep neural networks. From an image predict the food inside it, and return the calorie content per serving
I chose to work with neural networks because they can do fascinating work, and I believe thy are amazing. Also, I wanted to do something challenging窶ヲ I窶冦 still learning a lot about them, and there is much more to learn.
Why food prediction? It窶冱 a nice idea. Most people want a healthy lifestyle, including food habits, the way to do that is by knowing at least the calories before consuming them. When I mentioned this to some ladies, they were excited about it, and they wanted the product now.
Importance: this can used with different applications, and uses: for example, it can be an added
End game: classify images into 1 of 100 classes窶ヲ easy, right? No 窶ヲ窶ヲ.explain
Dataset description:
Number of classes 100
Number of images 14600
# images/class ~ 150
Size of images varies from 80x140 -> 800x800
#5: Main Idea of transfer learning:
use a NN that has been pre-trained intensively on a huge dataset for any class/types.
Use the super capabilities of this NN in extracting image features, such as lines, edges, blobs, shapes, 窶ヲetc
Remove the last layer (classifier) designed for a particular image classification problem, such as faces/animals/cars.
Use this NN as a feature extraction device connected in between your images and your custom NN (classifier)
Further improvement by fine-tune training the last layer of the super-pre-trained NN. -> quick + accurate