This document discusses trends in nursing practice. It notes that the focus of nursing has broadened from care of the ill person to care of people in illness and from care of only patients to care of clients, families, and communities. Nursing has also increasingly relied on scientific evidence and research rather than just experience. Technology has expanded nursing roles and the use of equipment in care. A variety of care models have emerged like primary nursing, patient-focused care, and ambulatory care centers. Evidence-based practice and standardized nursing terminologies also aim to improve care quality.
3. Trends in nursing practice
Trends in nursing are closely
tied to what is happening to
healthcare in general.
Trends are fascinating
phenomena, but they do not
exist in vacuums.
Most are interrelated; one
trend often spawns another.
4. Broadening Focus:
The focus of nursing has
broadened from the care of the
ill person to the care of the
people in illness and from care
of only the patient to care of
the client, the family, and in
some instance the community.
In the past, nursing, like
medicine was oriented towards
disease and illness.
5. Scientific basis:
In the past nursing largely
was either intuitive or relied
on experience or
observation rather than on
Through trail and error the
individual nurses discovered
with measures would assist
the client and many nurses
became highly skilled in
providing care through
6. Technology:
Technology or
mechanization is being
applied in the health field
Certain areas of a hospital
are more technologic than
Nurses find themselves in
the midst of this rapidly
changing, increasingly
technologic environment
in hospital and in clients
7. Expansion of employment
Nursing practice trends
include a growing variety of
employment setting in
which nurses have greater
independence, autonomy,
and respect as member of
the health care team.
Nursing roles continue to
expand and develop,
broadening the focus of
nursing care and providing
a more holistic and all-
encompassing domain
8. Nursings public perception:
Any member of society
who has been ill,
hospitalized or visited
an emergency
department has
experienced nursing
campaign noted
everybody needs a
9. Nursings impact on politics and
health policy:
The ability to influence or
persuade an individual
holding a government
office to exert the power
of that office to affect a
decide outcome is known
as political power or
10. Globalization of Health
Healthcare has become a
global issue
People are mobile,
diseases can travel
Nurses need to have an
understanding of the
issues pertaining to
global health
12. Modern nursing trends
1. Case method:
This is the oldest models
of nursing care
delivery where one
nurse provided all the
care needed by a
particular client.
13. Functional Nursing:
It is a task oriented model
where distinct duties are
assigned to specific
personnel for e.g. one
takes all the vital signs
and other does all the
dressing and so on.
Tasks are divided and
client sees several people
during the shift.
14. Team nursing:
It emerged to
accommodate the staff
with varying level of
education and skill.
15. Total care:
It refers to assignments
in which a nurse
assumes all the care for
small group of clients.
This method focuses
more on the client as
16. Primary nursing:
Here an RN assumes 24
hrs accountability for
the client care and for
the nursing care of
assigned client during
his or her shift.
17. Patient focused care:
An updated version of
team nursing and primary
care is called patient
focused care where an RN
is partnered with one or
more assistive personnel
to take care of a group of
The RN may work with an
assistant, respiratory
18. Ambulatory care centres:
Some office settings have
broadened to include
diagnostic and treatment
facilities such as laboratory,
radiology service,
sometimes surgery.
They are often operated by
large health care systems
such as corporation who
has hospital and other
19. Nursing informatics:
It is a nursing speciality
integrating nursing science,
computer science,
information science in
identifying, collecting,
processing and managing
data and information to
support nursing
administration, research
and expansion of
20. Standardized nursing terminologies:
The demand of current health
care systems is challenging the
nursing profession to define its
practice and the impact it has
on the health and the health
care of an individuals families
and communities.
Nursing has moved towards
standardizing nursing
terminology. It is used to
clearly define and evaluate
nursing care.
21. Evidence based practice :
Nurses are faced with
the challenge of
providing safe, effective
care. One way to
achieve this goal is to
provide evidence based
22. Hospice services:
Hospice means shelter
for those on a difficult
These services occur in
clients home or in
special facilities to the
terminally ill.
24. Article
Stevens, K., (May 31, 2013) "The Impact of
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the
Next Big Ideas" OJIN: The Online Journal of
Issues in Nursing Vol. 18, No. 2, Manuscript 4.
DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol18No02Man04
25. Introduction
The impact of evidence-based practice (EBP) has
echoed across nursing practice, education, and
EBP is aimed at hardwiring current knowledge
into common care decisions to improve care
processes and patient outcomes.
This article briefly describes the EBP movement
and considers some of the impact of EBP
on nursing practice, models and frameworks,
education, and research.
26. Impact on Nursing Practice
EBP to be successfully adopted and sustained,
nurses and other healthcare professionals
recognized that it must be adopted.
Federal, state, local, and other regulatory and
recognition actions are necessary for EBP
Sophisticated implementation plan is required
before the evidence-based intervention is
adopted across an institution.
28. Impact on Nursing Education
Education for all health professions were in need
of a major overhaul to prepare health
professions with new skills to assume new roles
Current educational programs do not adequately
prepare nurses, physicians, pharmacists or other
health professionals.
All health professionals should be educated to
deliver patient-centered care as members of an
interdisciplinary team emphasizing evidence-
based practice, quality improvement approaches,
and informatics
29. Impact on Nursing Research
The Next Big Ideas- Dissemination &
Implementation (D&I) Grants, Improvement
Science Research Network
Transition generally occurs or takes place in
each and every individual of this world.
Nurses as an individual, involved in caring
profession, also faces this transition
Some ways to Prepare for transition process
Positing thinking, flexible to adjust in various
situations, organized personal life, practice healthy
life style, find an ideal mentor, have some fun and
able to know what is expected to learn to rules of
road early.