Sprinkle the heap with water intermittently. Turn
the mixture in every 3-4 days interval and then
broadcast in the field.
5. Plant Treatment: Drench the soil near stem region
with 10g Trichoderma powder mixed in a litre of
Dont use chemical fungicide after application of
Trichoderma for 4-5 days.
Dont use trichoderma in dry soil. Moisture is a
essential factor for its growth and survivability.
Dont put the treated seeds in direct sun rays.
Dont keep the treated FYM for longer duration
Diseases controlled by Trichoderma
Crops Diseases
Method of
Sheath Blight,
Bacterial Leaf Blight,
Sheath rot
Foliar Application
Damping off,Black
Charcoal Rot
Tuber Treatment
Stem rot
Damping off
Soil treatment
Cauliflower Damping off Soil treatment
Peas Damping off Soil treatment
Rhizome rot
Soyabean Damping off Soil treatment
Egg plant Collar rot Seed treatment
Onion Root Rot Soil treatment
Banana Wilt
Collar rot, Black
Root Rot
Soil treatment
Cucumber Wilt Soil treatment
Root rot
Soil treatment,
Betel vine Root rot Soil treatment
Strawberry Damping off Soil treatment
2. About Trichoderma:
Trichoderma is a very effective biological mean
for plant disease management especially the soil
borne related diseases. It is a free-living fungus which
is common in soil and root ecosystems. It is highly
interactive in root, soil and foliar environments. It
reduces growth, survival or infections caused by
pathogens by different mechanisms like competition,
antibiosis, mycoparasitism, hyphal interactions, and
enzyme secretion.
Biocontrol mechanisms of Trichoderma:
The Trichoderma may suppress the growth of
the pathogen population in the rhizosphere through
competition and thus reduce disease development. It
produces antibiotics and toxins such as trichothecin and
a sesquiterpine, Trichodermin, which have a direct effect
on other organisms. The antagonist (Trichoderma)
hyphae either grow along the host hyphae or coil around
it and secrete different lytic enzymes such as chitinase,
glucanase and pectinase that are involved in the process
of mycoparasitism. Examples of such interactions are
T. harzianum acting against Fusarium oxyporum,
F. roseum, F. solani, Phytophthara colocaciae and
Sclerotium rolfsii. In addition, Trichoderma Enhances
yield along with quality of produce. Boost germination
rate. Increase in shoot & Root length Solubilizing various
insoluble forms of Phosphates Augment Nitrogen fixing.
Promote healthy growth in early stages of crop. Increase
Dry matter Production substantially. Provide natural
long term immunity to crops and soil.
Benefits of Trichoderma
agent and used extensively for soil borne diseases. It
has been used successfully against pathogenic fungi
belonging to various genera, viz. Fusarium, Phytopthara,
Scelerotia etc.
Plant Growth Promoter: Trichoderma strains solubilize
phosphates and micronutrients. The application of
Trichoderma strains with plants increases the number of
deep roots, thereby increasing the plants ability to resist
Biochemical Elicitors of Disease:
Trichoderma strains are known to induce resistance
in plants. Three classes of compounds that are produced
by Trichoderma and induce resistance in plants are now
known. These compounds induce ethylene production,
hypersensitive responses and other defense related
reactions in plant cultivars.
Transgenic Plants: Introduction of endochitinase gene
from Trichoderma into plants such as tobacco and
potato plants has increased their resistance to fungal
growth. Selected transgenic lines are highly tolerant to
foliar pathogens such as Alternaria alternata, A. solani,
and Botrytis cirerea as well as to the soil-borne pathogen,
Rhizectonia spp.
Bioremediation: Trichoderma strains play an important
role in the bioremediation of soil that are contaminated
with pesticides and herbicides. They have the ability to
degrade a wide range of insecticides: organochlorines,
organophosphates and carbonates.
Benefits of Trichoderma:
Improves soil fertility
It kills the soil pathogens
Improves roots and Shoot growths
Enhances flowering of the crops
Increases phosphate uptake
Developing plants resistance and tolerance against
diseases and pests.
Secondary benefits
No transplanting shock due to longer root
Improve the post harvest quality storage
Indirect Benefits
Cost of production will be reduced
Improve soil fertility
Eco-friendly, beneficial for environment
Sustainable agriculture
Organic Farming
Method of application:
1. Seed treatment: Mix 6 - 10 g of Trichoderma powder
per Kg of seed before sowing.
2. Nursery treatment: Apply 10 - 25 g of Trichoderma
powder per 100 m2 of nursery bed. Application of
neem cake and FYM before treatment increases the
3. Cutting and seedling root dip: Mix 10g of
Trichoderma powder along with 100g of well rotten
FYM per litre of water and dip the cuttings and
seedlings for 10 minutes before planting.
4. Soil treatment: Apply 5 Kg of Trichoderma powder
per hectar after turning of sun hemp or dhaincha
into the soil for green manuring. Or Mix 1kg of
Trichoderma formulation in 100 kg of farmyard
manure and cover it for 7 days with polythene.