This document discusses multitasking virtual machines (MVM) on real devices. It describes a joint project between Samsung Electronics and Sun Microsystems to deploy MVM based on Sun's JWC1.1.3. The document outlines concepts like tasks and isolates in the configuration level, and foreground and background states and resource management in the profile level. It provides guidelines for developing MIDlets in an MVM environment and ensuring multitasking safety. The overall goal is to allow running multiple applications simultaneously on devices for a better user experience.
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Ts 3742
1. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 |
Dancing While Gaming
Multitasking VMs (MVM)
on Real Devices
Jae Hyou Lee Yaniv Shani
Samsung Electronics Sun Microsystems, Inc.
2. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 2
Deeper understanding of Multitasking
VM implementation on real devices
3. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 3
Project Highlights
A joint collaboration between Samsung
Electronics and Sun Microsystems
MVM deployment is based on Suns JWC1.1.3
Deploying most of the MSA JSRs
Tested with hundreds of games and
applications from leading content providers
4. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 4
MVM overview
MVM in the configuration level
MVM in the profile level
The Foreground and Background state
Resource management
Multitasking safety
MIDlets in MVM environment
5. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 5
MVM overview
MVM in the configuration level
MVM in the profile level
The Foreground and Background state
Resource management
Multitasking safety
MIDlets in MVM environment
6. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 6
What Is MVM?
Running multiple applications simultaneously
Java is always on
Favorite applications instantly available
MP3 Playing
7. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 7
MVM Conceptual View
Device H/W
Operating System
Native JVM Task
Configuration Level
Profile Level
Multitasking Safety
Isolation Model
Deployment Guidelines
Legacy Content
New App States
User Experience
Resource Policies
8. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 8
MVM overview
MVM in the configuration level
MVM in the profile level
The Foreground and Background state
Resource management
Multitasking safety
MIDlets in MVM environment
9. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 9
Isolates and Tasks
Each application runs in its own logical Java
Virtual Machine, called an Isolate.
Within the JVM, each isolate is represented
as a Task. A task consists of one more Java
thread of execution.
10. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 10
More on Tasks
All tasks execute in the same single OS
task context
All tasks share:
Constant data structure
Runtime support functions
Each task encapsulates non-sharable
program state
11. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 11
Implementation Details
Each task has a separate, private copy of the static
variables of all the loaded Java classes
Static variables are only global to all threads within
a particular task
Static Variable
class A {
public static int count;
Task 1
class A {
public static int count;
task 2
Each task maintains a
private copy of count
The Class representation
is shared
12. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 12
Implementation Details
class A {
public static synchronized int open();
Synchronization has to be task private
Threads in one task cannot block threads in another task
Task 1 Task 2
Blocking Threads Across
Tasks Isnt Allowed
13. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 13
Resource Management
The JVM is responsible for CPU time and
memory resources in order to ensure that all
tasks get their fair share
Other resources, such as network bandwidth
and communication ports are managed by
the profile layer
14. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 14
Resource ManagementScheduling
Tasks and thread are
scheduled by the JVM
Fair scheduling algorithm is
used for task scheduling in
order to prevent one task
from taking disproportionate
CPU time
The Isolate class offers a
set of APIs to modify the
priority levels for each task
Task 2
Task 1
15. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 15
Resource ManagementMemory
All tasks allocations are conducted from the
same global heap region
The virtual machine has a bookkeeping
mechanism that accounts for each task total
heap memory consumption
The JVM injects OutOfMemoryError as needed to
inform tasks that heap space has become scarce
16. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 16
MVM overview
MVM in the configuration level
MVM in the profile level
The Foreground and Background state
Resource management
Multitasking safety
MIDlets in MVM environment
17. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 17
New MIDlet State in MVM
An application is said to be in the Foreground when:
Its displayable controls the display
It handles event from the user input mechanism
Only one MIDlet can execute in the Foreground at a time
Foreground MIDlet
18. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 18
New MIDlet State in MVM
Background MIDlet
An application is in the Background when:
Its displayable does not control the display
It does not handle the user inputs mechanism
Zero or more MIDlets can execute in the Background
at a time
19. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 19
The Application Manager
A resident MIDIet
Executed from power on
Lists the running applications
A fast way to switch between
running MIDlets
Display background
MIDIets alerts
20. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 20
Switching a MIDlet to the
Background (1/3)
Upon a short Hot key press the foreground MIDlet
will be placed in the background and main device
menu will be displayed
Short Hot Key Press
Short Hot Key
21. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 21
Switching a MIDlet to the
Background (2/3)
Upon a long Hot key press the foreground MIDlet
will be placed in the background and the Application
manager dialog will be displayed
Long Hot Key
Long Hot Key
22. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 22
Switching a MIDlet to the
Background (3/3)
Invoking Display.setCurrent(null)
Upon calling setCurrent(null) the MIDlet will be placed
in the background and the idle screen of the device
will be displayed
23. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 23
Interrupting the User
Background MIDlet calls Display.setCurrent(alert)
Background MIDlet tries to access a protected API
and a security dialog is prompted
Noteworthy event occurred in the background
e.g., Incoming IM while playing a game
25. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 25
MVM overview
MVM in the configuration level
MVM in the profile level
The Foreground and Background state
Resource management
Multitasking safety
MIDlets in MVM environment
26. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 26
Managing Resources
In a single-tasking environment, the MIDlet
has access to all of the available resources
In a multitasking environment, MIDlets have
to compete for available resources
27. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 27
Managing Resources
Fixed partition
Open for competition
Special cases
28. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 28
Resource Management Mechanisms
A reservation mechanism sets aside a
certain amount of a resource for a MIDlet
and keeps it available for that MIDlet and
that MIDlet alone
29. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 29
Resource Management Mechanisms
A quota mechanism permits a MIDlet to allocate
up to a certain amount of a resource; if the
MIDlet attempts to allocate more resources than
its quota, the attempt fails, even if resources are
actually available on the system
30. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 30
Resource Management Mechanisms
The system can revoke a resource from a
MIDlet and give it to another MIDlet
Resource revocation examples:
CPU cycles
Display access
Audio playback
Resource revocation doesnt always have a
dramatic effect on the MIDlets execution
31. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 31
Resource Management Policies
Initial amount of resources are reserved
before MIDlet launch
Resource availability validation during
MIDlets startup
Ensure consistent MIDlet behavior
Fixed Partition
32. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 32
Resource Management Policies
No reservation
Resource are acquired and reclaimed at runtime
May lead to unpredictable behavior
Open for Competition
33. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 33
Special Resource
Management Policies
Only the Foreground can access the LCD
display and receive key inputs events
The current displayable of a Background
MIDlet is still updated
Note: vibrate() ,flashBacklight() and tone
playing arent honored when invoked from
a Background MIDlet
LCD Display
34. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 34
Sound (1/2)
Special Resource
Management Policies
Foreground MIDlets are assigned physical player that
can access the audio device resource
Background MIDlets are assigned a logical player that
only maintains the audio state
Upon foreground switch the player state is changed
Logical Player
Physical Player
Logical Player
Physical Player
35. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 35
Special Resource
Management Policies
Unique JAD file property to lock audio resources
Allows a background MIDlet to be audible
Useful for media players (e.g., the MP3 player,
radio, etc.)
Sound (2/2)
Logical Player
Physical Player
Logical Player
Physical Player
36. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 36
A Full Resource Policy Matrix
Fixed Open Special
Memory X X
File Descriptor X X
Socket X X
Display X
Sound X X
Bluetooth X
Location X
37. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 37
Guidelines for Resource
Policy Selection
Resource policy definition relies on the
underlying platform capabilities and
Fixed partition policy should be used for
fundamental resources that are required by
the majority of the applications (e.g., memory,
file, socket)
Open policy should be used resources that are
used by specific MIDlets and have limited
availability (e.g., Bluetooth, location)
Display and sound requires special handling
39. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 39
MVM overview
MVM in the configuration level
MVM in the profile level
The Foreground and Background state
Resource management
Multitasking safety
MIDlets in MVM environment
40. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 40
Multitasking Safety
The native JVM task can run native code for
any task, hence the code must be made
aware of the task on whose behalf it is being
called and possibly allocating resources
When the task context is established, the
code is considered multitasking safe
Suns JWC software is multitasking safe
41. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 41
Multitasking Safety
Implementation Guidelines
In some cases a deployment of a profile to MVM
environment requires additional development in order
that the profile will execute properly
Blocking Threads Across
Tasks Isnt Allowed
42. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 42
Multitasking Safety
At Java level, each task has a separate, private
copy of the static variables of all the loaded Java
This is handled internally by the MVM
Native code often has global data
Native data is shared across all tasks!
Global native data needs to be replicated for
each task
Held as a field of a Java object
Proper handling for singleton depends on whether
it is meant be used on a per-task basis (the default
behavior for MVM), or by the entire system
Static and Global Variable
43. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 43
MVM overview
MVM in the configuration level
MVM in the profile level
The Foreground and Background state
Resource management
Multitasking safety
MIDlets in MVM environment
44. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 44
MIDlet Guidelines
MIDlets developed on top of Canvas class will
receive the following notifications:
Canvas.hideNotify(): When switching to background
Canvas.showNotify(): When returning to foreground
MIDP2.0 spec. doesnt offer APIs for MIDlet that
doesnt use the Canvas class facilities
MIDlet State Detection
45. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 45
MIDlet Guidelines
Switching to background does not pause a
MIDlet by default
Legacy content handling
Some MIDlets (e.g., legacy games) will not run
correctly in the background
A new JADfile property can request that the MIDlet
be paused when switched to background
In the Background, Am I Paused?
46. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 46
MIDlet State Detection
Most of the games should be suspended in
Player may be inadvertently killed
Free up resource that arent in use
No need to continue painting when nobody sees
the results
Make sure to attract the users attention when
something interesting happens in the
How to Behave While Executing in Background?
47. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 47
MIDlet Guidelines
Return resources when you are done with
them, dont wait for destroyApp()
Expect and detect failures in resource
Help the users to overcome resource
acquisition failure
Expect to see new JAD file properties for
resource policy indication (heap size, special
sound policy, etc.)
Resource Awareness
48. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 48
Boot-time MIDlets
Launch in the background at boot time
Bring to foreground upon arrival of
incoming event
MMS, SMS, IM, Mail clients
Stock, weather, news
49. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 49
MVM in the configuration level:
Isolation Model
JVM executes in a single native task context
MVM in the profile level
Foreground and Background state
Resource management and policy
User experience
Multitasking safety
MIDlets in MVM environment
50. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 | 50
MVM overview
MVM in the configuration level
MVM in the profile level
The Foreground and Background state
Resource management
Multitasking safety
MIDlets in MVM environment
52. 2006 JavaOneSM
Conference | Session TS-3742 |
Dancing While Gaming
Multitasking VMs (MVM)
on Real Devices
Jae Hyou Lee Yaniv Shani
Samsung Electronics Sun Microsystems, Inc.