God created humans to be in friendship with Him but when Adam and Eve sinned, humanity lost grace and was born in a state of sin. To solve this problem, God promised to send a Savior. God shows His mercy by giving humanity hope. Jesus was the fulfillment of this promise made by God to save humanity from sin and reconcile people with God. By dying on the cross, Jesus restored friendship between God and humanity and fulfilled the Father's plan for people to share in His divine life for eternity. However, the story is not over as the graces Jesus won must be given to people, which is the work of the Holy Spirit.
0. Looking at the Big Picture Notes (Letter Sized)William Anderson
The document provides an overview of "the big picture" according to Christianity. It discusses that knowing the big picture helps answer life's big questions by understanding that life is about bringing God glory through following Jesus' example of living for others. The big picture shows that the goal is to expand God's kingdom, the mission is to make disciples through sharing the gospel worldwide, and the ultimate purpose is to glorify God and Jesus so they may be worshipped.
The document discusses the biblical view of original sin passed down from Adam to all humanity, noting that Romans 5 teaches that through Adam's sin, death and condemnation spread to all people, and through Christ's righteousness, grace, life and justification are available to all. It explores interpretations of original sin ranging from denial to Augustine's view of human nature being corrupted in Adam.
The document discusses the Christian concept of atonement, which refers to God reconciling humanity through Jesus Christ. It explains that atonement involves Jesus taking on the punishment for human sin and dying in our place to satisfy God's justice and restore fellowship between God and humanity. The key points are:
1) Atonement involves Jesus bearing the punishment for our sins as our substitute on the cross in order to make amends for human wrongdoing and reconcile us to God.
2) While Jesus took on human sin, he was not himself a sinner - he was sinless. He willingly took the penalty for human sin to defeat sin, death, and Satan.
3) Jesus' death
The document discusses the power and significance of Jesus' death on the cross. It explains that the cross is central to Christianity and that through His suffering and death, Jesus overcame the six woes or sorrows that have afflicted mankind since the Fall - guilt, Satan's dominion, pain/suffering, anxiety, death, and separation from God. It emphasizes that we must receive the power of the cross in our own lives by taking up our cross daily and following Jesus.
04. What is the Plan of Salvation Notes (A4 sized)William Anderson
These are the notes from the fourth teaching in the "Growing Deep in the Gospel" series which answers the question "What is the Plan of Salvation?". They are paper size A4 (Europe)
Christ's resolution & Third Circle definitionMoonRock7
We live in a broken world, surrounded by broken lives, broken relationships, and broken systems.
This brokenness is seen in suffering, violence, poverty, pain and death arounds us.
Brokenness leads us to search for a way to make LIFE work.Jesus was then raised from the dead to provide the only way for us to rescued and restored to a relationship with God.
The Bible says: For God so loved the World in this way, He gave His One and only Son.(John 3:16)
He erased the certificate of debt and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross. ( Col 2:14)
Jesus Christ is God incarnate who came to communicate God's message to humanity. He is the Word of God made flesh, fully God and fully man. He came willingly to save sinners by dying on the cross to satisfy the demands of the law that humans could not. In Jesus, God's glory was revealed through the perfect balance of grace and truth in His nature and teachings.
The document summarizes the Baptist Faith & Message, outlining several key beliefs:
1) The Scriptures are completely true and should be the basis for testing all human behavior and religious opinions.
2) God is described as the Creator, Redeemer, and Ruler of the universe, existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with separate personal characteristics but of the same divine nature.
3) Salvation includes regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification, and is received only through personal faith in Jesus Christ.
04. What is the Plan of Salvation notes (Letter Sized)William Anderson
These are the notes from the fourth teaching in the "Growing Deep in the Gospel" series which answers the question "What is the Plan of Salvation?". They are paper size Letter (United States)
The document provides an overview of a 10-week foundation class course covering topics about the Christian faith. The schedule lists the dates, topics, and teachers for each class, including discussions on the new birth, the Godhead, the word, discipleship, prayer and fasting, and the second coming. The first class focuses on the new birth and being born again in Christ, contrasting mankind's state before and after accepting Christ.
1) The document discusses the concept of atonement in the Bible, which refers to God's forgiveness of sins through the shedding of blood as a sacrifice.
2) It describes how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament promises and requirements of atonement by becoming the final, perfect sacrifice as the "Lamb of God" to pay for the sins of humanity once and for all.
3) By placing faith in Jesus' death and resurrection, believers are justified - declared righteous - by God and forgiven of their sins as Jesus paid the penalty of death in their place through his sacrifice.
The document summarizes key points about God's plan of salvation according to the book of Revelation in the Bible. It explains that sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, bringing death, but God sent Jesus to die in our place and free us from sin and death. It calls this God's "everlasting gospel" or good news. It encourages accepting Jesus' sacrifice by believing, confessing sins, and letting Him be Lord of our lives in order to receive salvation, forgiveness and eternal life.
This document provides an introduction to the Woody Nook community, including summaries of their faith, history, and organization. It outlines several topics covered such as their common testimony, story, living together in Christ, and organizational structure. It also includes sections on finding comfort in God, basic confessions of faith, stories from the Bible, and how to become a Christian. The overall document serves as an overview of the theological beliefs and communal life at Woody Nook.
1) The document discusses the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ. It explains that Jesus was fully God and fully man, having both a divine and human nature.
2) As a human, Jesus experienced physical needs like hunger and fatigue. He also had emotions and was tempted but did not sin. However, as God, Jesus performed miracles and had divine attributes.
3) The humanity of Jesus was important because it allowed him to reveal God to humans, be our sinless sacrifice, understand our temptations, and fulfill prophecies about the messiah. His resurrection proved that his life and death were accepted by God as the means to save humanity.
This document provides an overview of the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ based on a sermon given on Easter Sunday. It discusses how Jesus was fully God and fully man, explaining the theological concept of the incarnation. It explores Jesus' dual nature as revealed through his physical attributes and emotions as a man, as well as his divine works and relationship with God the Father. The sermon emphasizes why Jesus' humanity was essential for him to serve as the perfect sacrifice and mediator between God and humanity.
The slides for the fourth teaching in the "Growing Deep in the Gospel" series. In this study we answer the question "What is the Plan of Salvation?" by focusing on Jesus and answering three other questions: Why do we need Jesus?, What did Jesus do for us? and How do we receive salvation through Jesus?.
Man was created by God in His image to glorify and enjoy Him forever. This means we were made with a moral, spiritual, and rational nature like God's, as well as a desire for community. Although distorted by sin, God's image in us is being restored through salvation and sanctification by Christ. The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him fully.
Man was created by God in His image to glorify and enjoy Him forever. This means we were made with a moral, spiritual, and rational nature like God's, as well as a desire for community. Although distorted by sin, God's image in man is being restored through salvation and sanctification in Christ. The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him fully.
The document discusses the key beliefs about God, creation, and humanity according to Scripture. It states that God created all things through the Son and the Bible provides the true account of creation week, where God made the heavens, earth, plants, animals, and the first humans. He rested on the seventh day and established the Sabbath to memorialize His completed creative work. The first humans, Adam and Eve, were made in God's image and given dominion over the earth.
Jesus was the breaker of the power of deathGLENN PEASE
1. Jesus took on human form through the Virgin Mary to conquer sin and death. By dying and rising again, he broke the power of Satan who uses death to control humanity.
2. In becoming human, Jesus identified with our struggles and showed us that death is not the end, but a transition to new life. His death overcomes the fear of death so that Christians can face it without dread.
3. By living a sinless life and willingly dying, Jesus acted as a perfect sacrifice to atone for humanity's sins. His death and resurrection allow believers to be freed from guilt and the power of death.
This document discusses Jesus' dual nature as both fully divine and fully human. It explores biblical passages showing Jesus as God, including his pre-existence as the Word. It also examines verses demonstrating Jesus' human nature, such as being born of a woman and experiencing human needs like hunger. The document argues Jesus had to take on human form to overcome sin and death that began with Adam, and his victory allows believers to also overcome evil.
The Trinity and Salvation - Sbs Class March 29 2009BertBrim
The document discusses the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity for Christianity and salvation. It explains that the Trinity involves God existing as three persons - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It also discusses how each person of the Trinity was involved in Jesus' life, death and resurrection, which accomplished salvation and atonement for humanity's sins. Specifically, it notes that Jesus the God-man paid the penalty through his death, and the Holy Spirit empowered him to live a sinless life.
1) Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. As a man, he lived a perfect human life and suffered death on the cross to save sinners.
2) The incarnation, where God took on human flesh, was necessary for Christ to redeem humanity and defeat sin and Satan. It also establishes the trustworthiness of the Bible.
3) In becoming fully human, Christ revealed God to mankind through his powerful works, wise teaching, and self-sacrificial love displayed on the cross. He also manifested ideal humanity as God originally intended.
Christ's resolution & Third Circle definitionMoonRock7
We live in a broken world, surrounded by broken lives, broken relationships, and broken systems.
This brokenness is seen in suffering, violence, poverty, pain and death arounds us.
Brokenness leads us to search for a way to make LIFE work.Jesus was then raised from the dead to provide the only way for us to rescued and restored to a relationship with God.
The Bible says: For God so loved the World in this way, He gave His One and only Son.(John 3:16)
He erased the certificate of debt and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross. ( Col 2:14)
Jesus Christ is God incarnate who came to communicate God's message to humanity. He is the Word of God made flesh, fully God and fully man. He came willingly to save sinners by dying on the cross to satisfy the demands of the law that humans could not. In Jesus, God's glory was revealed through the perfect balance of grace and truth in His nature and teachings.
The document summarizes the Baptist Faith & Message, outlining several key beliefs:
1) The Scriptures are completely true and should be the basis for testing all human behavior and religious opinions.
2) God is described as the Creator, Redeemer, and Ruler of the universe, existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with separate personal characteristics but of the same divine nature.
3) Salvation includes regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification, and is received only through personal faith in Jesus Christ.
04. What is the Plan of Salvation notes (Letter Sized)William Anderson
These are the notes from the fourth teaching in the "Growing Deep in the Gospel" series which answers the question "What is the Plan of Salvation?". They are paper size Letter (United States)
The document provides an overview of a 10-week foundation class course covering topics about the Christian faith. The schedule lists the dates, topics, and teachers for each class, including discussions on the new birth, the Godhead, the word, discipleship, prayer and fasting, and the second coming. The first class focuses on the new birth and being born again in Christ, contrasting mankind's state before and after accepting Christ.
1) The document discusses the concept of atonement in the Bible, which refers to God's forgiveness of sins through the shedding of blood as a sacrifice.
2) It describes how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament promises and requirements of atonement by becoming the final, perfect sacrifice as the "Lamb of God" to pay for the sins of humanity once and for all.
3) By placing faith in Jesus' death and resurrection, believers are justified - declared righteous - by God and forgiven of their sins as Jesus paid the penalty of death in their place through his sacrifice.
The document summarizes key points about God's plan of salvation according to the book of Revelation in the Bible. It explains that sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, bringing death, but God sent Jesus to die in our place and free us from sin and death. It calls this God's "everlasting gospel" or good news. It encourages accepting Jesus' sacrifice by believing, confessing sins, and letting Him be Lord of our lives in order to receive salvation, forgiveness and eternal life.
This document provides an introduction to the Woody Nook community, including summaries of their faith, history, and organization. It outlines several topics covered such as their common testimony, story, living together in Christ, and organizational structure. It also includes sections on finding comfort in God, basic confessions of faith, stories from the Bible, and how to become a Christian. The overall document serves as an overview of the theological beliefs and communal life at Woody Nook.
1) The document discusses the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ. It explains that Jesus was fully God and fully man, having both a divine and human nature.
2) As a human, Jesus experienced physical needs like hunger and fatigue. He also had emotions and was tempted but did not sin. However, as God, Jesus performed miracles and had divine attributes.
3) The humanity of Jesus was important because it allowed him to reveal God to humans, be our sinless sacrifice, understand our temptations, and fulfill prophecies about the messiah. His resurrection proved that his life and death were accepted by God as the means to save humanity.
This document provides an overview of the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ based on a sermon given on Easter Sunday. It discusses how Jesus was fully God and fully man, explaining the theological concept of the incarnation. It explores Jesus' dual nature as revealed through his physical attributes and emotions as a man, as well as his divine works and relationship with God the Father. The sermon emphasizes why Jesus' humanity was essential for him to serve as the perfect sacrifice and mediator between God and humanity.
The slides for the fourth teaching in the "Growing Deep in the Gospel" series. In this study we answer the question "What is the Plan of Salvation?" by focusing on Jesus and answering three other questions: Why do we need Jesus?, What did Jesus do for us? and How do we receive salvation through Jesus?.
Man was created by God in His image to glorify and enjoy Him forever. This means we were made with a moral, spiritual, and rational nature like God's, as well as a desire for community. Although distorted by sin, God's image in us is being restored through salvation and sanctification by Christ. The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him fully.
Man was created by God in His image to glorify and enjoy Him forever. This means we were made with a moral, spiritual, and rational nature like God's, as well as a desire for community. Although distorted by sin, God's image in man is being restored through salvation and sanctification in Christ. The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him fully.
The document discusses the key beliefs about God, creation, and humanity according to Scripture. It states that God created all things through the Son and the Bible provides the true account of creation week, where God made the heavens, earth, plants, animals, and the first humans. He rested on the seventh day and established the Sabbath to memorialize His completed creative work. The first humans, Adam and Eve, were made in God's image and given dominion over the earth.
Jesus was the breaker of the power of deathGLENN PEASE
1. Jesus took on human form through the Virgin Mary to conquer sin and death. By dying and rising again, he broke the power of Satan who uses death to control humanity.
2. In becoming human, Jesus identified with our struggles and showed us that death is not the end, but a transition to new life. His death overcomes the fear of death so that Christians can face it without dread.
3. By living a sinless life and willingly dying, Jesus acted as a perfect sacrifice to atone for humanity's sins. His death and resurrection allow believers to be freed from guilt and the power of death.
This document discusses Jesus' dual nature as both fully divine and fully human. It explores biblical passages showing Jesus as God, including his pre-existence as the Word. It also examines verses demonstrating Jesus' human nature, such as being born of a woman and experiencing human needs like hunger. The document argues Jesus had to take on human form to overcome sin and death that began with Adam, and his victory allows believers to also overcome evil.
The Trinity and Salvation - Sbs Class March 29 2009BertBrim
The document discusses the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity for Christianity and salvation. It explains that the Trinity involves God existing as three persons - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It also discusses how each person of the Trinity was involved in Jesus' life, death and resurrection, which accomplished salvation and atonement for humanity's sins. Specifically, it notes that Jesus the God-man paid the penalty through his death, and the Holy Spirit empowered him to live a sinless life.
1) Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. As a man, he lived a perfect human life and suffered death on the cross to save sinners.
2) The incarnation, where God took on human flesh, was necessary for Christ to redeem humanity and defeat sin and Satan. It also establishes the trustworthiness of the Bible.
3) In becoming fully human, Christ revealed God to mankind through his powerful works, wise teaching, and self-sacrificial love displayed on the cross. He also manifested ideal humanity as God originally intended.
Free from prison mean have a freedom and eternal lifeTImothy leonard
Shalom everyone, i m sharing the word of god with you all
Spiritual Freedom: Spiritually, being "free from prison" refers to liberation from the bondage of sin. The Bible describes sin as a form of captivity that can imprison the soul. Jesus' sacrifice is seen as the key to unlocking this prison, offering forgiveness, healing, and freedom.
Isaiah 61:1 (NIV): "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."
John 8:36 (NIV): "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
In Acts 2:22-36 Peter concludes his sermon on Pentecost Sunday. This is the sermon that launched the Church. We find that the Peter who once shrank back and even denied Jesus is now confident, bold and impassioned. Peter lays out three proofs of Jesus Good News, the Gospel. He does so through citing eyewitness testimony of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus and by citing prophetic texts that were fulfilled by Jesus. He shows us that the Gospel of Jesus is a proven fact!
What are the most effective spiritual healing techniques for reducing stress_...Worldfamouspsychicreader
Our fast-paced world has made stress an unavoidable part of life. From work pressure to personal responsibilities, the constant demands of daily life can take a toll on mental and physical well-being.
Voodoo death spells, black magic voodoo spells, spell to make someone sick and die, death spells that work fast, death spells that work overnight, spell to die in your sleep, black magic spells to harm someone, most powerful death spell, spells to curse someone, spell make someone die, revenge spells
Here are some of the basic harm that is inflicted upon people using black magic to Kill Someone Overnight
Loose Memory
Paralyze the victim
Blocked income
Destroys someones career
Bad luck
Bad dreams
Breaking a relationship or destroying someones cause to separate or divorce.
Controlling someones mind for sex
Making the victim indulge in vices like alcohol, violence and unhealthy sex.
Causing accidents
Making people sick
Anger and avarice; emotional imbalance fear
Not allowing the victim to sleep depression
Making the victim commit suicide
Blocking a womans monthly periods
Blocking a womans ability to conceivehttps://sheikhmuhusinbadaw.wixsite.com/astrologerhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/sheikhmuhusinbadawihttps://www.facebook.com/sheikhmuhusinbadawihttps://za.pinterest.com/sheikhmuhusinbadawihttps://sheikhmuhusinbadawi.wordpress.comhttps://sheikhmuhusinbadawi.blogspot.comsheikhmuhusinbadawi@gmail.com+27603052573
Sendero viviente en https://es.slideshare.net/slideshow/sendero-viviente-en-a...Rafael Reverte P辿rez
Autobiograf鱈a de un Iluminado
Mi Retiro
La Se単al del Hijo del Hombre
Merkaba y La Era de Paz
- Se comenz坦 a transcribir en Abril 2002 (23 abril a 3 mayo alineaci坦n en conjunci坦n Saturno, J炭piter y Mercurio, Venus) -
M辿xico 2002
N炭m. de Registro 03-2003-022413471400-01
Revisado por el autor en 2017
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhaiParas Parivaar
Sanatan Dharma, also known as the eternal religion, holds a significant place in Hindu culture. This presentation aims to explore the values and contributions of Paras Bhai and his role in fostering religious awareness. It also highlights the importance of Hindu Dharma and the unity promoted by Paras Parivaar
The 際際滷Share slide show does funky things to the slide formatting and a few slides are wrecked by its slide show, but the downloaded pptx and the Dropbox slide show are good, see link below.
My attempt to explain how the metaphysics of the universe works using speculative philosophy and physics. I use the philosophy of idealism, consciousness primary, along with support from modern physicists who support this argument. I propose that the basis of the universe is non-dual monistic idealism. Using the Buddhist metaphysics of an unconditioned basis of being (infinite space-time & potential) we see how monistic idealism plays out in the non-random rules, structure, and repeating patterns of a manifested & conditioned universe. I also propose that the unconditioned basis-of-being is the G旦del "X" (unrecognized complexity) factor that explains the existence of the manifested conditioned universe per his ontological proof. Idealism can also explain the structural theodicy and suffering of the manifested universe, it is not a problem of evil but of ruthlessness for a purpose. Idealism also refutes a personal conditioned theistic God as Absolute or Ultimate, but does not refute (allows) spiritual power and meaning in the world. I include my Neoplatonic-like cosmological proof of God as the unconditioned basis of being, a terminal ontological ground-state (as brute fact), as being a non-theistic source of the universe. It is a long pptx, but it is a big subject.
Dropbox allows the use of PowerPoint for the web where the slides and animations works: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g7ubfflicp2daqj8k52yl/How-the-Universe-Works.pptx?rlkey=e27bt96av3elx9aiyxiv9ekz5&st=vasftnm0&dl=0
4. One God, Three Identities
Father- Creation
The Father is the source of all creation and the
ultimate authority. He is the one who sent His Son
into the world.
Son -Redeemer
The Son is Jesus Christ, who became incarnate as a
human being to redeem humanity from sin. He is
the Word of God made flesh.
Holy Spirit The Sanctifier
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, The
5. One God, Three Identities
6. Attributes of God
God is limitless, infinite, and perfect. He is the source of all goodness,
beauty, and truth. He is also love, and His love is the driving force
behind all creation and redemption.
1 Limitless
God is beyond our comprehension, with no boundaries or
limitations. He is infinite in power, wisdom, and love.
2 Love
God's love is the foundation of all that exists. He loves us
unconditionally and desires a relationship with us.
3 Empowerment
God has empowered us to reach Him through faith, prayer, and
good works. He desires a relationship with us and wants us to
experience His love.
What was my former understanding of the
What is the effect in me of the present
discussion of the topic?
The Heavenly Father is the First person of the Blessed Trinity. He is GOD!
He has no beginning and no end. Can you think of something that has no
beginning and no end? How about a circle? Of course God is not a circle.
But everything that exists start form HIM and everything ends in HIM. He
is the ALPHA and the OMEGA, He is all perfect. So that He is not only good
but He is goodness himself; not only beautiful. He is beauty himself, etc.
He is the creator of all that exist. He is existence himself.
He is the Creator
In the book of Genesis it is said that GOD created the world and
all that are now in it just by saying, Let there belet there
be.. and things came into existence like, the animals, the
birds, the insects, etc. Then in a very special way He created man
to his own image and likeness of GOD man gained the respect of
all creatures around Him. He had dominion over the whole
creation. God accomplished his work of creation in seven days.
The creation narrative closes by saying, God looked everything
He had made, and He found it very good.(Gen. 1:31)
9. The Fall of Man
Mankind and all creatures in the world were
separated from God. Why should the creatures
of the world be included in the effects of mans
fall when it was only man rebelled against
God? The reason is because Man is the king of
creation. He is the link between God and the
rest of the creatures. It is as if the whole
creation is connected to mankind. Thus, when
mankind was separated from God the whole of
creation went along with him.
Creations separation from God
10. The Fall of Man
The impact of the fall resulted into
disorder and chaos in the whole
creation so that things were no longer
as they used to be before the fall.
Creation just went to disorder and
Disorder and chaos in the world
11. Disorder and chaos even in mans
own person
Sad effects
Disunity between the mind and the will in mans own person
The mind and will of man no longer function as they should
Many times they do not agree with each other.
Husband and wife
Parents and children
There are matters that the mind wants because it sees it to
be good but the will does not agree.(Rom.7:15-25)
Example: Community life
12. loss of Dominion
Sad effects
Before the fall, man was given by God dominion over the whole of creation.
- Man has control of everything in the world.
- All creatures in the world were submissive and respectful of man
- after the fall, man lost all control
Example: Caingin system/ cutting of trees, throwing of garbage everywhere
- other creatures attack man already like germs, how small they are but can
destroy and kill.
13. The Fathers enduring love for m
Inspite of mans rebellion against him, God did not abandon man. Instead He
promised to do something to restore him to what he was when he created him.
Promise of Restoration
God promised to restore humanity to their original
state, despite their rebellion and the consequences of
the Fall.
Sending of Prophets
God sent prophets to guide and teach His people,
preparing them for the coming of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Sending of Jesus Christ
God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to redeem
humanity from sin and restore their relationship with
Gen. 3:15
I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring
and hers; He will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.
14. For God so love the world that Hesent
his only begotten Son so that whosoever
believes in Him he shall not die but have
everlasting life.
-John 3:16
Thats why do not doubt Gods love
15. Our response
Follow his example of love even to those who
rebel against him.
How? By loving him in return and loving those who
have hurt you in whatever way.
Recognize and acknowledge his works
Acknowledge and be grateful for everything the
Father has done for us.
Glorify him from the bottom of our hearts
Respect and protect his creation
Laudatu Si by; Pope Francis
16. Who is God the Son?
1.The Son is JESUS CHRIST, the second person of the Blessed Trinity. He is equally
God like the Father and the Holy Spirit.
2.After the fall of man Jesus was sent by the Father to restore man to what he was when
God created him and his environment. Thats why Jesus is called SAVIOR.
3.The Lord of Lords and the King of Kings (Rev 19:16-17)
17. 1.What did Jesus do to accomplish his mission?
INCARNATION. He came into the world and became a human being, taking
flesh and blood from Mary.
He became like unto us in everything except sin. By becoming like us in
everything except sin, there is now a human being who is God at the same
time and limitless in dignity. Whatever he does is of infinite value. Now
there is already a human being who can pay the limitless and eternal
punishment due to our sins.
18. This also explains why Mary is without sin because her flesh and blood
was destined to become the flesh and blood of Jesus. If Mary was stained
with sin then the flesh and blood she shared with Jesus, would not be able
to save us because he himself would then need to be saved. Thats why the
church proclaims the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.
meaning Mary was conceived without sin by Gods plan. Hers is what we
PASSION AND DEATH. He offered himself,his whole being as the payment
for all the punishments due to our sins.
19. 1John 2:2
He is the expiation of our sins, and not only for our sins, but for those of the whole
1Peter 2:24
He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might
live for righteousness.
Col. 2:13-14
And even when you were dead in transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
he brought you to life along with him, having forgiven us all our transgressions;
obliterating the bond against us, with its legal claims,which was opposed to us,he also
removed it from our midst, nailing it to the cross.
20. 1John 2:2
He is the expiation of our sins, and not only for our sins, but for those of the whole
1Peter 2:24
He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might
live for righteousness.
Col. 2:13-14
And even when you were dead in transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
he brought you to life along with him, having forgiven us all our transgressions;
obliterating the bond against us, with its legal claims,which was opposed to us,he also
removed it from our midst, nailing it to the cross.
21. The Passion and Death of
Sacrifice for Sins
Jesus offered Himself as payment for all punishments due to our
sins, as stated in 1 John 2:2 and 1 Peter 2:24.
Infinite Gravity
Only Jesus, being both human and divine, could pay for sins of
infinite gravity committed against God.
Demonstration of Love
Christ's suffering showed the ugliness of sin and the depth of
God's love for humanity.
22. Why did JESUS have to pay for sins
that he did not commit?
-because nobody else can do it since
the punishment is of limitless or
infinite gravity.
Why? Because the gravity of every sin
committed is measured by the dignity
of the person offended.
For example:
-Slapping of street guy
Imprison for 4-5 days
23. The Incarnation of Jesus
1 Becoming Human
Jesus took on flesh and blood from Mary, becoming fully human while
remaining fully divine.
2 Sinless Nature
He was like us in everything except sin, maintaining His divine
3 Infinite Value
As both God and man, Jesus' actions held infinite value, capable of
paying for humanity's sins.
4 Mary's Role
Mary's Immaculate Conception ensured Jesus' flesh and blood were
untainted by sin.
1 Restoration of
Through His resurrection,
Jesus offers restoration to all
who accept Him, as stated in
Revelation 3:20.
2 New Life in Christ
2 Corinthians 5:17 describes
how accepting Christ leads to
becoming a new person
3 Triumph Over Death
The resurrection
demonstrates Christ's victory
over sin and death, offering
hope to all believers.
Behold I stand at the door and knock. He who hears my voice and opens the door
I will come in to him and have supper with him. Rev. 3:20
25. Will everybody enter heaven?
Even if the gates of heaven are open yet only those
who accept and follow Jesus will be able to enter
because Jesus is the only way to heaven. Acceptance
is not enough; you may have accepted Jesus but if you
dont follow him, you will end up somewhere ekse but
definitely not in heaven. The only way to get to heaven
is to follow seriously Jesus, meaning, to do what
Jesus, the way, he tells you to do.
It is important to familiarize the BIBLE
Pagans can be with Jesus by baptism of desire or
blood. How?
Three kinds of Baptism: water, blood and desire
26. The Ascension and Opening of Heaven
Ascension to Heaven
Jesus ascended into heaven, opening its doors to all mankind.
Bridge Between Earth and Heaven
Christ became the connection between the earthly and heavenly realms.
The Only Way
Jesus declared Himself as the only way to the Father, emphasizing the need to follow Him.
Acceptance and Following
Entering heaven requires both accepting and following
Jesus' teachings and example.
Who is the HOLY SPIRIT
1)The third person of the Blessed Trinity
He shares the same divine nature with the Father and the
son; He is God like the Father and the Son.
2) The love of the Father and the Son
The Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father from
all eternity. That love is the Holy Spirit. It is so perfect that it
is a person, the third person in the Trinity. He is one with the
Father and the Son. he is the advocate that Jesus promised to
28. John16:7
But i tell you the truth, iot is better for you that I go.
Because if I do not go the Holy Spirit will not come. But if I
go I will send him for you.
Pentecost Sunday is considered the birthday of the Church.
Are you a believer of Christ? Then the Holy Spirit is in you!
Do you believe that? Alleluia, Glory to God!
3) The Sanctifier
To sanctify means, to make holy, so that a person becomes
pleasing to God and worthy to bewith him forever in his
kingdom. so , it is the Holy Spirit that makes us holy. Its not
by our own merit or ability so that we can boast of it. It is a
pure gift of God.
How does the Holy spirit Sanctify us?
By his DIVINE INDWELLING in the person.
29. 1 Cor 3:16
Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the
spirit of God dwells in you? He who destroys Gods temple
God will destroy him for GOds temple is holy and that is
what you are.
DIVINE INDWELLING means that the HOLY SPIRIT stays in
the person as the soul does in our own human body. That is,
he is present in EVERY CELL of the persons body, thus
sanctifying the persons whole body. making it holy.
30. 4) The power of God in Christians
Act 1:8
-at your disposal
Because the Holy spirit will always respect
our freedom. He will only move in you when
you allow him to do so. And the intensity of
his operation will depend upon the degree
of your permissi the more fully you permit
him to work the more intense will be his
operation. There is no way we can pretend
about our permission because he sees our
hearts and every bit of us.
31. Do we really need the power of the Holy spirit?
Why can't we be without it?
To be useful and effective christians we need the
We have the task to continue the mission of
Christ in our times
Can we lose the Holy Spirit?
Yes. when we commit a serious sin. A mortal sin
we reject God. when we reject one, we reject all.
Can we recover the Holy Spirits presence in us?
Yes, by acknowledging our sinfulness through
repentance and ask for Gods forgiveness.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
32. Accepting Jesus as Savior
Step: Description
1. Heart Decision Make a serious decision from the heart
to accept Jesus as He is.
2. Open the Door Respond to Jesus' invitation in Revelation
3:20 to open the door of your heart.
3. Follow Christ
Commit to following Jesus' teachings
and example in daily life.
4. Maintain Relationship
Nurture your relationship with Christ
through prayer, study, and fellowship.