According to a survey, people from Punjab and Haryana had the highest share of overnight visitor trips outside their own states. At the national level, the main destination for most overnight visitor trips was within one's own state. The document provides contact information for Parveen Kumar Chadha, the founder and CEO of Saxbee Consultants & Other-Mother marketing and communication consultants, including their email, mobile number, and address in New Delhi, India.
2. Contd
People from Punjab and Haryana
had the top share of visitor-trips
outside their own states, according
to a survey. At an all-India level,
main destination of most of the
overnight visitor-trips was within
the state...Share (%) of overnight
visitor-trips by main destination
(within state & outside state)
Within state Outside state
3. For Details and Appointment contact:-
Parveen Kumar Chadha THINK TANK
(Founder and C.E.O of Saxbee Consultants & Other-Mother
Mobile No. +91-9818308353
Address:-First Floor G-20(A), Kirti Nagar, New Delhi India Postal Code-110015