FESTA DE LA TARDORescolafontfargasThe document announces a Fall Festival for preschoolers at an elementary school. It describes activities for different grade levels - students in P3 will taste and feel mandarins, collect leaves, and draw a chestnut tree. P4 students will make chocolate with nuts, almonds, and pine nuts and collect fall leaves to decorate the hallway. P5 students will make raisins and chocolate with almonds. In the afternoon there will be singing, poems, and dancing about fall. The teachers wish the students a happy chestnut celebration!
CastanyadaescolafontfargasThe document announces a Fall Festival for preschoolers at an elementary school. It describes activities for different grade levels - students in P3 will taste and feel mandarins, collect leaves, and draw a chestnut tree. P4 students will make chocolate with nuts, almonds, and pine nuts and collect fall leaves to decorate the hallway. P5 students will make raisins and chocolate with almonds. In the afternoon there will be singing, poems, and dancing about fall. The teachers wish the students a happy Chestnut Day celebration!
CastanyadaescolafontfargasThe document announces a Fall Festival for preschool students at an elementary school. It details activities for each grade level, including tasting mandarines, collecting chestnuts, and making chocolate treats with nuts. Students will go on nature walks to collect fall leaves and decorate the hallways. The chestnut vendor will visit and the children will enjoy roasted chestnuts in the playground. An afternoon celebration is planned with fall songs, poems, and dancing. Teachers wish the students a happy chestnut party!
CastanyadaescolafontfargasThe document announces a Fall Festival for preschool students at an elementary school. It details activities for each grade level, including tasting mandarines, collecting chestnuts, and making chocolate treats with nuts. Students will go on nature walks to collect fall leaves and decorate the hallways. The chestnut vendor will visit and the children will enjoy roasted chestnuts in the playground. An afternoon celebration is planned with fall songs, poems, and dancing. Teachers wish the students a happy chestnut party!
Bibliotecas europaescolafontfargasEl documento presenta fotografías de las bibliotecas más hermosas de Europa, incluyendo bibliotecas monásticas en Alemania, Austria y Suiza, la Biblioteca Angelica y la Biblioteca di bella arti en Italia, la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia y la Biblioteca Sainte-Geneviève en París, y la Biblioteca del Trinity College en Irlanda.
FESTA DE LA TARDORescolafontfargasThe document announces a Fall Festival for preschoolers at an elementary school. It describes activities for different grade levels - students in P3 will taste and feel mandarins, collect leaves, and draw a chestnut tree. P4 students will make chocolate with nuts, almonds, and pine nuts and collect fall leaves to decorate the hallway. P5 students will make raisins and chocolate with almonds. In the afternoon there will be singing, poems, and dancing about fall. The teachers wish the students a happy chestnut celebration!
CastanyadaescolafontfargasThe document announces a Fall Festival for preschoolers at an elementary school. It describes activities for different grade levels - students in P3 will taste and feel mandarins, collect leaves, and draw a chestnut tree. P4 students will make chocolate with nuts, almonds, and pine nuts and collect fall leaves to decorate the hallway. P5 students will make raisins and chocolate with almonds. In the afternoon there will be singing, poems, and dancing about fall. The teachers wish the students a happy Chestnut Day celebration!
CastanyadaescolafontfargasThe document announces a Fall Festival for preschool students at an elementary school. It details activities for each grade level, including tasting mandarines, collecting chestnuts, and making chocolate treats with nuts. Students will go on nature walks to collect fall leaves and decorate the hallways. The chestnut vendor will visit and the children will enjoy roasted chestnuts in the playground. An afternoon celebration is planned with fall songs, poems, and dancing. Teachers wish the students a happy chestnut party!
CastanyadaescolafontfargasThe document announces a Fall Festival for preschool students at an elementary school. It details activities for each grade level, including tasting mandarines, collecting chestnuts, and making chocolate treats with nuts. Students will go on nature walks to collect fall leaves and decorate the hallways. The chestnut vendor will visit and the children will enjoy roasted chestnuts in the playground. An afternoon celebration is planned with fall songs, poems, and dancing. Teachers wish the students a happy chestnut party!
Bibliotecas europaescolafontfargasEl documento presenta fotografías de las bibliotecas más hermosas de Europa, incluyendo bibliotecas monásticas en Alemania, Austria y Suiza, la Biblioteca Angelica y la Biblioteca di bella arti en Italia, la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia y la Biblioteca Sainte-Geneviève en París, y la Biblioteca del Trinity College en Irlanda.
HUAGRA YAYAescolafontfargasEl resumen en 3 oraciones es:
Jorge hizo un pacto con el cerro para obtener oro a cambio de convertirse en toro, pero cuando el patrón mató a Jorge en su forma de toro para obtener el oro, solo obtuvo excremento. María huyó con sus hijos de la hacienda después de que el patrón traicionara a Jorge. La ambición del patrón por el oro lo llevó a la ruina.
La liebre y la tortugaescolafontfargasLa liebre y la tortuga tienen una carrera para demostrar quién es más rápido. La liebre acepta el desafío pensando que puede ganar fácilmente. Durante la carrera, la liebre se adelanta mucho pero luego se detiene a dormir, mientras que la tortuga avanza lentamente y gana la carrera. La liebre se enoja al descubrir que perdió contra la tortuga.
Carta a quitoescolafontfargasLa carta es de dos clases de tercer grado de una escuela en Barcelona llamada Font d'en Fargas. La carta describe la escuela, que tiene más de 350 estudiantes repartidos en tres edificios y está rodeada de naturaleza a pesar de estar en medio de la ciudad. También describe el horario escolar, las actividades que realizan y sus excursiones. Los estudiantes quieren conocer a sus compañeros de Quito y esperan recibir una carta en respuesta.
Imaginem quina forma tindrà la nostra bassa.
Fem el dibuix, cadascú fa el seu disseny.
3. Tenint en compte la forma, calculem el
perímetre i si podem, l’àrea.
Després triem els dissenys que més ens han
agradat i els exposem a la cartellera de
4. De tots els nostres dissenys, els
tècnics van triar una forma ovalada.
Nosaltres vam
delimitar l’espai
amb uns
travessers de
fusta, tenint en
compte la
llargada i
l’amplada que els
tècnics ens van
A la jornada de tardor, pares, mares,
alumnes i mestres vam començar a fer
un gran forat.
8. Les mides de la nostra bassa són:
8 metres de llarg per 4 d’ample.
80 cm d’alçada.
L’aigua no superarà els 50 cm de
A més l’escola ja està encarregant les plantes
per la nostra bassa:
2 nenúfars.
4 lliris.
4 paraigüets.
Volem que hi hagi molta vida!
10. També estem pensant en els
Amb l’ajut de l’Ampa farem una rampa
amb roques i terra perquè els animals
puguin pujar (granotes i tòtils).