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Welcome to IBM速 Lotus速 Notes速 Traveler 8.5.2
 A new version of IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.2 is coming to your mobile device. Take a look at what's in

                                           What's new...
  ...for all supported devices    User managed security
                                  With user managed security, users can now remotely wipe or lock their own
                                  devices, without the help of an administrator. They can also clear their own
                                  actions. For example, they can cancel wipe requests and re-enable server
                                  access for a device that was previously locked.

                                  To perform these actions, open the Lotus Notes Traveler User Home
                                  Page from your device and select the Manage Security section.

  ...for Apple devices            Support for Meeting Invitations on Apple devices
                                  Invitation notices can now be processed on Apple devices. Users invited to
                                  meetings can accept, tentatively accept or decline meeting notices right
                                  from their mobile device. Support is also included for users to create
                                  meetings on the device with attendees, and to reschedule, update or cancel
                                  meetings from the Apple device.

                                  To respond to a meeting invitation using Lotus Notes Traveler:

                                      1. In your Inbox, open the meeting invitation. Press the Invitation icon
                                         within the email's Body.
                                      2. Optionally, press Add Comments to include remarks in the reply.
                                      3. Select either Accept, Maybe or Decline.

  ...for Nokia and Windows        Corporate Name Lookup
  Mobile devices                  You can now search for users in your corporate directory and display
                                  information such as phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

                                  To search for a contact using corporate look up:

                                      1. Start the Traveler Lookup application.
                                      2. Enter the first few characters of the contact's first or last name. The
                                         Results window populates a list of names with similar characters.
                                      3. Select the appropriate name from the list.
                                      4. Once the contact displays, you can call, e-mail or add the contact to
                                         your local contacts list.

                                  You can also search your corporate directory while composing a new email
                                  and add recipients directly to your new mail message address fields.

                                  Scheduled Synchronization
                                  Lotus Notes Traveler users on Windows Mobile and Nokia S60 devices can
                                  now define a synchronization schedule for peak and off peak times. On the
                                  device, open the Lotus Notes Traveler client application, then access the

 息 Copyright IBM Corp. 2010
Settings display. Select the settings for Auto Sync, and then select
Schedule. You can set the behavior for two time periods; a peak time
schedule and an off peak schedule. The sync behavior can be any of the

      Always Connected
      Every 15 minutes
      Every 30 minutes
      Every hour
      Every 2 hours

Automatic Lotus Notes Traveler client updates
A new installer application called Lotus Mobile Installer now helps you to
install the Lotus Notes Traveler client software. It can also be configured to
periodically check with the server for any updates to the client software. If
updates are detected, the device user is prompted to download and install
the latest updates.

To get the Lotus Mobile Installer application:
   1. Turn on your mobile device.
   2. Launch the device's browser.
   3. Go to the Lotus Notes Traveler user home page..
   4. Select Download Lotus Mobile Installer. Transfer the file to your
      mobile device and open the file.
   5. When the installation is complete, the Lotus Mobile Installer starts.
Learn more
Resource                             Description

Help links and locations             You can view IBM速 Lotus速 Notes速 Traveler help in the IBM Lotus Notes and
                                     Domino wiki.

Learning Plug-in                     Install the Learning Plug-in to access show-me demos, tutorials, product tours,
                                     and more, directly from your sidebar. (See the screen image below)

Media Gallery                        The Media Gallery provides links to a variety of information including Flash
                                     demonstrations, videos, reference cards, Web seminars, product tours, and
                                     other materials for learning more about Lotus Notes.
View a demonstration of setting up   Watch the demonstration here.
Lotus Notes Traveler on an Apple

New Features                         To view a complete list of new features, see the topic What's New in Lotus
                                     Notes Traveler 8.5.2 in the Lotus Notes and Domino Wiki.

IBM Lotus Notes Traveler Learning Plug- in
Getting help
Use the following resources to get more assistance:

Resource                             Description

    Help desk                         Put your company-specific instructions here:
                                      Phone number

    Internal wiki/blog                Put your company-specific instructions here:

    Help links and locations          You can view IBM速 Lotus速 Notes速 Traveler help by visiting the IBM Lotus Domino
                                      and Notes Information Center.

    Submit feedback                   Let us know if this guide was helpful to you or provide comments on our Help topics.
                                      Click the Submit Feedback button or link in your product Help.

    To add more rows click Table > Row > Insert.
    Choose File > Export to create a PDF of your preview guide.

IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many
jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM
trademarks is available on the Web at Copyright and trademark information at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml.
 Remove copyright statement from completed template (ODT file) delivered to administrators.

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Traveler preview guide

  • 1. Welcome to IBM速 Lotus速 Notes速 Traveler 8.5.2 A new version of IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.2 is coming to your mobile device. Take a look at what's in store! What's new... ...for all supported devices User managed security With user managed security, users can now remotely wipe or lock their own devices, without the help of an administrator. They can also clear their own actions. For example, they can cancel wipe requests and re-enable server access for a device that was previously locked. To perform these actions, open the Lotus Notes Traveler User Home Page from your device and select the Manage Security section. ...for Apple devices Support for Meeting Invitations on Apple devices Invitation notices can now be processed on Apple devices. Users invited to meetings can accept, tentatively accept or decline meeting notices right from their mobile device. Support is also included for users to create meetings on the device with attendees, and to reschedule, update or cancel meetings from the Apple device. To respond to a meeting invitation using Lotus Notes Traveler: 1. In your Inbox, open the meeting invitation. Press the Invitation icon within the email's Body. 2. Optionally, press Add Comments to include remarks in the reply. 3. Select either Accept, Maybe or Decline. ...for Nokia and Windows Corporate Name Lookup Mobile devices You can now search for users in your corporate directory and display information such as phone numbers and e-mail addresses. To search for a contact using corporate look up: 1. Start the Traveler Lookup application. 2. Enter the first few characters of the contact's first or last name. The Results window populates a list of names with similar characters. 3. Select the appropriate name from the list. 4. Once the contact displays, you can call, e-mail or add the contact to your local contacts list. You can also search your corporate directory while composing a new email and add recipients directly to your new mail message address fields. Scheduled Synchronization Lotus Notes Traveler users on Windows Mobile and Nokia S60 devices can now define a synchronization schedule for peak and off peak times. On the device, open the Lotus Notes Traveler client application, then access the 息 Copyright IBM Corp. 2010
  • 2. Settings display. Select the settings for Auto Sync, and then select Schedule. You can set the behavior for two time periods; a peak time schedule and an off peak schedule. The sync behavior can be any of the following: Always Connected Manual Every 15 minutes Every 30 minutes Every hour Every 2 hours Automatic Lotus Notes Traveler client updates A new installer application called Lotus Mobile Installer now helps you to install the Lotus Notes Traveler client software. It can also be configured to periodically check with the server for any updates to the client software. If updates are detected, the device user is prompted to download and install the latest updates. To get the Lotus Mobile Installer application: 1. Turn on your mobile device. 2. Launch the device's browser. 3. Go to the Lotus Notes Traveler user home page.. 4. Select Download Lotus Mobile Installer. Transfer the file to your mobile device and open the file. 5. When the installation is complete, the Lotus Mobile Installer starts.
  • 3. Learn more REMEMBER TO UPDATE LINKS Resource Description Help links and locations You can view IBM速 Lotus速 Notes速 Traveler help in the IBM Lotus Notes and Domino wiki. Learning Plug-in Install the Learning Plug-in to access show-me demos, tutorials, product tours, and more, directly from your sidebar. (See the screen image below) Media Gallery The Media Gallery provides links to a variety of information including Flash demonstrations, videos, reference cards, Web seminars, product tours, and other materials for learning more about Lotus Notes. View a demonstration of setting up Watch the demonstration here. Lotus Notes Traveler on an Apple devices New Features To view a complete list of new features, see the topic What's New in Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.2 in the Lotus Notes and Domino Wiki. IBM Lotus Notes Traveler Learning Plug- in
  • 4. Getting help Use the following resources to get more assistance: Resource Description Help desk Put your company-specific instructions here: Phone number Internal wiki/blog Put your company-specific instructions here: URL Help links and locations You can view IBM速 Lotus速 Notes速 Traveler help by visiting the IBM Lotus Domino and Notes Information Center. Submit feedback Let us know if this guide was helpful to you or provide comments on our Help topics. Click the Submit Feedback button or link in your product Help. To add more rows click Table > Row > Insert. Choose File > Export to create a PDF of your preview guide. IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at Copyright and trademark information at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml. Remove copyright statement from completed template (ODT file) delivered to administrators.