Rex Michael Knight reminisces about a recent pilgrimage he took with his mother and 25 others to Jordan, Israel, and Egypt. He describes some of the meaningful sites they visited, including Mount Nebo, Petra, the pyramids in Egypt, and many important locations in Israel. However, he says the pilgrimage was about more than just visiting physical places - it was a journey of personal growth and discovery where the group developed new friendships and strengthened old ones. Knight reflects on how the trip allowed them all to take a break from life's busyness and listen to their hearts.
The document discusses the importance of knowing people from other faiths and avoiding stereotypes. It shares personal experiences of how getting to know friends from different religions helped dispel preconceived notions and stereotypes. Acts of terror committed in the name of a religion do not represent all followers of that faith. Maintaining interfaith friendships and understanding different perspectives is key to promoting peace between religious communities.
The document provides details for developing a new regional culture magazine targeted at 16-25 year olds. Initial ideas include a hybrid product composed of multiple genres and focused on local stories. Research examines design elements and content genres of comparable publications. Audience testing receives positive feedback for colorful imagery and expanded articles. The proposed 16-page first issue layout includes 3 spreads covering topics like blogging and an African expedition. Commercial viability assessments and a production schedule are also outlined.
The Ultimate Bucket List: Things to Do Once in a LifetimeIoana Sima
Some people are so obsessed with making money or working that they completely forget to live their lives. We believe that one should cherish and live life to the fullest. Here is a collection of things to do once in a lifetime. The complete Bucket List can be found here:
The list of things to do once in a lifetime can actually go on forever, as every person out there has his or her own bucket list and his or her personal wishes and secret desires. Why 300, you may ask? Why not 1000, we can ask you back, as life is full of opportunities to do whatever you wish, to follow your dreams and challenge your inner self.
Feel free to add your own items to the bucket list. Let's make it grow together! What would you like to do from the items listed in the presentation?
This document contains several poems written from different perspectives. The poems cover topics such as memories of childhood, relationships, political turmoil, and observations of daily life. Overall the poems explore themes of loss, longing, and the passage of time through vivid imagery and personal reflections.
I. Making Ready for Life
II. Character Building
III. Growing like Christ
IV. Ministering by the Way
V. Serving the Lord
VI. Ourselves and Others
VII. Helping by Unselfishness
VIII. Home Lessons
IX. Life among the Lowly
Programme for Taunton Thespians' production of Daisy Pulls It OffMike Gilbert
Slightly broken version of the programme for Daisy Pulls It Off in 2009, which is annoying. Layout and school crest design and concept work quite well, though
This document is an excerpt from Charles Darwin's autobiography where he summarizes his early life and experiences as a child growing up in Shrewsbury, England in the early 1800s. He discusses attending a local school where he developed an interest in natural history and collecting specimens. Darwin also shares some memories of being a mischievous boy who invented stories and once stole fruit from his father's trees. The autobiography provides personal insights into Darwin's childhood and the origins of his fascination with nature.
I. Things that Endure Page 1
II. The Cost of Reaching the Best 9
III. When Kindness is Unkind 17
IV. The Interweaving of the Days 27
V. Doing and Not Doubting 37
VI. No True Work Is Vain 43
VII. Be Thou a Blessing 51
VIII. Making a Living and Making a Life 59
IX. Our Lives Words of God 67
X. Two Ways 77
XL The Duty of Being Always Strong 85
XII. Strength for a New Year 93
XIII. More than Meat , 105
XIV. The Sin of Drifting 113
XV. The Value and Responsibility of One Life 121
XVI. The Folly of Drifting into Marriage 129
XVII. How Not to Show Sympathy 137
XVIII. Choosing Our Friends Page 145
XIX. The Entanglements of Love 157
XX. Learning the Lessons of Love at Home 165
XXI. Learning the Lessons of Patriotism 173
XXII. Is Worrying a Christian Duty? 181
XXIII. Making or Marring Beauty 189
XXIV. On the Footpath to Success 197
XXV. Causes of Failure 205
XXVI. Sticking to One's Calling 215
XXVII. The Misuse of the Gift of Speech 223
XXVIII. The Danger of Talking too Much 231
XXIX. Books Worth While 239
XXX. A Talk about Temper 247
XXXI. The Advantage of Keeping One's Temper 257
XXXII. The Grace of Being Obliging 265
XXXIII. What to Do with Our Money 273
XXXIV. What to Do with Our Hands 283
XXXV. Some Indirect Ways of Lying 291
XXXVI. Putting away Childish Things 299
XXXVII. Remember the Way 307
II. UNTO HIS NEST AGAIN, .... .... .... 21
III. THE SILENT CHRIST, .... .... .... 34
V. THE GREATEST LOVE, .... .... .... 58
vi. SPICES FOR CHRIST'S GRAVE, .... .... 70
IX. GREAT IN GOD'S SIGHT, .... .... .... 102
XVI. FAITHFULNESS, .... .... .... 184
This document is an excerpt from the novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. It describes Robinson Crusoe's early life and how he came to leave home against his father's wishes to go to sea. His father warns him of the dangers of such a life and advises him to stay in the stable middle class, but Robinson is restless and determined. The chapter follows his first voyage which starts out disastrously in a storm that frightens him, but he soon forgets his vows to return home as the weather improves and he drinks with the crew.
The document is a poem titled "Paper Boats" by Rabindranath Tagore. The poem is about a child who makes paper boats and writes their name on them, hoping someone will find the boats and know who they are. The child loads the boats with flowers from their garden and launches the boats into the sky, imagining the boats sailing among the clouds. At night, the child dreams the paper boats continue floating under the stars, carrying dreams in their baskets.
The Function of the Pilgrimage in Medieval Literature
(illustrate with at least one text): Anonymous ¡®Sir Gawain and the
Green Knight¡¯, Geoffrey Chaucer ¡®The Canterbury Tales¡¯,
Anonymous ¡®Everyman¡¯
Chase Cohen and his diving partner Sam Lyons go diving off the coast of California searching for a lost treasure ship. During the dive, Chase's oxygen regulator malfunctions and Sam goes missing. Chase finds Sam unconscious and attempts to resuscitate him but is unsuccessful. Sam is declared dead from cardiac arrest after the Coast Guard rushes him to shore. Chase is distraught, believing he may be responsible for Sam's death as the sole provider of their diving equipment. He dreads having to tell Sam's daughter Rachel the news.
TEMPO is a vibrant and youthful magazine; in layout, content and spirit. Brimming with community, music, fashion, art, food, lifestyle and innovation.
Abu Dhabi, UAE ¡¤
The narrator was born into slavery but had a relatively happy childhood, cared for by her kind mistress who taught her to read. When she was 6, her mother died and she learned for the first time that she was a slave. Her mistress also died when she was 12, leaving her to the 5-year-old daughter of her sister instead of freeing her as many had hoped, in accordance with her late mistress's promise to the narrator's mother. She was now at the mercy of a new master and mistress.
The article discusses the new costumes created for Cast Members in the expanding Fantasyland area at the Magic Kingdom. Over two years, Walt Disney World Creative Costuming designed costumes inspired by ringmasters, gripers, and carnival barkers to bring Storybook Circus to life. The costumes were created with operational needs, Cast comfort, and visual storytelling in mind. Similar principles guided costumes for Enchanted Forest and Castle Courtyard Cast Members, drawing from 1400s-1600s inspiration to distinguish forest dwellers from those who live in the castle.
The document discusses the history and growth of the 5 Nights of Glory event held annually in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, describing how it started as a miracle crusade in 2007 and expanded into a 5 day event by 2012 due to immense crowds and miracles. It provides details on the themes and scriptures of some of the early events that helped transform many lives through signs, wonders, and massive harvests of souls responding to the altar calls. The 5 Nights of Glory has become a iconic gathering known for incredible testimonies of salvation and deliverance over the years.
The poem deals with the large scale emigration of West Indian males to work abroad in the late 19th to early 20th century and the impact on the women left behind. It focuses on Esmie who was courted by a man who promised to do well abroad and send money. However, after 15 years of no contact or support, he returns as a wealthy "gentleman" and ignores her. The emigration of these men represented the hopes and dreams of the families, but often resulted in betrayal and rejection for the women who were left to struggle alone. Esmie's realization that she has created a stable home allows her to find clarity and closure.
Pennsylvania style. Views and images from nearly 100 years ago. A great resource book, cookbook and all around interesting read. Check out our website at for more interesting history and views around the PA countryside.
Vol. 2 secular annotations on scripture texts.GLENN PEASE
NOTE; This book is available for 26 to 46 dollars because it is a collector's item, but you can read it here free. It has defects in ways but still conveys the wisdom of this great author of the past.
XIII. Some Friends of Mine in Paradise 146
"Dear Will Reed" 148
O Crystal Heart! 150
Albert J. Blackford 158
King David 159
The Reverend James Boicourt 161
Saint James 163
The Reverend Wilbur F. Sheridan, G.G.M. . . 165
Robert Forbes 174
Bishop Charles W. Smith. 176
Franklin Hamilton 179
Bishop Robert Mclntyre 182
The Story of Margaret 185
XIV. Careless Creek 199
XV. Church Spires 220
XVI. A Bunch of Wild Flowers 251
They Wait for Me 251
Skirting the Dawn I Saw a River Fair 253
How Still Thou Art, O Quiet of the Dark!. . 253
The Songs 254
This article discusses how some women have found ways to balance their passion for travel with other life pursuits like careers. It profiles several women who have taken gap years to travel, and some who ultimately quit their jobs to travel full-time. Sherry Ott founded Meet Plan Go after taking a gap year made her realize she wanted to help others do the same. Nora Dunn now travels the world by housesitting and volunteering. Jo Fitzsimmons quit law to become a travel writer. The article also discusses how Evelyn Hannon and Jane Jackson have continued travelling well into their later years, defying expectations of what women "should" do.
This document provides a lengthy personal anecdote from the author about their most memorable Thanksgiving. It describes the author's family traditions of celebrating at multiple relatives' homes and overeating. It then details how the author and their mother celebrated Thanksgiving on a cruise ship, where their mother charmed the captain but he unexpectedly came on to the author. Their mother then organized a talent show performance reenacting the first Thanksgiving, even though the author was intoxicated and had to improvise the script.
The poems here are being done for CAPE Literatures in English. I hope that the presentation helps all students who are striving for excellence as they pursue their studies.
If you do not get the sound clips, they are:
Earth Song by Michael Jackson
You Don't Bring Me Flowers by Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond
Redemption Song by Bob Marley
XVIII Poetic Justice as Illustrated in the Tragic Story of
Adoni-bezek 216
XIX The Sinner's Fight Against the Stars 227
XX The Shibboleth of Fate 236
XXI The Man with a Low Aim 246
XXII A King in Hiding 257
XXIII The Difference Between Self-conceit and Self-respect. . 268
XXIV The Story of a Man Who Was Caught in His Own Trap 279
This document is Jennifer D. Fliss's e-portfolio for her Fall 2011 Writing for Children course at Pennsylvania State University, taught by Dr. Susan Campbell Bartoletti. It contains biographical information about Fliss, six original works of children's literature or poetry written by Fliss, and two critiques and reflections on children's literature. The portfolio is dedicated to Fliss's grandfather and son and explores themes of childhood, family, and the seasons through sensory descriptions and child-centric perspectives. It provides samples of Fliss's original writing for children along with her analysis of the genre.
1. John is shown a vision of the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven as a bride adorned for her husband. This will one day be the home for the faithful.
2. The most wonderful thing about heaven is that Jesus will be with us forever, answering our questions and teaching us, like enjoying time with a parent as a child.
3. God will wipe away all tears and there will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain, as Satan and sinners are gone forever and all suffering is removed from the universe.
II. UNTO HIS NEST AGAIN, .... .... .... 21
III. THE SILENT CHRIST, .... .... .... 34
V. THE GREATEST LOVE, .... .... .... 58
vi. SPICES FOR CHRIST'S GRAVE, .... .... 70
IX. GREAT IN GOD'S SIGHT, .... .... .... 102
XVI. FAITHFULNESS, .... .... .... 184
This document is an excerpt from the novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. It describes Robinson Crusoe's early life and how he came to leave home against his father's wishes to go to sea. His father warns him of the dangers of such a life and advises him to stay in the stable middle class, but Robinson is restless and determined. The chapter follows his first voyage which starts out disastrously in a storm that frightens him, but he soon forgets his vows to return home as the weather improves and he drinks with the crew.
The document is a poem titled "Paper Boats" by Rabindranath Tagore. The poem is about a child who makes paper boats and writes their name on them, hoping someone will find the boats and know who they are. The child loads the boats with flowers from their garden and launches the boats into the sky, imagining the boats sailing among the clouds. At night, the child dreams the paper boats continue floating under the stars, carrying dreams in their baskets.
The Function of the Pilgrimage in Medieval Literature
(illustrate with at least one text): Anonymous ¡®Sir Gawain and the
Green Knight¡¯, Geoffrey Chaucer ¡®The Canterbury Tales¡¯,
Anonymous ¡®Everyman¡¯
Chase Cohen and his diving partner Sam Lyons go diving off the coast of California searching for a lost treasure ship. During the dive, Chase's oxygen regulator malfunctions and Sam goes missing. Chase finds Sam unconscious and attempts to resuscitate him but is unsuccessful. Sam is declared dead from cardiac arrest after the Coast Guard rushes him to shore. Chase is distraught, believing he may be responsible for Sam's death as the sole provider of their diving equipment. He dreads having to tell Sam's daughter Rachel the news.
TEMPO is a vibrant and youthful magazine; in layout, content and spirit. Brimming with community, music, fashion, art, food, lifestyle and innovation.
Abu Dhabi, UAE ¡¤
The narrator was born into slavery but had a relatively happy childhood, cared for by her kind mistress who taught her to read. When she was 6, her mother died and she learned for the first time that she was a slave. Her mistress also died when she was 12, leaving her to the 5-year-old daughter of her sister instead of freeing her as many had hoped, in accordance with her late mistress's promise to the narrator's mother. She was now at the mercy of a new master and mistress.
The article discusses the new costumes created for Cast Members in the expanding Fantasyland area at the Magic Kingdom. Over two years, Walt Disney World Creative Costuming designed costumes inspired by ringmasters, gripers, and carnival barkers to bring Storybook Circus to life. The costumes were created with operational needs, Cast comfort, and visual storytelling in mind. Similar principles guided costumes for Enchanted Forest and Castle Courtyard Cast Members, drawing from 1400s-1600s inspiration to distinguish forest dwellers from those who live in the castle.
The document discusses the history and growth of the 5 Nights of Glory event held annually in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, describing how it started as a miracle crusade in 2007 and expanded into a 5 day event by 2012 due to immense crowds and miracles. It provides details on the themes and scriptures of some of the early events that helped transform many lives through signs, wonders, and massive harvests of souls responding to the altar calls. The 5 Nights of Glory has become a iconic gathering known for incredible testimonies of salvation and deliverance over the years.
The poem deals with the large scale emigration of West Indian males to work abroad in the late 19th to early 20th century and the impact on the women left behind. It focuses on Esmie who was courted by a man who promised to do well abroad and send money. However, after 15 years of no contact or support, he returns as a wealthy "gentleman" and ignores her. The emigration of these men represented the hopes and dreams of the families, but often resulted in betrayal and rejection for the women who were left to struggle alone. Esmie's realization that she has created a stable home allows her to find clarity and closure.
Pennsylvania style. Views and images from nearly 100 years ago. A great resource book, cookbook and all around interesting read. Check out our website at for more interesting history and views around the PA countryside.
Vol. 2 secular annotations on scripture texts.GLENN PEASE
NOTE; This book is available for 26 to 46 dollars because it is a collector's item, but you can read it here free. It has defects in ways but still conveys the wisdom of this great author of the past.
XIII. Some Friends of Mine in Paradise 146
"Dear Will Reed" 148
O Crystal Heart! 150
Albert J. Blackford 158
King David 159
The Reverend James Boicourt 161
Saint James 163
The Reverend Wilbur F. Sheridan, G.G.M. . . 165
Robert Forbes 174
Bishop Charles W. Smith. 176
Franklin Hamilton 179
Bishop Robert Mclntyre 182
The Story of Margaret 185
XIV. Careless Creek 199
XV. Church Spires 220
XVI. A Bunch of Wild Flowers 251
They Wait for Me 251
Skirting the Dawn I Saw a River Fair 253
How Still Thou Art, O Quiet of the Dark!. . 253
The Songs 254
This article discusses how some women have found ways to balance their passion for travel with other life pursuits like careers. It profiles several women who have taken gap years to travel, and some who ultimately quit their jobs to travel full-time. Sherry Ott founded Meet Plan Go after taking a gap year made her realize she wanted to help others do the same. Nora Dunn now travels the world by housesitting and volunteering. Jo Fitzsimmons quit law to become a travel writer. The article also discusses how Evelyn Hannon and Jane Jackson have continued travelling well into their later years, defying expectations of what women "should" do.
This document provides a lengthy personal anecdote from the author about their most memorable Thanksgiving. It describes the author's family traditions of celebrating at multiple relatives' homes and overeating. It then details how the author and their mother celebrated Thanksgiving on a cruise ship, where their mother charmed the captain but he unexpectedly came on to the author. Their mother then organized a talent show performance reenacting the first Thanksgiving, even though the author was intoxicated and had to improvise the script.
The poems here are being done for CAPE Literatures in English. I hope that the presentation helps all students who are striving for excellence as they pursue their studies.
If you do not get the sound clips, they are:
Earth Song by Michael Jackson
You Don't Bring Me Flowers by Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond
Redemption Song by Bob Marley
XVIII Poetic Justice as Illustrated in the Tragic Story of
Adoni-bezek 216
XIX The Sinner's Fight Against the Stars 227
XX The Shibboleth of Fate 236
XXI The Man with a Low Aim 246
XXII A King in Hiding 257
XXIII The Difference Between Self-conceit and Self-respect. . 268
XXIV The Story of a Man Who Was Caught in His Own Trap 279
This document is Jennifer D. Fliss's e-portfolio for her Fall 2011 Writing for Children course at Pennsylvania State University, taught by Dr. Susan Campbell Bartoletti. It contains biographical information about Fliss, six original works of children's literature or poetry written by Fliss, and two critiques and reflections on children's literature. The portfolio is dedicated to Fliss's grandfather and son and explores themes of childhood, family, and the seasons through sensory descriptions and child-centric perspectives. It provides samples of Fliss's original writing for children along with her analysis of the genre.
1. John is shown a vision of the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from heaven as a bride adorned for her husband. This will one day be the home for the faithful.
2. The most wonderful thing about heaven is that Jesus will be with us forever, answering our questions and teaching us, like enjoying time with a parent as a child.
3. God will wipe away all tears and there will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain, as Satan and sinners are gone forever and all suffering is removed from the universe.
Turkish cuisine features many meat-based dishes like d?ner kebab, which is meat cooked on a rotating spit. Iskender kebab is a popular dish made with d?ner meat served with tomato sauce and yogurt. Lahmacun is a flatbread topped with minced meat. Pide is a bread made with dough and minced meat. Turkish snacks and desserts include ayran (yogurt drink), Turkish tea often drunk with sugar, strong Turkish coffee sometimes used for divination, raki (anise-flavored alcoholic drink), baklava, simit (sesame bread), dolma (stuffed peppers), and durum sandwiches filled with meat, vegetables and sauce.
This document discusses biblical time prophecies found in Daniel chapters 8 and 9 regarding the coming Messiah. It explains that Daniel was shown a vision of 2300 days/years which was later interpreted by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel revealed that within this period there was a timeframe of 70 weeks/490 years that referred to Jesus as the Messiah who would be "cut off" at the cross. The document analyzes how these prophecies accurately foretold the timing of Jesus' baptism and crucifixion according to historical records. It asserts that the remaining unfulfilled years point to the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary in 1844.
The document provides an overview of how prophets receive and deliver messages from God. Some key points:
- Prophets receive divine messages through visions, dreams, or direct voice from God. Moses received messages directly "mouth to mouth."
- Jeremiah's experience illustrates the prophetic gift in action. God commanded Jeremiah to write down his messages. When the king burned Jeremiah's scroll, God told him to rewrite it, and Jeremiah added more words.
- Prophets can sometimes change God's mind or intentions, as when Amos and Abraham interceded for people facing judgment. Prophecy may also be conditional under certain circumstances.
- While receiving divine insights, prophe
The document discusses the campaigns of Genseric and the Vandals from 419-456 AD and Attila and the Huns from 432-453 AD in relation to Bible prophecy. It describes how Genseric sacked Rome in 455 AD after building a powerful navy. Though Rome was pillaged, Pope Leo persuaded Genseric to spare lives and buildings. Similarly, when Attila invaded Italy and threatened Rome, Pope Leo convinced him not to sack the city. These events increased the influence of the papacy, with Leo seen as more important than Roman emperors. The document connects these historical judgments to the second and third trumpet plagues in Revelation involving something cast into the sea and a burning star falling on
1. God's healing way requires prayer, faith, obedience to God's health laws, and the use of natural remedies. Prayer must be accompanied by a sincere effort to obey God and confess and forsake any known sins.
2. When praying for the healing of the sick, it is important to submit all requests to God's will and recognize that His wisdom and timing may differ from what we desire. God's grace is sufficient even if healing does not come in the way or time we expect.
3. Those who are seriously ill should put their affairs in order, always request God's sustaining presence, and recognize that being healed brings renewed obligation to their healer, God.
The document provides an overview of Amesbury Schools' performance on standardized tests over time. It shows that:
1) Amesbury Elementary schools have had the highest MCAS scores in the area for the last two years, which is up from being at the bottom in 2007.
2) Amesbury Middle School has made steady gains against the state average on MCAS scores, improving from below average in 2007 to above average in 2013.
3) When compared to demographically similar districts, Amesbury has progressed from 5th place in 2007 in English Language Arts scores to 1st place in 2013.
This document contains instructions and information for a lesson on acids and bases:
1. It includes directions for students to complete various tasks like turning in work, taking a quiz, and accessing online resources.
2. Key concepts about acids and bases are defined, like what an ion and the pH scale are. Acids are described as having more hydrogen ions and being associated with certain colors.
3. Students are provided questions to answer in a group about acids and bases, which will then be checked with an answer key.
The document provides tips for caring for gold jewelry to preserve it for generations. It recommends storing gold jewelry in soft cloth to avoid scratches, keeping it away from substances like makeup and moisture, and cleaning it with specialized solutions or mild detergent to maintain its luster. Professional cleaning is advised once a year.
Find ways to prevent Disaster from knocking on your company door! Make sure your plan is in place as we anticipate a weekend storm -
3. Masthead
Anna Santiago
Contributing Writers
Rex Michael Knight
Christine Fernandez
Timothy Sear
Joanna Dee
Art Director
Anna Santiago
Contributing Designer
Ryan Rivera
published quarterly by New Media Inc.
3000 Lowell Road
Vancouver, BC
V0J 1X9
Email your stories to:
Hello everyone! Welcome to yet
another collection of unique
travel adventures here at Travel
In this edition, we are featuring
Rex Michael Knight¡¯s two-week
pilgrimage through Jordan,
Israel and Egypt. Enjoy his
recap of this once in a lifetime
Also in this edition, don¡¯t forget
to check out Teimoshi¡¯s
travel diary entry from his Asian
Finally find out more about
Contiki tours from passionate
traveler Christine Fernandez.
As you begin to read about these
wonderful adventures, I
encourage you to share your own.
Tell us about your travel
experience (whether it¡¯s good,
bad, disappointing or funny) and
show the world your captivating
and hilarious photos.
Happy Journeys!
4. inside
This month:
My Travel Diary
Teimoshi Conquers Asia
9 Contiki¡¯d Out
Dust on my Sandals
Feature Story
Follow Rex Michael Knight¡¯s journey of
self-discovery as he embarks on a
pilgrimage to the Holy Lands.
5. Teimoshi Conquers
The Travel Diary of Timothy Sear
E. Honda - You¡¯ve got nothing on the
Mongolian on Electric Avenue
The title is for the appreciation of the Street Fighter 2 geeks out
there. Today we went to Sumo wrestling and Electric City, the
place to go for electronics in Tokyo. We started out the day in
search of a bank machine that will actually take our cards. We
were a little unsettled when the first two banks, completely in
Japanese, spat our cards out as us like it was a white guy
eating a Japanese fermented plum (almost happened on the
plane). Luckily, corporations came to our rescue as the 7/11
down the street had a 7/11 bank machine that took internation-
al cards. We were set. Next stop Electric City.
On the way to Electric City, I saw this cool sign on the
Japan rail line platform. I interpreted it as ¡°If you are a young girl
and you lost your hat, a man with a freakishly long claw arm will
retrieve it for you.¡± I searched for this man in vain. I wanted to
shake his hand.
At Electric City, you¡¯ll find a smackload of things that
beep, buzz and ping, and some crazy plechinko game where
everyone smokes like a chimney. You¡¯ll find all you could ever
need if you wanted the latest phones and gadgets. Plus there¡¯s
an alley full of shops with electrical components so you can build
your own Astroboy. Good times. We didn¡¯t buy much, other
than an XD Card Reader because I left my camera USB cable at
Page 5TravelTales Dec 2013
Walking around, we saw the fire department and a crowd of
people. On a separate trailer, they had a mock up of an apart-
ment on hydraulics. It was an earthquake simulator. So we did
the natural thing...we asked if we could try it out and they were
more than happy to oblige. The whole thing shook back and
forth for what felt like a very long ten minutes. I did my best to
look completely terrified but couldn¡¯t stop laughing at how
ridiculous it was.
The crowd of
Japanese people
gathered around was
completely entertained
and gave us a round of
applause after we
completed the
Earthquake Ride of
Death. For our troubles we were awarded a delicious can of
Good times. Next, we headed to the Sumo wrestling
match and it was probably one of the best experiences I¡¯ve had
so far... (continued on page 8)
6. Sometimes, we just need to take a break from the world.
Sometimes, it¡¯s not always about getting where you want to
be. Sometimes, time for ourselves is exactly what we need...
and what we have been ignoring. These days, everything is
so fast-paced that we forget to catch our breaths, wait for
a moment and internalize all that¡¯s happening around us. I
am guilty of this sin. Being in the medical field, my profession
demands a lot of time and dedication that I barely have time
for other things. However, after passing my board exams,
I knew that I finally have the chance to explore the world.
More importantly, I now have the time to explore the world
within myself and exploit this chance for personal growth.
I took the year off from work. Since I¡¯ve gotten
through the first of many hurdles I¡¯d be facing in this field
(that being the Medical board exams, of course), I figured it
would be the perfect time to pursue my other interests with-
out as much consequences to worry about. I don¡¯t want you
to get the wrong impression, though. I, unquestionably, love
being a doctor ¨C to save lives for a living is an honor given
to only a select few, and it is more than a fulfilling job as it is.
However, that¡¯s not to say that we, too, lose a bit of motiva-
tion. Who doesn¡¯t, right? Hence I told myself that Medicine
will always be there, waiting for me to come back, once I am
ready to pursue the noble art again. In the meantime, I¡¯m
grabbing onto this chance for self-discovery.
The highlight of my ¡°break¡± was our Holy Land
Pilgrimage. The tour was arranged by a local Church and we
were referred by a friend. As part of my mother¡¯s bucket list,
we couldn¡¯t pass up on the opportunity. The following is a let-
ter I wrote to our companions after our short yet memorable
trip a few days after we got back home:
Page 6
Peter¡¯s adventures
TravelTales Dec 2013
¡°Sometimes, time for ourselves is
exactly what we need.¡±
Dust on my Sandals
Rex Michael Knight
7. Today, while packing my things for another few hours at the gym, I noticed a few grains of sand left on my sandals. I took
a few moments to glance at it, if only to revel at the images that flashed rapidly ¨C uncontrollably ¨C into my mind. It all just seemed
like yesterday. The first time I learned about Pilgrimages was about four or five years ago when I read a book from the acclaimed
inspirational author, Paulo Coelho, one, so appropriately entitled, ¡°Pilgrimage¡±. From that point on, I made it a personal quest to
go on that same journey of devotion. Of course, subconsciously, I expected it to be, at least, 20 or 30 more years before I¡¯d actually be
able to do it. Little did I know that the quest will be fulfilled at a much, much sooner than I anticipated.
It¡¯s funny that just about 3 weeks ago, my mother and I had gone into a frantic shopping mode - buying clothes, bags, food
and whatnot for the trip. Just 3 weeks ago, we knew 21 less people. About three weeks ago, Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem were
all abstract places we only heard about in Bible stories.
Our little expedition took us to marvelous places; places that I never even knew existed. Jordan showed us part of the
Israelites¡¯ journey to the Promised Land, the long King¡¯s Highway that heard nothing but our complaints on the bus, forgetting
that God¡¯s chosen people had once travelled that same road on foot. Moses¡¯ final resting place, Mount Nebu, where he got a glimpse
of their destination, only to fall short at the end. The wonders of the city of Petra, that left all of us dumbstruck and speechless with
its elegant natural beauty, combined with the uncanny talents of the Nabatean civilization that helped shape it. Egypt and its in-
comparable richness of ancient history, from the Great Pyramids of Giza to the Sphinx, from King Ramses II to King Tutankhamun
¨C names I only used to hear about in movies, documentaries and history books. I climbed the summit of Mount Sinai and watched
the most picturesque sunrise one would ever see; an accomplishment I never ever fathomed in my wildest dreams. And finally, the
sacred grounds of the Holy Land, itself, the Promised Land ¨C Israel. Oh, how I¡¯ve fallen in love with the place. Walking the very
steps that Jesus Christ, Himself, had walked. Touching the very surfaces that His skin touched. Bathing in the waters that He had
been washed in. Catching, with each breath that we took, the very air that He once breathed. Seeing where He lived, worked, and
preached... where He suffered.
But the Pilgrimage was a whole lot more than the physical places we visited. More than the tears we shed with the suffering
portrayed in Yad Vashem. More than the sympathy we felt for the Jews praying at the Wailing Wall. More than the pretty people
that we so shamelessly gawked at (haha!).
It was mostly about the 25 people that gathered to become one in discovering their faith anew. It was about developing new
friendships, in as much as it was about rekindling old relationships. It was about finding love, losing it, and rediscovering it once more.
It was about finding one¡¯s own happiness in seeing the joy of those around you. It was about getting over one¡¯s loneliness, and finding
company amongst new faces. It was about the strength one finds in sacrifice, of beating odds and battling with disease. It was about
each person¡¯s selflessness in praying for their loved ones, as well as learning one¡¯s capacity to forgive.
The Pilgrimage stands for a lot of things, but most importantly, it was about each person¡¯s personal conquest of finding who
God is in each one of our lives.
Our Pilgrimage was not confined to our travels through Jordan, Israel and Egypt. In a much deeper sense, it was a journey to
get in touch with our very souls. Living in a busy world, where we lay down our own timelines, set our goals, obsess about what steps
should be taken next, we, oftentimes, forget to sit back for a moment and take in all that is happening around us. We have forgotten
the value of self-reflection, soul-searching and discernment. We are always in a hurry to keep ourselves busy, afraid that the world will
leave us behind. The world moves forward... but nowhere does it say that we can¡¯t take a step back, if only to enjoy the surroundings.
This was the blessing that we have been granted. To take our rest from all the turmoil and chaos. And, for a few moments, listen to the
call of our hearts.
I finally brushed the dust off my sandals. The moment of reminiscing has passed. It was a glorious three weeks, indeed. But
like these grains of sand, memories, too, shall be blown away with the wind.
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8. My Travel Diary...(from page 5)
Spreading the VC
We explored more of Tokyo including Shibuya and Shinjuku(?).
Eric took some great shots of Harijuku girls all dressed up. Maybe
Eric can upload some. We met up with Kumiko¡¯s work friends
Rose and Mei, and hit up what Rose swears was the best Thai
food in Japan, even better than the ones in Thailand. We be-
lieved her because she¡¯s from Thailand and she didn¡¯t disap-
point. Another plus, the Thai restaurant had a Karaoke machine,
so we busted out Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline, Guns n¡¯ Roses
- Knockin on Heaven¡¯s Door, Bryan Adams - Summer of 69, and
Eric did an unforgettable rendition of Limp Bizkit - Nookie. I think
there are a few loose pictures on Facebook via Kumiko. And if
you¡¯re lucky, she will upload a sweet video of me doing my best
Axl Rose dance.
Page 8
Full Moon Party - and I didn¡¯t show my ass once.
We attended the infamous Full Moon Party today and made it all
night until the sun came up due to our lengthy training
sessions back in Vancouver. With our special ¡°layering¡± tech-
nique, we survived the night without becoming one of the
fodder and carnage you see in the picture below!
Here¡¯s the fodder I was talking about. They littered the beach
along with missing flip pair was Eric¡¯s...I wonder where
they are now.
TravelTales Dec 2013
Thai Boxing - Tonight ¡¯s Main Event
We took in some Thai Boxing last night. Very cool, and just like
Sumo wrestling, there¡¯s a lot of ceremony and tradition before
the fight starts. They do some really cool dances and what looks
like praying at each corner. It lasts for about 5-10 minutes and
each fighter¡¯s dance is slightly different with crazy thai music in
the background resembling the sounds of a drum and an off-
tune clarinet.
Similar music plays while they are fighting, which they
bob and weave to. I have a couple of movies with the big guys
fighting, pretty bloody but very entertaining. Very entertaining
night though.
Off to Krabi tomorrow.
The Thai restaurant was in an area called Roppungi, which is the
entertainment district frequented by foreigners, i.e. us. On our
mission to discover somewhere to drink, I scouted out a 5th floor
establishment called Club Pascha...the elevator door opened
and I heard music, but saw nothing. As I stepped out of the
elevator, my shoulders were crushed by its closing doors. The
ensuing crash caused everyone to turn and stare at this t-shirt
and jeaned white dude stumbling into the lounge, nursing his
shoulder. An old man waddled up to me and said, ¡°Japanese
Only¡± and promptly pushed the down button on the elevator.
Since the elevator was already on its way down, I stood there...
waiting awkwardly, as patrons took turns staring me down. I tried
to explain that there were no signs indicating that the club was
Japanese Only...but i think it fell on deaf ears.
9. Contiki¡¯d Out
Christine Fernandez was
New Zealand
England and
the Netherlands
It was fall of 2008 when I finally decided to
take the big leap- take a leave of absence
from work and travel for four months. It was
nerve-wracking and exciting. I have always
lived in the comforts of home with family; I
have always had the constant support of
friends; but this trip will be the first time that I
will be on my own.
I had the option to backpack or
create my own itinerary, and literally travel
by myself or book a series of tours. I went
to a Flight Centre and the travel agent
recommended Contiki, the ideal tour for
outgoing and adventurous 18 ¨C 35 year old
singles. I chose the ¡°budget¡± travel style and
chose my itinerary.
15 days in New Zealand
27 days in Australia and
47 days in Europe
It was perfect because it was
practical and comfortable. I shared
rooms with three other ladies and then
we switched roomies every couple of
days. Our tour guide was knowledgeable
and provided us with information about
both the North and South islands of New
The highlight of my New Zealand trip was
when I skydived in Rotorua. It was the
most amazing experience and the best
$500.00 I ever spent. I probably would not
have dared to do it if I travelled alone.
It was easier to do something risky like
skydiving because over 25 of us went.
This is one of the advantages of joining
an organized tour ¨C it balances indepen-
dent travel (since you only meet fellow
travelers on the tour), with the opportunity
to share unforgettable travel experiences
with these strangers-turned-friends, some
of whom can become your friends for life.
First stop: Christchurch, New Zealand
My first Contiki group was a good mix of
men and women aged 22 to 34. A lot of
them came from Europe and a few from
North America. We stayed in basic hotels,
hostels and campsites ¨C the standard for
budget-style Contikis.
Page 9
10. Second stop: Sydney, Australia
The group was mostly female, younger single Europeans on
their gap year (the travel year between high school and
university). It was interesting at first, but it turned out to be the
best Contiki group I¡¯ve been with. The highlight of my Oz tour
was being able to sleep under the stars in sleeping bags right in
the middle of the Outback, where seven out of the 10 deadliest
snakes can be found. I never thought I¡¯d experience this in my
life but being on the Contiki tour gave me access to these
locations with less or no fear. Tour companies with years of
experience do guarantee your safety especially in dangerous
areas such as the outback. After all, no amount of money can
buy your confidence while experiencing these amazing things!
Last Stops: London, England and
the Netherlands
The last leg of my four-month travel began in London, England.
My group was a good mix of men and women, mostly in
their mid-20¡¯s to mid-30¡¯s. This was an interesting tour because
we had to be together for 47 days. I found it a bit too long for
50 strangers to get along. It was an amazing group but we
definitely had days when we wished the tour ended sooner.
The highlight of my European trip was learning how to swim
in the Greek waters of the isle Corfu. I had a few new-found
friends who were persistent in teaching me how to swim. While
enjoying the beautiful beach in Corfu, they managed to teach
me how to swim. I was not a confident swimmer, but I was able
to swim for at least 10 to 15 meters, taking into consideration
the buoyancy of the ocean.
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It was an amazing crew and I definitely had fun overall until
our last destination where we all said our ¡°goodbyes¡± or ¡°till we
meet again¡± in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
After three consecutive Contikis with only a few days
breather in between, I was Contiki¡¯d out at the end of the last
one! The disadvantage of going with an organized tour like
Contiki is the fixed schedule which does not allow flexibility
of staying longer in places you absolutely love or leave cities
where you think are not worth staying at.
My recommendation for a long-term travel plan such
as mine is to do a combination of organized tours and
self-planned ones. This gives a good variation of indepen-
dence and flexibility as well as an opportunity to meet new
friends while having the comforts of a planned itinerary. I
would also recommend reviewing other tours and doing a
thorough research before committing to one. Since organized
tours are more expensive than self-planned ones, it¡¯s wise to
ensure that your chosen tour-type will fit most of your