TransTech Learning Pod - KnowThyself
At the intersection of Consciousness, Computer Technology and Human Potential.
Wednesday June 10th 2020
Yfke Laanstra
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Transtech pod #2 - Know Thyself
1. Welcome
To the TransTech Learning Pod
at the intersection of Consciousness,
Computer Technology and Human Potential
Thank you for showing up
2. Agenda/ Time Schedule
< record >
practicalities, getting started (5mins)
meditation (5mins)
who am I? (10mins)
who are you? (10mins)
Pod Theme (25mins)
intro, breakout & dialogue
wrap up & follow up (5mins)
3. Practicalities
1 hour
Feel free to jump in any time
It's being recorded and shared in the
Transtech platform
Do click gallery view you so can see
everyone in the room at the same time
When I ask questions I'll also post these
in the chat
4. Meditation
close your eyes
take a deep breath, feel your body
bring your attention to your head, imagine the
inside. This is the place where you interpret
your reality
when you wander off, come back to your head
then bring your attention to your body, moving
downwards to your feet
open your eyes when you're ready
5. Who am I
I'm a Human Being
I'm driven by the bigger questions in life:
'who/what am I'
'why am I here'
'what is this reality I find myself in'
'what role does technology play in all of this?'
Never stop asking questions, question everything
I'm also a walking computer: making sense of all this
data: I'm a researcher by nature
What are the implications/applications of tech on our
humanness, wellness and consciousness?
I'm a Techno realist
7. What am I?
Good question....
Truth Seeker, Thinker, Philosopher, Futurist, Author,
Therapist, Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Computer
geek, Hermit, Heretic, Cyber Shaman, Adventurer,
Holistic Hacker...
My drive:
introduce new perspectives
ask fundamental questions
shift perception
boost consciousness
enter a dialogue
8. Who are you?
<Will put these in the chat>
who are you? (name/location)
what drives you? Are you on a mission?
what is your profession?
what do you love doing in your spare time?
what led you to the TransTech space?
what inspired you to join this Pod?
10. Know Thyself (1)
This is the question that drives me
What does it truly mean to be Human? What are
we capable of?
What is 'real', what can we measure?
We only use a fragment of our brain and DNA capacity, see only
0,05% of the visual spectrum. Atoms are mainly 'empty space' and
we consist mostly of water.
What about our #innertech?
Eg. Compassion, Empathy, Consciousness, Imagination,
Awareness, Love, Kindness. Our self healing abilities.
What about Quantum Science?
What about multidimensionality, are monkeys actually our ancestors?
Is history accurate?
11. 'We must pay equally as much attention to what it
will mean to be or remain Human in the future, as
we spend on developing infinitely more powerful
technologies that will change Humanity forever'
~ Gerd Leonhard
'We must pay equally as much attention to what it
will mean to be or remain Human in the future, as
we spend on developing infinitely more powerful
technologies that will change Humanity forever'
~ Gerd Leonhard
12. 'You don't have to change,
you only have to remember
who you really are'
13. #KnowThyself (2)
Quantified Self versus Essential Self
'We can't measure what we care about, so we care
about what we measure'
Data is the new oil, AI the new electricity
Involution versus Evolution
#HumanHacking Yuval Harari
'We need to know ourselves before AI does'
State of Affairs
Facial recognition, camera surveillance, see visuals
Mass tracking, tracing & manipulation
Mainstream (Social) Media. What can you trust? Your
intuition, thoughts, behavior, ideas, feelings.
14. Infographics
Mapping the state of facial recognition around the world:
The multibillion dollar industry that makes its living from
your data:
15. Breakout sessions
<1on1, 5 mins each>
1. What is your take on this?
2. Are we maybe using tech to augment/ replace
what we already biologically have but not use?
Isn't our innate potential at risk of diminishing?
3. How can we safeguard this & what role do
Transformative Technologies play in all of this?
4. How do you maintain balance yourself?
What TransTech do you use/ would you suggest using?
Ps I'll ask you to recap the other person's sharing
16. Plenary feedback
Please give me a quick recap of the exchange
What did you notice, what stood out?
Any insights?
What is your take away?
17. Follow up
You'll receive an email afterwards <24 hours
Do type your email in the chat for this
This contains a link to the recording, the
visuals/infographics and this presentation
If you feel this was of value to you, please
share a review on the Transtech platform and
on Social Media do tag me.
Do connect with me on other platforms, join
my Facebook Group
Next Pod episode Theme: #innertech
19. Thank you
Thank you and take care!
Look forward to seeing you again, in the next
Pod episode or somewhere else.
Want to reach out? You're very welcome: