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Malabar Dental College & Research Centre
 Fifth cranial nerve
 Mixed nerve
 Sensory  meninges
- skin of anterior part of head ,nasal &
oral cavities
-oral cavity (except of pharynx &base of
 Motor -musles of mastication
-anterior belly of diagastric
-tensor tympani
tensor veli palatini
 Sensory nuclei
from trigeminal
3 groups:
- chief/principal
sensory nucleus
- spinal nucleus
 Motor nucleus
lies in pons
medial to chief
sensory nucleus
 Trigeminal nerve is attatched to ventral aspect of
pons by two roots,a large sensory and a small motor
 Motor root lies ventromedial to the sensory root
 Pass forward in posterior cranial fossa towards apex
of petrous temporal bone
 Two root invaginates dura of posterior cranial fossa
below superior petrosal sinus forming trigeminal cave
 In this cave sensory root joins trigeminal ganglion
 Motor root lies deep to ganglion and doesnt join
it,instead passes out join mandibular nerve just at its
emergence from cranial caity in foramen ovale
Trigeminal Nerve
 Semilunar shape
 Location  Meckels cavity on anterior surface
of petrous temporal bone
 Psuedounipolar neurons
lateral-middle meningeal artery
medial  internal carotid artery ,cavernous
inferior foramen lacerum,greater
petrosal nerve,motor root of trigeminal
superior- parahippocampal gyrus
Trigeminal Nerve
Trigeminal Nerve
 First branch
 Purely sensory,smallest
lacrimal gland
parts of mucous membrane of
nose &paranasal air sinuses
skin of forehead,eyelids,and nose
 Branches :
Trigeminal Nerve
- largest branch
- passes through supra orbital superior orbital
fissure ,passes forwards above levator palpebrae
supra orbital
supra trochlear
Supraorbital -upper eyelid, scalp as far as
parietal bone,lambdoidal suture
Supra trochlear -conjunctiva,skin of medial aspect of
upper eyelid, skin over lower and mesial aspects of
anterior ethmoidal
external nasal
Anterior ethmoidal : along with posterior ethmoidal
supplies upper part of nasal cavity ,sphenoid &
ethmoidal sinus
External nasal : skin over apex and tip of nose
supplies lacrimal gland & small area of
adjacent skin & conjunctiva
 Purely sensory
 From first pharyngeal arch
 Leaves cranium through foramen rotundum
 Gives off branches in 4 regions
within the cranium
in pterygopalatine fossa
in infraorbital canal
on the face
Trigeminal Nerve
small branch  middle meningeal nerve
sensory innervation to dura mater
zygomatic nerve
pterygopalatine nerves
posterior superior alveolar nerves
Trigeminal Nerve
Zygomaticotemporal  skin on side of forehead
Zygomaticofacial  skin over prominence of
 Orbital  periosteum of orbit
 Nasal  mucous membranes of superior & middle
conchae,lining of posterior ethmoidal sinus,& posterior portion
of nasal septum
nasopalatine nerve  palatal mucosa in region of premaxilla
posterior superior lateral nasal  posterosuperior quadrant
of lateral wall of nose
greater palatine
lesser palatine
greater palatine  hard palate except incisor gingiva, some
parts of soft palate
lesser palatine  soft palate
 Pharyngeal  mucous membrane of nasopharynx,posterior to
auditory tube
Trigeminal Nerve
- sensory innervation to alveoli,
periodontal ligaments ,, pulpal tissues of
maxillary molars except mesiobuccal root of
first molar
middle superior alveolar nerve
anterior superior alveolar nerve
Middle superior alveolar nerve  mucosa of maxillary
sinus , premolars, mesiobuccal root of first molar ,
periodontal tissues, buccal bone , buccal gingiva
Anterior superior alveolar nerve  pulpal innervtion to
central &lateral incisors & canine,periodontal
tissues,buccal bone & mucous membrane
forms dental plexus
dental nerves
interdental branches
interradicular branches
 Dental nerves  pulpal innervation of all teeth
 Interdental branches  interdental pappillae &
buccal gingiva
 Interradicular branches  periodontal
ligaments of adjacent roots
inferior palpebral
external nasal
superior labial
 Inferior palpebral  skin of lower eyelid
 External nasal  skin on lateral aspect of nose
 Superior labial  skin & mucous membrane of
upper lip
 Largest branch of trigeminal
 Mixed nerve
 Sensory root-
a)skin  temporal region
external auditory meatus
lower lip
chin region
b)mucous membrane  cheek
anterior 2/3rd of tongue
mastoid cells
mandibular teeth
bone of mandible
parotid gland
 Motor root
masticatory muscles
anterior belly of diagastric
tensor tympani
tensor veli palatani
at 3 areas :
branches from undivided nerve
branches from anterior division
branches from posterior division
Trigeminal Nerve
Trigeminal Nerve
nervous spinosus
nerve to medial pterygoid muscle
Nervous spinosous  dura mater& mastoid cells
Nerve to medial pterygoid  tensor veli palatini& tensor
motor  muscles of mastication
sensory  mucous membrane of cheek,buccal
mucous membrane of mandibular molars
branches  nerve to lateral pterygoid
nerve to masseter
nerve to temporal
buccal nerve
auriculotemporal nerve
lingual nerve
mylohyoid nerve
inferior alveolar nerve
 Auriculotemporal nerve
communicates with facial nerve , otic
anterior auricular branches  skin over
helix & tragus of ear
branches to external auditory meatus
articular branches to posterior portion of
temporomandibular joint
superficial temporal branches over
temporal region
 Lingual nerve
sensory tract to anterior two third of tongue
general sensation + gustatory
 Mylohyoid nerve
mixed nerve
motor  mylohyoid , anterior belly of diagastric
sensory  skin on inferior and anterior surface of
mental protruberance,rarely to mandibular incisors
&mesial root of mandibular first molar
 Inferior alveolar nerve
largest branch of mandibular division
mental  skin of chin ,mucous membrane of
lower lip
Trigeminal Nerve

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Trigeminal Nerve

  • 1. Dr.REVATHY MOHAN Lecturer Malabar Dental College & Research Centre
  • 2. Fifth cranial nerve Mixed nerve Sensory meninges - skin of anterior part of head ,nasal & oral cavities -oral cavity (except of pharynx &base of tongue Motor -musles of mastication -mylohyoid -anterior belly of diagastric -tensor tympani tensor veli palatini
  • 3. Sensory nuclei from trigeminal ganglion 3 groups: - chief/principal sensory nucleus - spinal nucleus -mesencephalic nucleus Motor nucleus lies in pons medial to chief sensory nucleus
  • 4. Trigeminal nerve is attatched to ventral aspect of pons by two roots,a large sensory and a small motor root Motor root lies ventromedial to the sensory root Pass forward in posterior cranial fossa towards apex of petrous temporal bone Two root invaginates dura of posterior cranial fossa below superior petrosal sinus forming trigeminal cave In this cave sensory root joins trigeminal ganglion Motor root lies deep to ganglion and doesnt join it,instead passes out join mandibular nerve just at its emergence from cranial caity in foramen ovale
  • 6. Semilunar shape Location Meckels cavity on anterior surface of petrous temporal bone Psuedounipolar neurons Relations; lateral-middle meningeal artery medial internal carotid artery ,cavernous sinus inferior foramen lacerum,greater petrosal nerve,motor root of trigeminal superior- parahippocampal gyrus
  • 10. First branch Purely sensory,smallest Supply eyeball conjunctiva lacrimal gland parts of mucous membrane of nose &paranasal air sinuses skin of forehead,eyelids,and nose Branches : frontal nasociliary lacrimal
  • 12. FRONTAL - largest branch - passes through supra orbital superior orbital fissure ,passes forwards above levator palpebrae superioris supra orbital 2 supra trochlear Supraorbital -upper eyelid, scalp as far as parietal bone,lambdoidal suture Supra trochlear -conjunctiva,skin of medial aspect of upper eyelid, skin over lower and mesial aspects of forehead
  • 13. NASOCILIARY anterior ethmoidal 2 external nasal Anterior ethmoidal : along with posterior ethmoidal supplies upper part of nasal cavity ,sphenoid & ethmoidal sinus External nasal : skin over apex and tip of nose LACRIMAL supplies lacrimal gland & small area of adjacent skin & conjunctiva
  • 14. Purely sensory From first pharyngeal arch Leaves cranium through foramen rotundum Gives off branches in 4 regions within the cranium in pterygopalatine fossa in infraorbital canal on the face
  • 16. WITHIN THE CRANIUM small branch middle meningeal nerve sensory innervation to dura mater IN PTERYGOPALATINE FOSSA zygomatic nerve pterygopalatine nerves posterior superior alveolar nerves
  • 18. ZYGOMATIC NERVE zygomaticotemporal zygomaticofacial Zygomaticotemporal skin on side of forehead Zygomaticofacial skin over prominence of cheek PTERYGOPALATINE NERVES orbital nasal palatine pharyngeal
  • 19. Orbital periosteum of orbit Nasal mucous membranes of superior & middle conchae,lining of posterior ethmoidal sinus,& posterior portion of nasal septum nasopalatine nerve palatal mucosa in region of premaxilla posterior superior lateral nasal posterosuperior quadrant of lateral wall of nose Palatine greater palatine lesser palatine greater palatine hard palate except incisor gingiva, some parts of soft palate lesser palatine soft palate Pharyngeal mucous membrane of nasopharynx,posterior to auditory tube
  • 21. POSTEROSUPERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVES - sensory innervation to alveoli, periodontal ligaments ,, pulpal tissues of maxillary molars except mesiobuccal root of first molar
  • 22. IN INFRAORBITAL CANAL middle superior alveolar nerve anterior superior alveolar nerve Middle superior alveolar nerve mucosa of maxillary sinus , premolars, mesiobuccal root of first molar , periodontal tissues, buccal bone , buccal gingiva Anterior superior alveolar nerve pulpal innervtion to central &lateral incisors & canine,periodontal tissues,buccal bone & mucous membrane forms dental plexus dental nerves interdental branches interradicular branches
  • 23. Dental nerves pulpal innervation of all teeth Interdental branches interdental pappillae & buccal gingiva Interradicular branches periodontal ligaments of adjacent roots
  • 24. ON FACE inferior palpebral external nasal superior labial Inferior palpebral skin of lower eyelid External nasal skin on lateral aspect of nose Superior labial skin & mucous membrane of upper lip
  • 25. Largest branch of trigeminal Mixed nerve Sensory root- a)skin temporal region auricula external auditory meatus cheek lower lip chin region b)mucous membrane cheek anterior 2/3rd of tongue mastoid cells mandibular teeth bone of mandible tmj parotid gland
  • 26. Motor root masticatory muscles mylohyoid anterior belly of diagastric tensor tympani tensor veli palatani BRANCHES at 3 areas : branches from undivided nerve branches from anterior division branches from posterior division
  • 29. UNDIVIDED NERVE nervous spinosus nerve to medial pterygoid muscle Nervous spinosous dura mater& mastoid cells Nerve to medial pterygoid tensor veli palatini& tensor tympani ANTERIOR DIVISION motor muscles of mastication sensory mucous membrane of cheek,buccal mucous membrane of mandibular molars branches nerve to lateral pterygoid nerve to masseter nerve to temporal buccal nerve
  • 30. POSTERIOR DIVISION auriculotemporal nerve lingual nerve mylohyoid nerve inferior alveolar nerve
  • 31. Auriculotemporal nerve communicates with facial nerve , otic ganglion anterior auricular branches skin over helix & tragus of ear branches to external auditory meatus articular branches to posterior portion of temporomandibular joint superficial temporal branches over temporal region
  • 32. Lingual nerve sensory tract to anterior two third of tongue general sensation + gustatory Mylohyoid nerve mixed nerve motor mylohyoid , anterior belly of diagastric sensory skin on inferior and anterior surface of mental protruberance,rarely to mandibular incisors &mesial root of mandibular first molar Inferior alveolar nerve largest branch of mandibular division incisive mental skin of chin ,mucous membrane of lower lip