On September 17-18, the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) participated in a U.S. Department of Transportation peer exchange related to rural transportation safety. NADO Associate Director Carrie Kissel shared information on how rural transit and mobility interventions function in a safe multimodal transportation network.
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Transit and Mobility in Rural Transportation Safety
1. Transit & Mobility in Rural
Transportation Safety
Carrie Kissel
Rural Safety Peer Exchange
Atlanta, GA | September 17-18, 2024
2. Presentation topics
Why multimodal safety
Transit safety
Transit as a safe mode
More resources
3. About NADO
National association for 540 regional development organizations,
including emerging network of Rural Transportation Planning
Organizations (RTPOs or RPOs).
Promote public policies that strengthen local governments,
communities and economies through the regional strategies,
coordination efforts and program expertise of the nations regional
development organizations.
Through the NADO Research Foundation, provide information,
training, capacity building, and technical assistance for regional
development organizations and their partners.
4. Why safety matters
Residents and visitors to
rural communities need
safe access and reliable
mobility options to
Social events
5. Building safety culture
Transit agency managers are responsible for:
Vehicle safety
Driver safety
Drug & alcohol; driver training; pre-trip vehicle inspections; etc.
Passenger safety
Safe boarding & deboarding; securing mobility devices
Emergency procedures
Recipients of FTA 5307 urban transit funding must complete a
Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan
Some states apply this to rural 5311 sub-recipients
7. Transit is a safe mode
Vehicle Type Total Percent
Passenger Cars 20049 33.1
Light Trucks 25807 42.7
Large Trucks 5837 9.6
Motorcycles 6359 10.5
Buses 213 0.4
Unknown 2236 3.7
Total 60501 100
Buses 213 0.4
School Bus 91 0.2
Intercity Bus 14 0.0
Transit Bus 74 0.1
Other Bus 34 0.1
Note: There were 39,221 total fatal motor vehicle crashes in 2022
Source: NHTSA, FARS 2022, Vehicles involved in fatal crashes by vehicle type,