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Bilbo, 2012/X/30
Mintegian eginiko

- Korrikari buruzko iritziak
- Hemendik aurrerako Korrika
Korrikari buruzko

Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra
Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra
Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra
Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra
Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra
Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra
Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra

aurrerako Korrika
Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra
Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra
Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra

Bilbo, 2012/X/30

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Tranxmedia jardunaldia - Korrika tailerra

Editor's Notes

  1. Poll: Definitu Korrika hitz bakarrean Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/MTUxODQ3NTU0Ng If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:
  2. Poll: Korrika animalia bat balitz, zein litzat... Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/MTU4NjYzNzYzMQ If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:
  3. Poll: Eta kolore bat? Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/OTI2NDgzNTUw If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:
  4. Poll: Nor ikusi nahiko zenuke Korrikan? Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/MjA2MDEwMzE2NQ If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:
  5. Poll: Zein musika estilo jarriko zenioke Korr... Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/MTExMzMzNjc4OA If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:
  6. Poll: Zein usairekin identifikatzen duzu Korr... Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/MTY4MjkxNzA4MA If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:
  7. Poll: Zein soinurekin identifikatzen duzu Korr... Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/MTYwNTczNTA2Mg If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:
  8. Poll: Korrika 18 aurrekoak bezain arrakastatsu... Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/LTYyOTA1NTk4NQ If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:
  9. Poll: Transmedia ikuspegiak aberastuko du Korr... Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/LTE5NjY1NDY3NzY If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser:
  10. Poll: Nirekin kontatu Korrikaren transmedia ga... Press F5 or use the tool bar to enter presentation mode in order to see the poll. http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/LTI2OTI4MTE1NA If you like, you can use this slide as a template for your own voting slides. You might use a slide like this if you feel your audience would benefit from the picture showing a text message on a phone. In an emergency during your presentation, if the poll isn't showing, navigate to this link in your web browser: