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Fall Out Boy  Thnks Fr Th MmrsBy Adam Burford, Robert Myers, Nathan Stead and Jonathon wigham
Background on the song Thnks Fr Th Mmrs is an alternative rock song written by Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman. It was Fallout Boys third single, from their fourth album and the album is called Infinity on High. It was released in the UK on April 9th 2007 and it peaked at number twelve in the UK charts.
The Music Video    Our video is going to be performance based, as well as  narrative based with the performance-based side of the video containing a band that we will be using for the video. However, we will not be using the band in the narrative part of the video because of time limitations, we will only be able to get a hold of them for a small amount of time, so we will be using different actors for the narrative based parts of our video. We will try to get the band to dress similarly throughout the performance part of the video as well.  The performance sections of the video will mainly be throughout the chorus of the song. We will also be looking at some other Fall Out Boy videos and try to incorporate the themes into our own. We are also going to be thinking about using some ideas from other Fall Out Boy videos, and try to incorporate them into our own video, with our own style.
One of the narratives we are considering for our video is about memories of past relationships with people, but the songs story isnt necessarily a happy one so, the relationships in the memories wouldnt be happy ones. We were thinking that the relationships could be with anyone, friends, family members, etc.We are also thinking of incorporating some illustrative shots into our video, based on the songs lyrics. At one point when the chorus is sung and the words Thanks for the memories are heard, we are thinking of have one character give another character a thought bubble containing memories.

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  • 1. Fall Out Boy Thnks Fr Th MmrsBy Adam Burford, Robert Myers, Nathan Stead and Jonathon wigham
  • 2. Background on the song Thnks Fr Th Mmrs is an alternative rock song written by Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Andy Hurley and Joe Trohman. It was Fallout Boys third single, from their fourth album and the album is called Infinity on High. It was released in the UK on April 9th 2007 and it peaked at number twelve in the UK charts.
  • 3. The Music Video Our video is going to be performance based, as well as narrative based with the performance-based side of the video containing a band that we will be using for the video. However, we will not be using the band in the narrative part of the video because of time limitations, we will only be able to get a hold of them for a small amount of time, so we will be using different actors for the narrative based parts of our video. We will try to get the band to dress similarly throughout the performance part of the video as well. The performance sections of the video will mainly be throughout the chorus of the song. We will also be looking at some other Fall Out Boy videos and try to incorporate the themes into our own. We are also going to be thinking about using some ideas from other Fall Out Boy videos, and try to incorporate them into our own video, with our own style.
  • 4. One of the narratives we are considering for our video is about memories of past relationships with people, but the songs story isnt necessarily a happy one so, the relationships in the memories wouldnt be happy ones. We were thinking that the relationships could be with anyone, friends, family members, etc.We are also thinking of incorporating some illustrative shots into our video, based on the songs lyrics. At one point when the chorus is sung and the words Thanks for the memories are heard, we are thinking of have one character give another character a thought bubble containing memories.