This document summarizes a study on the latency of developers to adopt the latest releases of Maven libraries in their projects.
The study analyzed over 188,000 dependency relationships between 6,374 software systems and 5,146 libraries from Maven data between 2005-2013. It found that initially, around 40% of dependencies adopted older library releases rather than the latest (latent adoption). However, over time more projects adopted the trusted latest releases, with around 80% doing so for newly introduced dependencies.
The research aims to understand how much latent adoption exists, and the current trends in how much developers trust library updates. It categorizes dependencies as either trusted or latent adoptions to analyze adoption trends over time.
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1. Trust of a Library:
A Study of the Latency to Adopt the Latest Maven Release
Raula Gaikovina Kula,DanielGerman,TakashiIshio, KatsuroInoue
Osaka University, Japan
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5. If, Whenand What toupdate??
Asthe systemevolves,
At the sametime
Updatesto fixbugs andnew
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6. SystemMaintainers arewarybeings
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SystemMaintainer needsto
decide`if,`whenand`what to
But any changesmaydisrupt dependencies:aka
Our previouswork+relatedworkssuggestsbreaking changesand systemsstillusing olderversions
7. NotionofTrust asametric
Trusted Adoption: When the latest adoption isadopted
Latent Adoption: When previous releases are adopted
8/31/2021 7
Assistwith the `if,`whenand
`what toupdate questions
8. Fourtypesoftrust
1. Do exactly what it says
Functional and non-functionalspecification
Major: Minor: Patch (SemVer)
API Documentation
2. Play with others
Volatile to currentsystemenvironment
Incompatibilitieswith otherlibrary transitiveand non-transitivedependencies
(Example: asm backward compatibility)
8/31/2021 8
9. Fourtypesoftrust
3. Prior Engagements
Loyalty to a releaseversionbasedon previousexperiences.
Wary of othernew librariesand rather stick to familiar libraries
4. Tried and tested
Common beliefthat thelatestreleasemay contain untestedbugs.
Prefertoadopt releaseversions1 or 2 releasesbehindthelatest.
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10. GuidingResearch Questions forthis study
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1. How much latent adoption exists?
2. What isthe current trend of maintainers trust?
16. BacktoRQs
8/31/2021 16
1. How much latent adoption exists?
It is common, almost40%at initialconceptionascomparedto introduced.
2. What isthe current trend of maintainers trust?
Over time, maintainersaremore inclinedto adoptthe latestrelease(trusteddependency