This document discusses the services offered by TriSynergy, an independent consulting firm that specializes in contact centers and customer relationship management. TriSynergy helps clients consolidate resources, improve technology and processes, enhance customer relationships and agent performance. Some past client results include saving $2 million in licensing costs, reducing abandon rates from 12% to 2%, and increasing customer satisfaction from the low 70s to mid 90s. The document promotes TriSynergy's expertise in assisting clients across various business areas and services such as contact center assessments, process improvement, strategy/planning, technology management and agent performance optimization.
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Trisynergy Consulting Llc Services Overview
1. 油
Its time for a change
油 As 2010 winds down and you begin to plan for 油
2011, do you need to:
油 These are examples of results we have helped
Consolidate centers and technology our clients achieve:
油 Change to more flexible technology and Saving $2 million dollar re-licensing cost
agent cost structures with lower Implementing contact center/CRM
breakeven points? 油 technology, increasing sales and decreasing
油 Improve agent performance? costs within the first quarter following
Enhance or maintain customer relationships? implementation
Listen more closely to the Voice of your Reducing abandon rates from 12% to 2%
and improve service levels without hiring
staff - in 4 weeks
油 Improve a critical business process? Reducing calls/account from over 2 calls
Select the right contact center, CRM, or per account to .6
油 VOIP technology for your needs? Increasing customer satisfaction from low
Introduce a new product or service? 70% to mid 90%
油 Capturing record breaking outbound sales
and significant infrastructure cost
油 By leveraging our expertise, our clients reductions
typically realize savings or gains from our Improving monthly average service levels
油 advice or projects that are many times from below 50% to over 70%
greater than our fees. Increasing Net Promoter Scores by 18
油 points in two months
The client compliment that best sums us up: Increasing processing capacity by 50% with
油 no change in staffing, no technology
Working with TriSynergy is what working investment
油 with consultants is supposed to be like! Improving first-call resolution rates by 30%
油 油
We serve executives responsible for We team with our clients to support their
goals for business improvement in many
customer satisfaction, customer service, and
different areas, including:
customer relationship management.
Marketing/Sales/Order Entry
We are experienced independent Application/Enrollment
consultants specializing in contact center and Payment Processing/Collections
CRM business processes, strategies, and Technical Support
technologies. Voice of the Customer
Agent Training, Quality Monitoring, and
Our services include: Performance Management
Contact Center Assessments Workforce Management, Scheduling,
Continuous Process Improvement Forecasting
Facilitation, Analysis, Design, and Knowledge Base Management/Content
Implementation Management Lifecycles油
Contact Center Strategy and Planning 油
Technology Planning, Requirements, See more of our work and experience at
Design, Vendor Selection, and
Technology Project Management Call us at 888-782-2520 or email us at
Contact Center Site Selection
Agent Performance Optimization View recommendations from our clients on
Interim IT and Contact Center LinkedIn at
Contact Center Outsourcing Assistance
Evaluation, Selection, Implementation,
Relationship Management
Customer and Agent Experience Analytics