The document outlines a participation pathway for developing junior tennis players with 4 stages: Try-ers, Buyers, Flyers, and Hi-Flyers. It describes needs and recommendations for programmes at each stage, including recommended competition structures. The goal is to keep players engaged in the sport by providing different experiences tailored to their skill level and commitment to develop from Try-ers just starting out to Hi-Flyers with high-level competition.
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Trier to Hi Flyer
1. From Try-er to Hi-Flyer Programmes that create better little players! Mike Barrell ITF Asian Conference , Shenzhen November 2008
2. Todays Mission Possible .. If you choose to accept it The Participation Pathway Understand the needs of players Motivating Players along the path The role of the competitive pathway Presenting Tennis as a Game What good programs do well
3. How Do YOU Measure Success of a Kids Tennis Programme?
4. The Measure of Success! Children who PLAY the game! Children who KEEP playing! Children who move along the participation pathway!
5. Participation Pathway Stages Try-ers Im giving it a go! Buyers I play tennis (amongst 5 other things) I take lessons, maybe just 1 per week Flyers #1 sport (more tennis than other sports I still play other sports, take lessons, train and compete) Hi - Flyers #1 Activity (but not only as an under 10) A 7 year old Buyer wants different things to a 7 year old Flyer So the programme need to provide different things for different stage players
6. TRY-ER Stage #1 The hook The need to understand The too easy bit
7. Tempting the Try-er FUN is.. DPC - Dazzling personality of coach Pay and Play (Easy access) Kids friendly environment Being with friends Limited competitive stress Achievement / success Parent friendly environment Segmented in route compete with other sports
8. In action.... Wild Cards at West Hants Schools Road show Selection and Invitation to FREE Fun day Letter Offer Pathway (balanced promise) Fun Day - show, tell and sell 10 week Wild Cards time to decide 1 x season at member rates - offer Into main programme commitment
9. School & Community Links Curriculum Coaching After School Clubs A & C - Exit Routes (Select as well) Assemblies Newsletters (Email & Paper) Interschool Tournaments (At the Tennis Club) Sports Days and Fetes (PTA Raffles) Apple Programme teachers join for free Dont forget to market to parents and teachers! Remember youth groups (guides and scouts)
10. Try-er Lessons Teach the game - the rules, the court and tactics avoid the technical approach Use modified equipment ITF Play and Stay create quick success, but stick with the racket Dont teach tennis like golf - include sending and receiving I can rally = real tennis Make it very active motivate before you try to teach Make use of the DPC with kids and parents you are selling Build Trust and excitement!
11. Competition for Try-ers Task based competition in lessons little Olympics, build confidence Beat My PB (mastery = confidence) Beat our PB (mastery & cooperation = confidence) Matchplay based competition?? Us vs Yall (team vs team) lots of short matches Club based .. Festivals dont overemphasis the outcome
12. BUYER Stage #2 1 st level of real commitment 1x per week 4 6 weekly activities Clock is ticking
13. Hooking the Buyer Regular and consistent environment Being with friends & Belonging Relationship with coach Playing the Game (Serve, Rally & Score) Awards visual progress/ recognition Progress thru the group levels Competition in Teams skills and mini matches Club Based opportunities incl. social
14. Buyer Lessons Dont teach tennis like golf - include sending and receiving I can rally = real tennis Teach the game - the rules, the court and tactics Use modified equipment Play and Stay Variety is not the spice of life progression is !! Repeat and progress content Create a purpose / focus
15. Progress / Recognition Award Schemes Rally 100 club Player of the Week Report cards Measurable drills Distance Number Timed
16. Competition for Buyers Task based competition in lessons and circuits little olympics Beat My PB (mastery = confidence) Beat our PB (mastery & cooperation = confidence) Us vs Yall (team vs team) Matchplay based competition Us vs Yall (team vs team) lots of short matches Club Based.Dont launch the baby bird too far!! Flap before Flying!!
17. Integrating Competition Week 10 competition lesson replaced by comp. Monthly competition 1 st Sunday of the month Grand Slam / World Tour Themed events Olympics etc
19. Team Tennis at Lymington Club split in Half (2 Teams) Teams have names Teams and players earn points (tickets) for every activity Teams compete against each other Pro players on the teams (fantasy tennis manager aspiration) Running scores
20. Make the Jump Buyer to Flyer Place do you have an aspirational environment People do you recognise, motivate, ask for and select Purpose do you communicate destinations Progress do you show the map and reward incrementally
21. FLYER Stage #3 The back door is closed Now the competition is not other sports but other clubs A & C Able and Committed
22. Launching the Flyer Relationship Aspiration (Tour and Internal) Pathway and Destinations Responsibility and Independence Competition and Success Task Orientation More Coaching (frequency and duration) Training (in addition to coaching) Interclub / county competition
23. Coach Mentality Coach you have a lesson at 4pm on Tuesday with a group of 7 year olds OR Coach your new Team will train at 4pm on Tuesday
24. Flyer Lessons Teach in context learn why technical relates to tactical always Teach the game tactics Apply Long Term principles this kid could be a lifer ABCS and physical Use and vary modified equipment for skill development, coordination Balance Repetition and Problem solving approach Goal set SMART purpose and progress Make the link coaching and competition
25. Competition for Flyers Task based competition in lessons and circuits little olympics Us vs Yall (team vs team) Me vs Yall (individual) Matchplay based competition Us vs Yall (team vs team) Matches get longer Distance increase Balance of Team and Individual Inter Club Competition
26. THE ATS Tour 5 coaches 1 st Sunday of every month plus masters 4 players per coach = guaranteed entry Official Tour player merchandise Circuit points playing, winning, most valuable, most improved etc Created purpose, passion and progress
27. HI FLYER Stage #4 Beware!! Are you ready to make this happen?!
28. Up with the Hi-Flyer Player / Coach Relationship Annual Plan School / Club Arrangement Aspiration with SMART Goals Parental Support County to State/ Regional Competition
29. Todays Mission Possible was .. To understand The Participation Pathway Understand the needs of players Motivating Players along the path The role of the competitive pathway Remembering to Presenting Tennis as a Game Keep things in perspective GOOD LUCK!!
30. You Dont Just Teach Tennis! You teach kids! For More Information go to or email [email_address]