What's TBD, some facts and how TBD with feature toggle can increase release frequency, lower release risk, decouple release from code deployment. DevOpsDays, Taipei, 2017
4. Short-Lived Feature Branch
? Branch¨s length of life: less than 2 days
? Shared for code-review and CI only
? Easily becomes long-lived branch
5. Trunk-Based Development (TBD)
? Commit in trunk at least once a day
? Trunk is always in a releasable state
? Hide unfinished code with feature toggle
? Refactor with branch by abstraction
8. TBD
Only search few of these kings´
Also other TBD giants, ex: Google, Netflix
were not included in this startups research.
Never mind become A Category King
2000 ~ 2015 yr
600k companies
34 of them
76 % market cap
Category King
9. ``Somewhere in the middle of this two-month process you¨re going to run
across a bridge and burn it behind you.¨¨
``LinkedIn¨s big switch to continuous deployment has been linked to very
concrete and visible ?nancial success´¨¨
~ Kevin Scott, the senior VP of engineering
13. Business Toggle:
? A/B Testing
Low Risk Release and Zero-Downtime
? Canary Release, Dark Launch, Blue-Green deployment
? DB/Schema Migration
Decouple Feature Rollout from Code Deployment
? Re-planning
? Microservices
Some Toggle Use Cases
14. Canary Release / Blue-Green Deployment & A / B Testing
? Phased rollout
? Monitor performance
? Check user feedback
15. ? Features in live but NOT visible to user
? Warm up cache, load DB tables with real
production traffic
? Soak test, verify performance
Dark Launch
16. DB / Schema Change
? Forwards & backwards compatible
? Stage roll-out with verification online
? No downtime needed
17. Q:
What are the requirements
to achieve previous scenarios ?
? Feature toggles &
? Old and new code co-exists in the same delivery
^Get good with build-flags and
toggles ̄ ~ Paul Hammant
^ This is also the major difference
between short-lived branch and TBD! ̄
19. Decouple Release from Code Deployment
? TBD reduce merge pain
? Merge hell is error prone and risky
? Inefficiency on spending time in bug fix - merge - test cycle.
24. Frequently commits to mainline:
? More communication with your team
? More frequent builds and tests (CI)
? More frequent deployment (CD)
? More experiments and faster feedback
26. Pre-Commit Testing & Code Review
? Pre-commit (CI) test (option but best)
? Continuous (code) review
? Code ownership
Figure from https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com/continuous-integration/
27. Why Continuous Review (Large Diffs Hurts)
? Large diffs won¨t get reviewed
? Reverting large diffs is hard
? Rebasing/merging large diffs is error-prone
Code review statistics: http://blogs.atlassian.com/2011/07/creating_optimal_reviews/
30. Code Review Page
? Code statistics
? CI test results
? Review discussion &
33. Hello, about me ´
DevOps Evangelist
QA Architect
Bryan Liu 犒
34. ? trunkbaseddevelopment.com
? trunk-based development, Paul Hammant
? Facebook's Trunk-Based Development, Paul Hammant
? Branch by Abstraction, Martin Fowler
? Feature Toggles, martinfowler.com
? Category King, J. Van Grove and Play Bigger
? The Death of Continuous Integration, Steve Smith
? And many links inside each slide deck ~