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Coquitlams rich history
Janis Warren
The Tri-CiTy News
Emily Lonie got a pleasant
surprise in the mail last sum-
The archivist for the city
of Coquitlam received a
scrapbook from a woman in
Connecticut, who had cleared
out her grandmothers attic
and found an album with
about 60 photos of the building
of the Coquitlam Dam.
The book is a treasure trove,
showing black and white im-
ages of the construction crews
and their families from the
winter of 1912 to the summer
of 1913.
The pictures, which have
since been uploaded on the
citys website, show the camp,
a bridge and skaters on the
Coquitlam Lake, among other
leisurely scenes. Its an amaz-
ing collection of photography,
Lonie said.
nations that are steadily build-
ing the citys archives, a collec-
tion created when Lonie was
hired about three years ago.
And, next Wednesday as
part of the Coquitlam 125 cel-
ebrations and in conjunction
with BC Heritage Week, she
will talk about the fonds that
are now being housed on the
ground floor of city hall.
Her presentation, titled 125
Years: An Archival Tour of
Coquitlams 13 Decades, will
start with a document of the
first council meeting on Aug.
22, 1891  presided by Reeve
R.B. Kelly, when there were
two motions on the table: to
hire a clerk and to adjourn the
meeting  and the 1894 letters
patent to incorporate the dis-
trict of Coquitlam.
Her slide show will also
include a timeline; the
original boundary map of
Coquitlam (without Fraser
Mills, the largest sawmill in the
Commonwealth at the time);
photos of the Minnekhada
hunting lodge (used by two
B.C. lieutenant governors);
Riverview Hospital; and the
Westwood racing circuit (the
first purpose-built track for
motor sports in Canada).
Coquitlam certainly has
a rich history considering
its size, Lonie said. Theres
been a very dominant narra-
tive about the city but theres
more to be told and that can be
found in our records.
Lonie said shes eager to
expand the archives and plans
to be at several Coquitlam 125
events throughout the year
to educate the public about
handing over their one-of-a-
kind materials to the city for
preservation. These include
photos, letters, diaries, busi-
ness records, newsletters,
maps and videos, for example.
Recently, Lonie received
the meeting minutes from
the Northeast Coquitlam
Ratepayers Association  a
valuable resource to look at the
history of Burke Mountain, an
area the city plans to develop
with 25,000 more residents
over the next decade or so.
 25 Years: An Archival Tour
of Coquitlams 13 Decades
will be held on Wednesday,
Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. at Coquitlam
city hall (3000 Guildford Way).
Admission is free. Visit co-
janis warren/the tri-city news
Emily Lonie is the archivist for the city of Coquitlam. Her Feb. 17 talk, titled 125 Years: An Archival Tour of Coquitlams 13 Decades, is part
of the citys 125 anniversary celebrations and BC Heritage Week.
Valentines for singles, couples
If youre looking to do some-
thing special with your sweetie
this Valentines Day weekend,
theres plenty to do in the Tri-
But singles also have a few
local options, too.
Port Moody librarians are
setting patrons up on a blind
date with books. For those
who take up the experience,
the library (100 Newport Dr.,
Port Moody) will host a special
afternoon meet up on Feb. 20
give book lovers a chance to
talk about their dating experi-
ence with literature. Call 604-
469-4577 to learn more.
For seniors wanting to know
what their New York counter-
parts are doing, a film about
seniors speed dating will be
screened at Port Coquitlams
Wilson Centre (2150 Wilson
Ave.) on Friday at 2 p.m.
The flick, The Age of Love,
is being presented by the
Astoria Retirement Residence,
Amica Mayfair and the Wilson
Seniors Centre Society.
And for couples, the
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
(212-1090 Lougheed Hwy.,
Coquitlam) is offering a
free lesson for beginners on
Saturday from 4 to 5p.m.
As well, the Hot Salsa Dance
Zone will have its seventh an-
nual Valentines Latin Night
on Saturday night in the re-
hearsal hall at the Evergreen
Cultural Centre (1205 Pinetree
Way, Coquitlam). No partner
is needed; chocolates will be
supplied during the free dance
lesson. Admission is $10. Visit
Aspiring writers wanting to
hear the words  and see the
actions  of Tri-City scribes
and performers can visit a Port
Moody eatery next week.
Gallery Bistro (2411 Clarke
St.) is hosting its second liter-
ary event called Writers in our
Midst 2 on Thursday, Feb. 18 at
7:30 p.m.
Presenters include the-
atre producer Sarah Dixon,
non-fiction writer Amanda
Maxwell, poet and fiction
writer Lenore Rowntree, Metis
pipe carrier and storyteller
Aline LaFlamme, poet Richard
Dixon, performer Rocky
Menzies and writer Stefano
As well, visual artist David
Carey will talk about his night-
time bookworm exhibit, which
is now on display at Gallery
Bistro. A set menu diner is also
available for $12 at 6:30 p.m.
To save a seat for dinner, call
Fighting Chance
Productions has its claws out
this and next month for Cats.
And about a quarter of
the cast in the Andrew Lloyd
Webber musical hails from
the Tri-Cities including Randy
McCormick (Gus the Theatre
Cat) and Lyndsey Britten
(Cassandra/Dance Captain), a
graduate of Gleneagle second-
ary school in Coquitlam.
The show recently wrapped
up at the Coast Capital Theatre
in White Rock and will con-
tinue its run Feb. 19 to March
12 at the Jericho Arts Centre in
Vancouver. Visit fightingchan-
2786 Barnet Hwy., Coquitlam  604-941-3411  www.lazzezsgrill.ca
Youve tried the rest
Now try the best!
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Next to Crossroads Thriftstore
Special Packages for
Aberdeen St.
Its a Relay Reunion!
Calling all Relay participants, past
and present. Join us & celebrate
the 25th Anniversary of
Coquitlam Relay For Life.
Program at 7pm
Please RSVP to bsherwood@bc.cancer.ca
by February 15, 2016
iA Financial Group is a business name and trademark of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.

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Tri-City News Feb 9, 2016 (re. 125 Talk)

  • 1. MWWW.TRICITYNEWS.COM TRI-CITY NEWS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2016, A25 COQUITLAM 125 Coquitlams rich history Janis Warren The Tri-CiTy News Emily Lonie got a pleasant surprise in the mail last sum- mer. The archivist for the city of Coquitlam received a scrapbook from a woman in Connecticut, who had cleared out her grandmothers attic and found an album with about 60 photos of the building of the Coquitlam Dam. The book is a treasure trove, showing black and white im- ages of the construction crews and their families from the winter of 1912 to the summer of 1913. The pictures, which have since been uploaded on the citys website, show the camp, a bridge and skaters on the Coquitlam Lake, among other leisurely scenes. Its an amaz- ing collection of photography, Lonie said. Itsthesekindsofuniquedo- nations that are steadily build- ing the citys archives, a collec- tion created when Lonie was hired about three years ago. And, next Wednesday as part of the Coquitlam 125 cel- ebrations and in conjunction with BC Heritage Week, she will talk about the fonds that are now being housed on the ground floor of city hall. Her presentation, titled 125 Years: An Archival Tour of Coquitlams 13 Decades, will start with a document of the first council meeting on Aug. 22, 1891 presided by Reeve R.B. Kelly, when there were two motions on the table: to hire a clerk and to adjourn the meeting and the 1894 letters patent to incorporate the dis- trict of Coquitlam. Her slide show will also include a timeline; the original boundary map of Coquitlam (without Fraser Mills, the largest sawmill in the Commonwealth at the time); photos of the Minnekhada hunting lodge (used by two B.C. lieutenant governors); Riverview Hospital; and the Westwood racing circuit (the first purpose-built track for motor sports in Canada). Coquitlam certainly has a rich history considering its size, Lonie said. Theres been a very dominant narra- tive about the city but theres more to be told and that can be found in our records. Lonie said shes eager to expand the archives and plans to be at several Coquitlam 125 events throughout the year to educate the public about handing over their one-of-a- kind materials to the city for preservation. These include photos, letters, diaries, busi- ness records, newsletters, maps and videos, for example. Recently, Lonie received the meeting minutes from the Northeast Coquitlam Ratepayers Association a valuable resource to look at the history of Burke Mountain, an area the city plans to develop with 25,000 more residents over the next decade or so. 25 Years: An Archival Tour of Coquitlams 13 Decades will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. at Coquitlam city hall (3000 Guildford Way). Admission is free. Visit co- quitlam125.ca. jwarren@tricitynews.com @jwarrenTC janis warren/the tri-city news Emily Lonie is the archivist for the city of Coquitlam. Her Feb. 17 talk, titled 125 Years: An Archival Tour of Coquitlams 13 Decades, is part of the citys 125 anniversary celebrations and BC Heritage Week. Valentines for singles, couples ARTS IN BRIEF If youre looking to do some- thing special with your sweetie this Valentines Day weekend, theres plenty to do in the Tri- Cities. But singles also have a few local options, too. Port Moody librarians are setting patrons up on a blind date with books. For those who take up the experience, the library (100 Newport Dr., Port Moody) will host a special afternoon meet up on Feb. 20 give book lovers a chance to talk about their dating experi- ence with literature. Call 604- 469-4577 to learn more. For seniors wanting to know what their New York counter- parts are doing, a film about seniors speed dating will be screened at Port Coquitlams Wilson Centre (2150 Wilson Ave.) on Friday at 2 p.m. The flick, The Age of Love, is being presented by the Astoria Retirement Residence, Amica Mayfair and the Wilson Seniors Centre Society. And for couples, the Arthur Murray Dance Studio (212-1090 Lougheed Hwy., Coquitlam) is offering a free lesson for beginners on Saturday from 4 to 5p.m. As well, the Hot Salsa Dance Zone will have its seventh an- nual Valentines Latin Night on Saturday night in the re- hearsal hall at the Evergreen Cultural Centre (1205 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam). No partner is needed; chocolates will be supplied during the free dance lesson. Admission is $10. Visit hotsalsadancezone.com. HOMEGROWN Aspiring writers wanting to hear the words and see the actions of Tri-City scribes and performers can visit a Port Moody eatery next week. Gallery Bistro (2411 Clarke St.) is hosting its second liter- ary event called Writers in our Midst 2 on Thursday, Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m. Presenters include the- atre producer Sarah Dixon, non-fiction writer Amanda Maxwell, poet and fiction writer Lenore Rowntree, Metis pipe carrier and storyteller Aline LaFlamme, poet Richard Dixon, performer Rocky Menzies and writer Stefano Mazzega. As well, visual artist David Carey will talk about his night- time bookworm exhibit, which is now on display at Gallery Bistro. A set menu diner is also available for $12 at 6:30 p.m. To save a seat for dinner, call 604-937-0998. MisTOFFELEEs Fighting Chance Productions has its claws out this and next month for Cats. And about a quarter of the cast in the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical hails from the Tri-Cities including Randy McCormick (Gus the Theatre Cat) and Lyndsey Britten (Cassandra/Dance Captain), a graduate of Gleneagle second- ary school in Coquitlam. The show recently wrapped up at the Coast Capital Theatre in White Rock and will con- tinue its run Feb. 19 to March 12 at the Jericho Arts Centre in Vancouver. Visit fightingchan- ceproductions.ca. jwarren@tricitynews.com @jwarrenTC 2786 Barnet Hwy., Coquitlam 604-941-3411 www.lazzezsgrill.ca NOW OPEN Lazzezs GrillINDIAN CUISINE - FULLY LICENSED Youve tried the rest Now try the best! Internationally Experienced! India Scotland England Canada LUNCH BUFFET $9.99! Over 18 Items 11:30am-3pm (Mon-Fri) Free Appetizer for Dinner with purchase of $30. Open till 10pm daily Master Chef GURU Take out 10% OFF Free Delivery Over $30 within 5KM Next to Crossroads Thriftstore JohnsonSt. RONA BARNET HWY X LazzezsGrill Special Packages for Corporate/Birthday Parties. LandsdowneSt. Aberdeen St. Its a Relay Reunion! Calling all Relay participants, past and present. Join us & celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Coquitlam Relay For Life. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2016 EVERGREEN CULTURAL CENTRE Program at 7pm Please RSVP to bsherwood@bc.cancer.ca by February 15, 2016 relayforlife.ca PRESENTED BY iA Financial Group is a business name and trademark of Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.