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Tricia Sang
Teacher - Interrelated at Arabia Mountain High School
Conyers, GA 30094
eltritar@gmail.com - (347)872-0959
Authorized to work in the US for any employer
Interrelated at Arabia Mountain High School - Lithonia, GA - 2011 to Present
Provide differentiated instruction in core subject areas across all grade levels in a co-teaching environment
according to Common Core.
 Develop and ensure that IEP's are being followed for all assigned students.
 Collaborate with the various team teachers to ensure the satisfactory and successful inclusion of exceptional
students. (AUT, EBD, MID, SLD, OLD, OHI, Gifted)
 Write lesson plans with differentiated instruction strategies and student accommodations included.
 Ensure that testing accommodations are provided during standardized testing windows.
 Teach an EIC (Environment as an Integrating Context) class. This is a year-long student-lead research based
class that every student takes in 9th-12th grades for which they receive credit in their Science classes as a
project grade. Each grade level has different topics 9-Biodiversity, 10-Pollution (Air/Water), 11-Energy, 12-
Heritage and Preservation
 Head Varsity Coach for Cross-Country, Swim and Soccer Teams 2011-present
 Grant application to Georgia Wildlife Federation for a $1,000 Grant for an EIC Preserving Our Heritage project.
Inspirational Fruits - 2004 to Present
Provide tutoring services for school-aged children through the eighth grade in the core subject areas including
Spanish and Computer Literacy.
Related Activities/Skills
Substitute Teacher K-12
Dekalb County Schools - Stone Mountain, GA - August 2005 to October 2011
 In absence of the teacher maintain classroom order, provide instruction as needed and ensure that students
remain on task and complete assignments and provide student assessments during the SST process and
assist with the development of IEPs when necessary. Provide differentiated instruction as needed in various
subject areas at various grade levels and abilities.
 Collaborate with the various team teachers to ensure the satisfactory and successful inclusion of exceptional
students. (AUT, SEBD, MOID, SPID, OLD,OHI, Gifted)
Traffic Management Coordinator
US Army - 1992 to 2000
Provide inventory control for shipping using equipment such as hand-held scanners. Provide movement control
and planning for military units. Process and supervise the upload and download of various military equipment to
and from ocean bearing vessels with the additional duty of assistant squad leader (supervisor) for five people.
Supervised mission training for a detachment of thirty individuals. Researched, formatted and implemented a
standard operating procedure for the unit. Acted as a liaison officer for the Navy, Airforce, Marines and Army
at the air terminal while serving overseas in Korea.
3- Army Acheivement Medals
2- Good Conduct Medals
1- National Defense Medal
1- Meritorious Unit Medal
Masters in Education/Special Education
University of Phoenix
June 2010
B.S. in Criminal Justice Administration
University of Phoenix
June 2008
Windows 8, Windows 98, ME, 2000, NT 2013, UNIX based operating systems Windows PC and Apple/
Macintosh Microsoft Office 2013 and Outlook 365 Various educational apps and software
Explore Learning Leadership Award in implementing Technology in the classroom
May 2015
Award for implementing technology in the classroom using explore learning software Gizmos. Top 5 teacher
in region 4 in DeKalb County Schools district.
Top High School in region 4.
Skills: Tutor, Team-teaching, Inclusion, & Collaborative planning

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Tricia-Sang Resume

  • 1. Tricia Sang Teacher - Interrelated at Arabia Mountain High School Conyers, GA 30094 eltritar@gmail.com - (347)872-0959 Authorized to work in the US for any employer WORK EXPERIENCE Teacher Interrelated at Arabia Mountain High School - Lithonia, GA - 2011 to Present Provide differentiated instruction in core subject areas across all grade levels in a co-teaching environment according to Common Core. Develop and ensure that IEP's are being followed for all assigned students. Collaborate with the various team teachers to ensure the satisfactory and successful inclusion of exceptional students. (AUT, EBD, MID, SLD, OLD, OHI, Gifted) Write lesson plans with differentiated instruction strategies and student accommodations included. Ensure that testing accommodations are provided during standardized testing windows. Teach an EIC (Environment as an Integrating Context) class. This is a year-long student-lead research based class that every student takes in 9th-12th grades for which they receive credit in their Science classes as a project grade. Each grade level has different topics 9-Biodiversity, 10-Pollution (Air/Water), 11-Energy, 12- Heritage and Preservation Head Varsity Coach for Cross-Country, Swim and Soccer Teams 2011-present Grant application to Georgia Wildlife Federation for a $1,000 Grant for an EIC Preserving Our Heritage project. Owner Inspirational Fruits - 2004 to Present Provide tutoring services for school-aged children through the eighth grade in the core subject areas including Spanish and Computer Literacy. Related Activities/Skills Substitute Teacher K-12 Dekalb County Schools - Stone Mountain, GA - August 2005 to October 2011 In absence of the teacher maintain classroom order, provide instruction as needed and ensure that students remain on task and complete assignments and provide student assessments during the SST process and assist with the development of IEPs when necessary. Provide differentiated instruction as needed in various subject areas at various grade levels and abilities. Collaborate with the various team teachers to ensure the satisfactory and successful inclusion of exceptional students. (AUT, SEBD, MOID, SPID, OLD,OHI, Gifted) Traffic Management Coordinator US Army - 1992 to 2000 Responsibilities Provide inventory control for shipping using equipment such as hand-held scanners. Provide movement control and planning for military units. Process and supervise the upload and download of various military equipment to and from ocean bearing vessels with the additional duty of assistant squad leader (supervisor) for five people.
  • 2. Supervised mission training for a detachment of thirty individuals. Researched, formatted and implemented a standard operating procedure for the unit. Acted as a liaison officer for the Navy, Airforce, Marines and Army at the air terminal while serving overseas in Korea. Accomplishments 3- Army Acheivement Medals 2- Good Conduct Medals 1- National Defense Medal 1- Meritorious Unit Medal EDUCATION Masters in Education/Special Education University of Phoenix June 2010 B.S. in Criminal Justice Administration University of Phoenix June 2008 SKILLS Windows 8, Windows 98, ME, 2000, NT 2013, UNIX based operating systems Windows PC and Apple/ Macintosh Microsoft Office 2013 and Outlook 365 Various educational apps and software AWARDS Explore Learning Leadership Award in implementing Technology in the classroom May 2015 Award for implementing technology in the classroom using explore learning software Gizmos. Top 5 teacher in region 4 in DeKalb County Schools district. Top High School in region 4. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Skills: Tutor, Team-teaching, Inclusion, & Collaborative planning