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        Its time for a change

油       As 2010 winds down and you begin to plan for                                         油
        2011, do you need to:
油                                                         These are examples of results we have helped
         Consolidate centers and technology              our clients achieve:
油          Change to more flexible technology and           Saving $2 million dollar re-licensing cost
            agent cost structures with lower                 Implementing contact center/CRM
            breakeven points?         油                       technology, increasing sales and decreasing
油          Improve agent performance?                        costs within the first quarter following
           Enhance or maintain customer relationships?       implementation
           Listen more closely to the Voice of your         Reducing abandon rates from 12% to 2%
                                                              and improve service levels without hiring
                                                              staff - in 4 weeks
油          Improve a critical business process?             Reducing calls/account from over 2 calls
           Select the right contact center, CRM, or          per account to .6
油           VOIP technology for your needs?                  Increasing customer satisfaction from low
           Introduce a new product or service?               70% to mid 90%
油                                                            Capturing record breaking outbound sales
                                                              and significant infrastructure cost
油       By leveraging our expertise, our clients              reductions
        typically realize savings or gains from our          Improving monthly average service levels
油       advice or projects that are many times                from below 50% to over 70%
        greater than our fees.                               Increasing Net Promoter Scores by 18
油                                                             points in two months
        The client compliment that best sums us up:          Increasing processing capacity by 50% with
油                                                             no change in staffing, no technology
          Working with TriSynergy is what working            investment
油       with consultants is supposed to be like!            Improving first-call resolution rates by 30%
油          油
          We serve executives responsible for             We team with our clients to support their
                                                          goals for business improvement in many
          customer satisfaction, customer service, and
                                                          different areas, including:
          customer relationship management.
                                                             Marketing/Sales/Order Entry
        We are experienced independent                       Application/Enrollment
        consultants specializing in contact center and       Payment Processing/Collections
        CRM business processes, strategies, and              Technical Support
        technologies.                                        Voice of the Customer
                                                             Agent Training, Quality Monitoring, and
        Our services include:                                 Performance Management
         Contact Center Assessments                         Workforce Management, Scheduling,
         Continuous Process Improvement                      Forecasting
          Facilitation, Analysis, Design, and                Knowledge Base Management/Content
          Implementation                                      Management Lifecycles油
         Contact Center Strategy and Planning            油
         Technology Planning, Requirements,                  See more of our work and experience at
          Design, Vendor Selection, and                       www.trisynergyllc.com
          Technology Project Management                       Call us at 888-782-2520 or email us at
         Contact Center Site Selection                       info@trisynergyllc.com
         Agent Performance Optimization                      View recommendations from our clients on
         Interim IT and Contact Center                       LinkedIn at
          Management                                          linkedin.com/in/markebehrens
         Contact Center Outsourcing Assistance 
          Evaluation, Selection, Implementation,
          Relationship Management
         Customer and Agent Experience Analytics

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Trisynergy Consulting Llc Services Overview

  • 1. Its time for a change 油 油 As 2010 winds down and you begin to plan for 油 2011, do you need to: 油 These are examples of results we have helped Consolidate centers and technology our clients achieve: resources?油油 油 Change to more flexible technology and Saving $2 million dollar re-licensing cost agent cost structures with lower Implementing contact center/CRM 油 breakeven points? 油 technology, increasing sales and decreasing 油 Improve agent performance? costs within the first quarter following Enhance or maintain customer relationships? implementation Listen more closely to the Voice of your Reducing abandon rates from 12% to 2% 油 and improve service levels without hiring Customer? staff - in 4 weeks 油 Improve a critical business process? Reducing calls/account from over 2 calls Select the right contact center, CRM, or per account to .6 油 VOIP technology for your needs? Increasing customer satisfaction from low Introduce a new product or service? 70% to mid 90% 油 Capturing record breaking outbound sales and significant infrastructure cost 油 By leveraging our expertise, our clients reductions typically realize savings or gains from our Improving monthly average service levels 油 advice or projects that are many times from below 50% to over 70% greater than our fees. Increasing Net Promoter Scores by 18 油 points in two months The client compliment that best sums us up: Increasing processing capacity by 50% with 油 no change in staffing, no technology Working with TriSynergy is what working investment 油 with consultants is supposed to be like! Improving first-call resolution rates by 30% 油 油 油 We serve executives responsible for We team with our clients to support their goals for business improvement in many customer satisfaction, customer service, and different areas, including: customer relationship management. Marketing/Sales/Order Entry We are experienced independent Application/Enrollment consultants specializing in contact center and Payment Processing/Collections CRM business processes, strategies, and Technical Support technologies. Voice of the Customer Agent Training, Quality Monitoring, and Our services include: Performance Management Contact Center Assessments Workforce Management, Scheduling, Continuous Process Improvement Forecasting Facilitation, Analysis, Design, and Knowledge Base Management/Content Implementation Management Lifecycles油 Contact Center Strategy and Planning 油 Technology Planning, Requirements, See more of our work and experience at Design, Vendor Selection, and www.trisynergyllc.com Technology Project Management Call us at 888-782-2520 or email us at Contact Center Site Selection info@trisynergyllc.com Agent Performance Optimization View recommendations from our clients on Interim IT and Contact Center LinkedIn at Management linkedin.com/in/markebehrens Contact Center Outsourcing Assistance Evaluation, Selection, Implementation, Relationship Management Customer and Agent Experience Analytics 油