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Name: TrevorPatten
Address: 1 QueenAnnesMews
Westcliff onSea
D.O.B: 05/09/1966
Trade: Pipefitter
National Insurance: NM161601D
PassportNo: 305595355
Email Address: marieandtrev@btinternet.com
Nationality: British
Tel No: 01702 338559
Mobile No: 07810 206038
Further Education:
1981-1985  BlockRelease
SouthEast Essex College
City& Guildsof LondonInstitute course Heating&VentilationEngineering:
Written Credit
Assignments Credit
Course Work Assessment Credit.
The AdvancedCraftCertificate inConstructionServicesWelding:
Site Procedures&CommonWelding(Technology&Practice) Pass
Oxy  AcetyleneWeldingof SteelPipelines(Technology&Practice)  Credit
Work AssessmentCredit
Metal Arc Welding - Credit
CreditPractical  Credit
RelevantTraining Courses:
OPITOApprovedBasicOffshore SafetyCourse22/06/12  21/06/16
OPITOApprovedMinimumIndustrySafetyTraining(MIST) 14/06/12  14/06/16
Full ValidMedical Certificate 11/06/12  11/06/14
Cityand GuildsAdvancedCraftCertificate inConstructionWelding
Cityand GuildCraftCertificate in HeatingandVentilation
ECITB Dismantle/Assemble andHandTorque BoltedConnections(WorkBasedTaskAssignments)
EBS issued05/08/14
ISSOW PerformingAuthority 18/10/12
ConfinedApace VesselEntry&Rescue relatedtoworkinginConfinedSpacesexpires26/04/16
OPITOApprovedGasTester Levels1,2 & 3  expires07/11/16
ISSOWOil PTW (WorkLeader/Signatories)issued28/04/15
Work Experience/Summary:
29/04/15  06/09/15  Maersk oil GP3 FPSO Foreman Pipefitter/StandinGF
The supervisioninthe removal andinstallationof new 8diesel lines/valvesandsupports.Including
the promotiontoGF forthe 6 weekprocesspipe workplatformshutdown.Mydutiesincludedthe
transportof the rightmaterials/spoolsetctothe relevantworksite.The delegationblacktrade
squadsto variousworkfronts,rightguyson rightjobs.Sortingout anyissuesarisingwithsafety,
plantintegrity,equipment,toolsandmaterialsetc.Also mydutiesincludedtakingoutthe required
permits,holdingdailyTBTSat worksitesgoingthroughthe plannedworkscopeseachday.Thiswas
includingliaisingwithOCSonthe dailyprogressandworkscopesfornextday.
07/01/13  03/02/15  Enquest Heather  Foreman Pipefitter
The supervisionand ISSOW permit control of all the black trades construction workforce on various
large and small replacementinstallationof pipe work,valvesandsupportsetc,andstructural project
work scopes. Which include the installation of new or upgraded replacement piping projects any
platform shutdowns. Which can include breaking containment of hydro carbon systems/confined
space entry/working overside/heavy lifts etc. I will usually be involved at the preparation and
completionstagesof these workscopes.ThisincludesliaisingwithGFandOCS supplyinginformation
suchasrelevantmeasurementsof existingspools,sizes,diametersthicknessratingsetc.andstructural
steel sizesandmaterialrequirements.Alsoassistinthe requiredGOCtoclose outrelevantworkpacks
with joint completions etc.
Part of my dutiesalsoincludesthe runningwiththe fabric maintenance repairsof grating/handrails,
supports and corroded spools etc.
On Heather there is a very good safety culture, which is implemented and encouraged by myself.
Thisdone by the wayof toolbox talks,safetymeetings,advancedsafetyaudits,reportingandgetting
any requiredlearningfromsynegi andsafetycasesandgettingthe workforce involvedinall the
permitriskassessmentsandsharingall informationgathered.etc. RelevantTrainingCourses:
10/09/12  07/03/13  Total North Alwyn Pipefitter
Part of a 4 manteam workingonthe installationof anew 10 Gas line andsupports.Requiredtogo
throughisometricstoconfirmall materialsandspoolswere atworksite andof correct spec.Confirm
fabricatedspoolsandsupportswere correcttodrawings.AttendTBTsand readand signpermits,
take part in STOPtours.
15/06/12  10/09/12  Heather Alpha  Pipefitter
Rig reactivation,fabricationandsite runof 2 screwedpipeworkandsupports.Andthe refitof new
pipeworkspools/supportsonconstructionworkscopesassociatedwiththe rebuildingof the Derrick
areas.Andalso includinganysmall shutdownrequiredworkscopes.
07/07/05  10/05/12  Aarons Essex DomesticHeating & Plumbing
Mainlythe removal andnewinstallationof domesticheating&plumbingsystems.
10/02/04  15/11/04  AMEC Process & Energy Darlington  Pipefitter
Employedasan advancedpipefitterBNFLNuclearPowerPlantSellafield(Seatanksproject). Reading
of pipe/supportdrawingsandinstallingnew 12-1/2 stainlesssteel pipe spools,variousline valve
and supportsincontaminatedareas. Andfollowingupwiththe testing andcommissioningof
individualpipelinesystems. Alsopresentatextensive permitandriskassessmentmeetingswith
BNFL Productionpersonnel.
15/01/2000  12/06/2003  Rosser & Russell  AdvancesPipefitter
Liverpool StreetStation/AlgateEastProjects.
Mainlyhighpressure steamandcondense boilerhouse pipework/valvesetc.andsupportinstallation
on newoffice towersinLondonarea. Thisincludingworkingtothe companyshealth&safety
culture andpermitsystem.
10/12/1998  01/12/1999  How Group (Fire)  Pipefitter
Installationof 6NB carbon steel pipe spools/valvesandsupportsinfire pumproom. Andthe site
runninginof small bore screwedpipeworksprinklersystemsandsupportstovariousareas. Alsothe
testingof sectionsof pipe linestorequiredtestpressure.
08/08/1981  15/08/1985  HadenYoung 4 Year ApprenticeshipinHeating&Ventilation.
Hobbies: Ienjoyrestoringclassiccars.

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trev CV 2015 N

  • 1. CirriculumVitae Name: TrevorPatten Address: 1 QueenAnnesMews Westcliff onSea Essex SS0 0TG D.O.B: 05/09/1966 Trade: Pipefitter National Insurance: NM161601D PassportNo: 305595355 Email Address: marieandtrev@btinternet.com Nationality: British Tel No: 01702 338559 Mobile No: 07810 206038 Further Education: 1981-1985 BlockRelease SouthEast Essex College City& Guildsof LondonInstitute course Heating&VentilationEngineering: Written Credit Assignments Credit Course Work Assessment Credit. The AdvancedCraftCertificate inConstructionServicesWelding: Site Procedures&CommonWelding(Technology&Practice) Pass Oxy AcetyleneWeldingof SteelPipelines(Technology&Practice) Credit Course: Work AssessmentCredit Metal Arc Welding - Credit CreditPractical Credit RelevantTraining Courses:
  • 2. OPITOApprovedBasicOffshore SafetyCourse22/06/12 21/06/16 OPITOApprovedMinimumIndustrySafetyTraining(MIST) 14/06/12 14/06/16 Full ValidMedical Certificate 11/06/12 11/06/14 Cityand GuildsAdvancedCraftCertificate inConstructionWelding Cityand GuildCraftCertificate in HeatingandVentilation ECITB Dismantle/Assemble andHandTorque BoltedConnections(WorkBasedTaskAssignments) 30/07/16 EBS issued05/08/14 OPITOApprovedPipefittingPortfolioNVQLevel3issued21/01/14 ISSOW PerformingAuthority 18/10/12 ConfinedApace VesselEntry&Rescue relatedtoworkinginConfinedSpacesexpires26/04/16 OPITOApprovedGasTester Levels1,2 & 3 expires07/11/16 ISSOWOil PTW (WorkLeader/Signatories)issued28/04/15 Work Experience/Summary: 29/04/15 06/09/15 Maersk oil GP3 FPSO Foreman Pipefitter/StandinGF The supervisioninthe removal andinstallationof new 8diesel lines/valvesandsupports.Including the promotiontoGF forthe 6 weekprocesspipe workplatformshutdown.Mydutiesincludedthe transportof the rightmaterials/spoolsetctothe relevantworksite.The delegationblacktrade squadsto variousworkfronts,rightguyson rightjobs.Sortingout anyissuesarisingwithsafety, plantintegrity,equipment,toolsandmaterialsetc.Also mydutiesincludedtakingoutthe required permits,holdingdailyTBTSat worksitesgoingthroughthe plannedworkscopeseachday.Thiswas includingliaisingwithOCSonthe dailyprogressandworkscopesfornextday. 07/01/13 03/02/15 Enquest Heather Foreman Pipefitter The supervisionand ISSOW permit control of all the black trades construction workforce on various large and small replacementinstallationof pipe work,valvesandsupportsetc,andstructural project work scopes. Which include the installation of new or upgraded replacement piping projects any platform shutdowns. Which can include breaking containment of hydro carbon systems/confined space entry/working overside/heavy lifts etc. I will usually be involved at the preparation and completionstagesof these workscopes.ThisincludesliaisingwithGFandOCS supplyinginformation suchasrelevantmeasurementsof existingspools,sizes,diametersthicknessratingsetc.andstructural steel sizesandmaterialrequirements.Alsoassistinthe requiredGOCtoclose outrelevantworkpacks with joint completions etc. Part of my dutiesalsoincludesthe runningwiththe fabric maintenance repairsof grating/handrails, supports and corroded spools etc. On Heather there is a very good safety culture, which is implemented and encouraged by myself. Thisdone by the wayof toolbox talks,safetymeetings,advancedsafetyaudits,reportingandgetting any requiredlearningfromsynegi andsafetycasesandgettingthe workforce involvedinall the permitriskassessmentsandsharingall informationgathered.etc. RelevantTrainingCourses: 10/09/12 07/03/13 Total North Alwyn Pipefitter
  • 3. Part of a 4 manteam workingonthe installationof anew 10 Gas line andsupports.Requiredtogo throughisometricstoconfirmall materialsandspoolswere atworksite andof correct spec.Confirm fabricatedspoolsandsupportswere correcttodrawings.AttendTBTsand readand signpermits, take part in STOPtours. 15/06/12 10/09/12 Heather Alpha Pipefitter Rig reactivation,fabricationandsite runof 2 screwedpipeworkandsupports.Andthe refitof new pipeworkspools/supportsonconstructionworkscopesassociatedwiththe rebuildingof the Derrick areas.Andalso includinganysmall shutdownrequiredworkscopes. 07/07/05 10/05/12 Aarons Essex DomesticHeating & Plumbing Mainlythe removal andnewinstallationof domesticheating&plumbingsystems. 10/02/04 15/11/04 AMEC Process & Energy Darlington Pipefitter Employedasan advancedpipefitterBNFLNuclearPowerPlantSellafield(Seatanksproject). Reading of pipe/supportdrawingsandinstallingnew 12-1/2 stainlesssteel pipe spools,variousline valve and supportsincontaminatedareas. Andfollowingupwiththe testing andcommissioningof individualpipelinesystems. Alsopresentatextensive permitandriskassessmentmeetingswith BNFL Productionpersonnel. 15/01/2000 12/06/2003 Rosser & Russell AdvancesPipefitter Liverpool StreetStation/AlgateEastProjects. Mainlyhighpressure steamandcondense boilerhouse pipework/valvesetc.andsupportinstallation on newoffice towersinLondonarea. Thisincludingworkingtothe companyshealth&safety culture andpermitsystem. 10/12/1998 01/12/1999 How Group (Fire) Pipefitter Installationof 6NB carbon steel pipe spools/valvesandsupportsinfire pumproom. Andthe site runninginof small bore screwedpipeworksprinklersystemsandsupportstovariousareas. Alsothe testingof sectionsof pipe linestorequiredtestpressure. 08/08/1981 15/08/1985 HadenYoung 4 Year ApprenticeshipinHeating&Ventilation. Hobbies: Ienjoyrestoringclassiccars.