Trench collapses cause many fatalities and injuries each year. The document outlines safety procedures for trenching, including never entering an unprotected trench over 5 feet deep, using protective systems like sloping, shoring, or shielding designed by an engineer for deep trenches, providing exit access no more than 25 feet away, keeping spoil back from the edge, and inspecting trenches before and after hazardous events.
4. 4
 Always use a protective system for trenches 5
 feet deep or greater.
5. 5
 Employ a registered professional engineer to
 design a protective system for trenches 20
 feet deep or greater
6. 6
 Protective Systems:
 Sloping to protect workers by cutting back
 the trench wall at an angle inclined away
 from the excavation not steeper than a
 height/depth ratio of 11
 2 :1, according to the
 sloping requirements for the type of soil.
7. 7
 Shoring to protect workers by installing
 supports to prevent soil movement for
 trenches that do not exceed 20 feet in
 depth.
8. 8
 Shielding to protect workers by using
 trench boxes or other types of supports
 to prevent soil cave-ins.
9. 9
 Always provide a way to exit a trench--such
 as a ladder, stairway or ramp--no more than
 25 feet of lateral travel for employees in the
 trench.
11. 11
 Make sure that trenches are inspected by a
 competent person prior to entry and after
 any hazard-increasing event such as a rainstorm,
 vibrations or excessive surcharge
 loads.