R K Global honored and rewarded Indian athletes from the 2008 Beijing Olympics, including bronze medalists Sushil Kumar and Vijender Singh who each received Rs. 5 lakh. Coach Satpal Singh also received Rs. 2,00,000 for his service to wrestling. R K Global donated funds totaling over Rs. 28 lakh to Mahendra Singh Dhoni's charitable foundation, including Rs. 5,00,000 and Rs. 1,41,000 for the 'Save Our Tiger' initiative, as well as Rs. 22,00,000 related to sixes hit in the 2010 IPL.
2. R K GLOBALS past initiation :Felicitated Mr. Sushil Kumar and Mr. Vijender Singh, bronze medal winners in Beijing Olympics 2008, and rewarded each with Rs. 5 lakhFelicitated Mr. Satpal Singh with 2,00,000 , PadmaShri & DronacharyaAwardee and coach to Mr. Sushil Kumar for his outstanding service to Indian wrestling
3. Mr. AmitBhagchandka (CEO of R K Global) handed over a chequeofRs. 5,00,000 to Mahendra Singh Dhoni Charitable FoundationMr. AmitBhagchandka handed over a cheque of Rs. 1,41,000 toMahendra Singh Dhoni Charitable Foundation towards Save Our Tiger initiativeR K Global donated Rs. 22,00,000 to Mahendra Singh Dhoni Charitable Foundation towards Save Our Tiger Fund on account of each six hit by Chennai Super Kings during Indian Premier League (IPL) 2010