The Disaster Mental Health Responses to the BPWendell CathcartThis document discusses and compares the mental health responses to the 2010 BP oil spill across the five Gulf Coast states. It finds that states closer to the spill with greater economic threats, like Louisiana, had more aggressive responses by dedicating additional funding early on. Louisiana hired responders and partnered with non-profits. States relying primarily on existing mental health systems had delayed responses, while those further from the spill had less urgent responses. The document advocates for states to invest early in behavioral health responses following disasters.
The Use of Asbestos by the United States Military Other Than NavyRachel HamiltonThe document summarizes the use of asbestos by the United States military other than the Navy. It provides examples of how asbestos was used in various applications including insulation, vehicles, buildings, and equipment. It also lists specific military bases and jobs where service members were commonly exposed to asbestos. Finally, it presents examples of military documents that address asbestos safety and regulation over time, recognizing its health hazards.
National Library of Medicine Resources for Disaster Planning & Responseefnortonݺߣs from talk given by Elizabeth Norton at DC/SLA meeting on June 12, 2012. ݺߣs describe resources and programs from the National Library of Medicine related to disaster planning, response and recovery, including information about a new disaster information specialization program.
What I Carry: 10 Tools for SuccessJonathon ColmanWhat we carry with us in our everyday lives and interactions is just as important for our success as our technical skills and achievements.
This is what I carry with me. What do YOU carry?
ݺߣs designed and produced with Haiku Deck for iPad. Set your story free with Haiku Deck at
You can learn more about Jonathon Colman at
Masters of ݺߣShareKapostNo need to wonder how the best on ݺߣShare do it. The Masters of ݺߣShare provides storytelling, design, customization and promotion tips from 13 experts of the form. Learn what it takes to master this type of content marketing yourself.
How To Get More From ݺߣShare - Super-Simple Tips For Content MarketingContent Marketing InstituteThis document provides tips for getting more engagement from content published on ݺߣShare. It recommends beginning with a clear content marketing strategy that identifies target audiences. Content should be optimized for ݺߣShare by using compelling visuals, headlines, and calls to action. Analytics and search engine optimization techniques can help increase views and shares. ݺߣShare features like lead generation and access settings help maximize results.
STOP! VIEW THIS! 10-Step Checklist When Uploading to ݺߣshareEmpowered PresentationsBefore you upload your next presentation to ݺߣshare, here are a few things you might want to implement.
What Makes Great InfographicsݺߣShareݺߣShare now has a player specifically designed for infographics. Upload your infographics now and see them take off! Need advice on creating infographics? This presentation includes tips for producing stand-out infographics. Read more about the new ݺߣShare infographics player here:
This infographic was designed by Column Five:
10 Ways to Win at ݺߣShare SEO & Presentation OptimizationOneupwebThank you, ݺߣShare, for teaching us that PowerPoint presentations don't have to be a total bore. But in order to tap ݺߣShare's 60 million global users, you must optimize. Here are 10 quick tips to make your next presentation highly engaging, shareable and well worth the effort.
For more content marketing tips:
You Suck At PowerPoint!Jesse Desjardins - @jessedeeThis document provides tips to avoid common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality or unreadable visuals, having messy slides with poor spacing and alignment, and not properly preparing and practicing the presentation. The document encourages presenters to use fewer words per slide, high quality images and charts, consistent formatting, and to spend significant time crafting an engaging narrative and rehearsing their presentation. It emphasizes that an attractive design is not as important as being an effective storyteller.
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer ExperienceYuan WangIn an ever-changing landscape of one digital disruption after another, companies and organisations are looking for new ways to understand their target markets and engage them better. Increasingly they invest in user experience (UX) and customer experience design (CX) capabilities by working with a specialist UX agency or developing their own UX lab. Some UX practitioners are touting leaner and faster ways of developing customer-centric products and services, via methodologies such as guerilla research, rapid prototyping and Agile UX. Others seek innovation and fulfilment by spending more time in research, being more inclusive, and designing for social goods.
Experience is more than just an interface. It is a relationship, as well as a series of touch points between your brand and your customer. Here are our top 10 highlights and takeaways from the recent UX Australia conference to help you transform your customer experience design.
For full article, continue reading at
2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
How to Make Awesome ݺߣShares: Tips & TricksݺߣShareTurbocharge your online presence with ݺߣShare. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on ݺߣShare. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
Wordcamp 2015, Juraj Hanták - Ako zvládnúť rast webuWebglobe - YegonPrednáška Juraja Hantáka, technického riaditeľa o možnostiach nastavenia infraštruktúry projektu tak, aby zvládla rastúci počet jeho používateľov.
V prezentácii je vysvetlené vertikálne a horizontálne škáľovanie, možnosti návrhu architektúry a rozloženia serverov a best practice riešenia.
Prednáška odznela na Wordcamp Slovensko 2015 18.4.2015 na FIIT STU.
What Makes Great InfographicsݺߣShareݺߣShare now has a player specifically designed for infographics. Upload your infographics now and see them take off! Need advice on creating infographics? This presentation includes tips for producing stand-out infographics. Read more about the new ݺߣShare infographics player here:
This infographic was designed by Column Five:
10 Ways to Win at ݺߣShare SEO & Presentation OptimizationOneupwebThank you, ݺߣShare, for teaching us that PowerPoint presentations don't have to be a total bore. But in order to tap ݺߣShare's 60 million global users, you must optimize. Here are 10 quick tips to make your next presentation highly engaging, shareable and well worth the effort.
For more content marketing tips:
You Suck At PowerPoint!Jesse Desjardins - @jessedeeThis document provides tips to avoid common mistakes in PowerPoint presentation design. It identifies the top 5 mistakes as including putting too much information on slides, not using enough visuals, using poor quality or unreadable visuals, having messy slides with poor spacing and alignment, and not properly preparing and practicing the presentation. The document encourages presenters to use fewer words per slide, high quality images and charts, consistent formatting, and to spend significant time crafting an engaging narrative and rehearsing their presentation. It emphasizes that an attractive design is not as important as being an effective storyteller.
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer ExperienceYuan WangIn an ever-changing landscape of one digital disruption after another, companies and organisations are looking for new ways to understand their target markets and engage them better. Increasingly they invest in user experience (UX) and customer experience design (CX) capabilities by working with a specialist UX agency or developing their own UX lab. Some UX practitioners are touting leaner and faster ways of developing customer-centric products and services, via methodologies such as guerilla research, rapid prototyping and Agile UX. Others seek innovation and fulfilment by spending more time in research, being more inclusive, and designing for social goods.
Experience is more than just an interface. It is a relationship, as well as a series of touch points between your brand and your customer. Here are our top 10 highlights and takeaways from the recent UX Australia conference to help you transform your customer experience design.
For full article, continue reading at
2015 Upload Campaigns Calendar - ݺߣShareݺߣShareEach month, join us as we highlight and discuss hot topics ranging from the future of higher education to wearable technology, best productivity hacks and secrets to hiring top talent. Upload your ݺߣShares, and share your expertise with the world!
What to Upload to ݺߣShareݺߣShareNot sure what to share on ݺߣShare?
ݺߣShares that inform, inspire and educate attract the most views. Beyond that, ideas for what you can upload are limitless. We’ve selected a few popular examples to get your creative juices flowing.
How to Make Awesome ݺߣShares: Tips & TricksݺߣShareTurbocharge your online presence with ݺߣShare. We provide the best tips and tricks for succeeding on ݺߣShare. Get ideas for what to upload, tips for designing your deck and more.
Getting Started With ݺߣShareݺߣShareݺߣShare is a global platform for sharing presentations, infographics, videos and documents. It has over 18 million pieces of professional content uploaded by experts like Eric Schmidt and Guy Kawasaki. The document provides tips for setting up an account on ݺߣShare, uploading content, optimizing it for searchability, and sharing it on social media to build an audience and reputation as a subject matter expert.
Wordcamp 2015, Juraj Hanták - Ako zvládnúť rast webuWebglobe - YegonPrednáška Juraja Hantáka, technického riaditeľa o možnostiach nastavenia infraštruktúry projektu tak, aby zvládla rastúci počet jeho používateľov.
V prezentácii je vysvetlené vertikálne a horizontálne škáľovanie, možnosti návrhu architektúry a rozloženia serverov a best practice riešenia.
Prednáška odznela na Wordcamp Slovensko 2015 18.4.2015 na FIIT STU.
2. Serverová infraštruktúra ACME
50 serverov v centrále
IBM x360
IBM x3850
IBM x3450
Dell PowerEdge 1850
Dell PowerEdge 2950
HP DL580 G3
HP DL180 G5
HP DL380 G6
HP DL380 G7
+ 7 ks Dell PowerEdge T300 na pobočkách
l slide 2
3. |
Nízka efektivita využívania zdrojov
Preťaženosť administrátorov
Neexistuje centrálny HW monitoring
Servery rôznych výrobcov, rôzneho veku a výkonu
Slabé testovacie prostredie
Nestíhanie zálohovania
Veľa rôznych Windows licencií
l slide 3
4. Možnosti transformácií infraštruktúry
Konsolidácia prostredia bez virtualizácie
Virtualizácia na platforme
Virtualizácia na platforme
Virtualizácia na platforme
l slide 4
5. Porovnanie technológií
HW monitoring
Živé migrácie
Thin provisioning
Integrovaný backup
Storage API
Backup API
l slide 5
6. Riešenie – vSphere 5 standard a 5 fyzických serverov
Thin provision
High Availability
Update manager
Data Recovery
8 CPU / 1 VM
l slide 6
8. Ďalšie benefity riešenia
Vyriešené problémy s backupom
Efektívna správa celého prostredia
Rýchlosť vytvárania nových serverov
Možnosť využiť zálohy v cloud prostrediach
Možnosť upgrade
Spokojnosť administrátorov
Minimalizovanie plánovaných aj neplánovaných odstávok
l slide 8
Editor's Notes
#3: Kazdy v inej konfiguracii, niektore silnejsie, niektore slabsieSpomenutco tam bezi:Clustrovany ERP system, vratane testovacej verzieActive directory serveryFile serveryPrint serverIntranetove servery, aplikacne servery pre intranetDatabazove serveryFreeBSD servery pre postfix, AV/antispam kontroluRozne dalsie sluzbyNa pobockach su towerove servery stare cca 3 roky pouzivane na AD a ako lokalne fileservery
#4: servery su podla monitoringu a mojej analyzy vytazene v priemere na 6%, v spickach sa priemerne vytazenie dviha na 16 – 22%administratori nestihaju starostlivost o 50 serverov – patchovanie, riesenie incidentov hlasenych pouzivatelmi, neexistuje centralny patchovaci systemfirma ACME postrada centralizovany monitoring HW vzhladom na diverzitu serverovservery su od roznych vyrobcov a rozneho veku a vykonu, na niektore firma plati support, na niektore uz dokonca ani nie. Starsie servery beru na supporte nezanedbatelnu cast financnych zdrojov. Tiez je nutne ich chladenie, kedze generuju znacne teplo.testovacie prostedie firmy acme existuje len pre hlavny ERP system, ostatne aplikacie vyuzivaju nanajvys odlisne databazy pre testovanie aplikacii, ale nie kompletne oddelene prostrediezalohovaci system nestiha robit dostatok zaloh tak, ako by si to prialo IT oddelenie a pouzivatelia. Backupy sa realizuju len v noci a cez vikendy aby nemali dopad na prevadzku a boli konzistentnyfirma acme pouziva okrem jedneho linuxoveho servera rozne licencie windows – standard aj enterprise, podla toho aka edicia bola potrebna pre urcity server
#5: posam vybera z viacerych alternativ, vsetky vieme spravit a pre zakaznika vyberame a odporucame vzdy tu optimalnubez virtualizacie je mozna konsolidacia, ide o zlepsenie vyuzitia zdrojov a vyradenie nepotrebneho alebo draheho HW. Vyhodou su nizke alebo ziadne naklady na dalsie licencie, cena implementacnych prac je ale porovnatelna s ostatnymi moznostami, ale bez ich vyhod. Neriesi vsetky menovane problemy. Neprinasa ziadne specialne benefity.Virtualizacia je drahsia, ale ma benefity, ktore pri beznej konsolidacii neziskame nikdy. Neodporucame teda len konsolidovat, ale konsolidovat a virtualizovat. Tu mame tri moznosti, kazda ma svoje vlastne specifika
#6: Vas ERP system pozaduje znacne zdroje pre dobru odozvu, je stavany na prevadzku na viacerych vlaknach a preto odporucame zachovat moznost pouzit pre VS 8 CPU.Pre efektivnu spravu je nevyhnutne centralny manazment, ktory maju vsetky platformy. Jedine Citrix ho ma v cene hypervisoru, ostatni ho maju platenyMonitoring HW je prijemny benefit. Vmware vie monitorovat vsetky nim podporovane servery, co su dnes takmer vsetky. MS aj CX tuto funkcionalitu maju formou dalsich produktovZive migracie su dnes pokladane za nutnost, preto vsphere to ma uz v edicii standard, ostatni tiez. Jedine vsphere ma ale aj moznost migracii storage bez vypadku.Vsphere ma aj integrovany backup a API pre komunikaciu so storage a backup systemom. Citrix ma storage API storage link, Hyper-v ma zase API pre backup – VSS, volume shadow service. Ten ale funguje len pre servery Windows 2003 a vyssie. Funkcionalitu VSS vie vyuzit aj vmware. Vyhody API pre storage aj pre backup uvidite v prezentaciach neskor, faktom je, ze sa ich neoplati podcenovat.
#7: preto sme vybrali prave vmware v edicii standard. Tuto je mozne kedykolvek za behu upgradovat na vyssiu verziu. Podla mojej analyzy staci na virtualizaciu celeho prostedia 5 fyzickych serverov, co je konsolidacny pomer 1:10. Nie len, ze to staci, ale garantujeme vam, ze budete mat este dost zdrojov pre vytvaranie novych VS a testovacieho prostredia.v sphere standard ma vsetko, co sa dnes beznemu IT hodi – vmotion, thin provisioning, automatizovana vysoka dostupnost, backup....Dalsim bonusom je vmw update manager, ktory umoznuje patchovat jednak fyzicke hosty s vmware hypervisorom ale aj virtualne servery
#8: porozpravat co kde ako – spomenut znizenie nakladov naenergie a chladenie, pripadne plochu datacentraznizenie obstaravacich nakladov a supportov na HWusetrenie prace ludi na spravu serverov, ktory sa mozu venovat dolezitejsim veciam – namiesto siestich stacia dvajamoznost znizit naklady na MS licencie pri zvoleni dobreho produktu, tu WS2008 R2 Datacenter 10ks, nizsie capex aj opex
#9: backup – da sa pouzit v cene obsiahnuty vmware datarecovery, ktory moze robit zalohy cely den, alebo bude prezentacia naozaj kvalitneho backupu, ktory spolupracuje s vmwareprostredie je mozne manazovat z jednej konzoy, spolu so sledovanim zdravia a hw monitoringuvytvorenie noveho servera je od zadania po beh radovo v hodinach, nie je potrebne objednavat novy HW ani ho zdlhavo instalovatvirualna infrastruktura sa da prevadzkovat kdekolvek – dnes je moderne vyuzit moznost zalohovat data mimo organizaciu, pripadne vyuzit DR vo vzdialenom datovom centreopat pripominam – pre vas povazujeme za najvhodnejsiu ediciu standard. ALE – ak budete chciet expandovat, alebo vyuzivat dalsie vlastnosti, upgrade je rychly a bezbolestny. Staci zadat novy licencny kluc, nic netreba vypinat