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WHR Michal Wrobel
WHR Michal Wrobel
Hello, were

a no commission OTA

WHR  Michal Wrobel


The project


The business model

WHR  Michal Wrobel
A startup created in Switzerland
Founded by hotelier industry insiders
Made to change online travel

WHR  Michal Wrobel
Late 90s  o鍖ine to online
Middleman services paid for
Classi鍖ed ads (selling your car, washing machine...)
Travel: OTAs > commissions

WHR  Michal Wrobel
Late 00s  freemium
Free services + paid options
classi鍖eds: free
travel: TREOVI

WHR  Michal Wrobel

WHR  Michal Wrobel
Additional services on
Introduced late 2014
Reservations will always stay commission-free

WHR  Michal Wrobel
1 year beta testing
Optimised for mobile (responsive design)
Channel manager support

WHR  Michal Wrobel
Focus on main European cities
Italy: Roma, Milano, Napoli, Venezia, Torino
New ways to market YOUR destination

WHR  Michal Wrobel


WHR  Michal Wrobel
Thank you
WHR  Michal Wrobel

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Treovi a No commission OTA - Michal Wrobel - WHR Destination Napoli 2013