The document announces Bandfest 2013, which will feature original compositions based on themes from novels. Students are asked to select a novel, identify a theme, and write lyrics, melody, and music to create an original song conveying the theme. The song should have a title, two stanzas, one chorus, and optionally one refrain. Chord progression and melody must fit the lyrics. The completed song should be acoustic and original composition based on the selected novel theme. The event will take place on October 25, 2013 from 10am to 11:50am in the high school music hall.
16. 1.Select a novel from the
selection and a theme from it
that you largely identify with.
2.Write lyrics that conveys your
message reflecting the novels
17. a. Song title
b.Two stanzas
c. One chorus
d.One refrain (optional)
18. 3.Come up with a chord
4.Fit a melody with the lyrics
into the chord progression.
5.Put the lyrics into the