This document provides safety tips for running. It advises runners to run with partners or in groups, avoid isolated areas, and run against traffic. Runners should wear bright clothing and avoid distractions like music. The tips recommend staying hydrated on long runs and wearing proper shoes and socks. Stretching after runs is also encouraged for injury prevention.
2. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Dont :
Run with a partner Go out
or in groups alone, especially at
night, early AM (in
the dark), and in
isolated areas
3. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Dont :
Run in safe, traffic- Run along the
free areas as much busiest
as possible-parks streets, where you
(avoid running
alone, esp. will increase your
females!), neighbor chance of an
hoods, trails accident/incident
4. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Run against the Dont: Neglect
flow of traffic as traffic, especially
much as possible to cars turning right
see oncoming cars who will NOT see
(most if hit, are hit you!
from behind)
This is opposite bike-
riding, which is safer
to ride on the right
5. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Ignore any signs Dont: Respond or
of aggression and/or react!!!
verbal abuse
6. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Enjoy the company Dont: Zone out to music
of your running Unless in the park, music
partners and make new is highly discouraged. If
friends you have to run with
music, keep it at a safe (you
can hear traffic and
conversation around you)
7. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Run in public areas Dont: Run along canals or
where you will be isolated country
among a crowd of roads, especially by
people, especially if yourself and/or at night or
running alone early morning (when its
8. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Wear brightly- Dont: Over-dress, wear
colored, reflective dark colors, or run
clothes shirt-less. Sun-block is
important even in fall
and winter months
9. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Stay hydrated and
Dont: wait to hit the
fueled. Any run of
more than 30 minutes wall
should include some
form of rehydration-
either water stops at a
park or carry a water
bottle or energy drink
(not Monster!)
Any run of an hour or
more will require fuel-
gels, energy bars, etc.
10. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Wear synthetic Dont: wear cotton
socks and the right socks, worn shoes, or shoes
shoe that are either too tight or
too loose (will cause
blisters and other injuries)
If you are in desperate
need of shoes and cannot
afford a pair before
December, see your Site
11. Safe running Dos and Donts:
Do: Stretch at the end Dont: stretch cold muscles
of your workout and ligaments (will lead to
Neglect your post-run
cool-down which must
include some stretching
Sit down right away
Most important mile of the
marathon will be Mile 27